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100 original PLANETs
+o illogic
cut here
bitch. the deadline is approaching, i gonna zip my stuff right now and email
it to phlare.. im 17 years old and i defenitely HAVE a live beside the
scene, even if you ill kids only see 9 bytes saying outraider..
R espect to sargahd and mean scheme.
R equests: outraider@mail.indiago.de
dfuse, illogic, jeepee, mr4tune, exulted, kelthar, ezy, phobiuh, wator,
oolite, drynwhyl, phlare, shaft, scope, nail, dflow, caynan, poti, ave,
shaitan, kyp, shadow, paratoxic, haze, helterskelter, lo!, dkl, gunman,
bisounours.. err
i just remembered what hal said about greetings and stuff.. and he
is right. ill stop that. phear.
or S
100 original PLANETs
+o illogic
cut here
bitch. the deadline is approaching, i gonna zip my stuff right now and email
it to phlare.. im 17 years old and i defenitely HAVE a live beside the
scene, even if you ill kids only see 9 bytes saying outraider..
R espect to sargahd and mean scheme.
R equests: outraider@mail.indiago.de
dfuse, illogic, jeepee, mr4tune, exulted, kelthar, ezy, phobiuh, wator,
oolite, drynwhyl, phlare, shaft, scope, nail, dflow, caynan, poti, ave,
shaitan, kyp, shadow, paratoxic, haze, helterskelter, lo!, dkl, gunman,
bisounours.. err
i just remembered what hal said about greetings and stuff.. and he
is right. ill stop that. phear.
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