this image contains text
-- -/: - - dkl /-- - / - - -- -
s h a d e : : // :
i 9 9 7 :.. . .. :/. .. . .........
i :
NO lame ami/x colors, NO lame eLITE- / - -- :....:
typing, just nice and fucked up art. shd /
So, there another two months went by. The merge was fucked from the beginning,
so the merge was cancelled, no big surprise. Anyway, I move on, and Im still
in Shade, even if I should have been in an ascii-only-group yeah right.
Shade is probably the only group which supports all types of art, and that is
special for the scene nowadays. I wont start babbling about how much the
scene sucks though, because it dont. Big fuck-yous to any pathetic looser
who think it does. Just had to clear my throat. Anyway, this cluster is
fucked. Two days before I was going to send my work to Phlare, I managed to
delete the file with my asciis, containing about 15 logos. So, in the last
two days Ive been drawing like a madman, and this is the result. Anyway,
enjoy what I have, if you dont, I dont care. I think I managed to fuck up my
logos very nicely this month, if you dont like my crazy style, and want some-
thing nice and clean, go somewhere else.
Now, Ive managed to talk quite a lot of bullshit, and I actually used about
15 lines on it, so lets finish. Requests should go to tbakkevi@sn.no, dkl on
irc in shade and ansi, or at my board, Slam City at +47-22509492.
Ok, Ill give some greets this time too:
Senile, Vermin, Joda, Pyx, Tryzix, React, Tektronix, Xpozed, Misty, Rexazy,
Slash, rest of the Norwegian art-scene, Rex, Phlare, Dfuck, Kelthar, Ize,
Outraider, Discofunk, Mice, Wave, Ezy, Aspnsis, Noah, Phane, Strode, and all
the others, hope I didnt forget anyone.
Special greet to Hash, drinking and playing with computer are both cool
things to do, but not at the same time. Have fun.
Ok, thats all, hope youve had a nice time reading it erhh.
-darklord, shAde97
Wow, not bad, 26 lines of bullshit + this one :
--- none ----------- separator ------------ heat ---
// stinking heat-logo, use it!
dkl / /
--- wave ----------- separator --------- funfair ---
. n a i r
f /: u : / / : / : //
ey3 r0ck th3 p4rty / dkl / /
-m: w4v3 / bl3nd suckers, wouldnt merge :
--- hybris --------- separator -------- spacebar ---
/: // :/ /: /: /. spacebar
/ . : ./ +o hybris
dkl - - / / sHade /
norways definitely best scene-music board
--didnt make the Bar part.. because.. because.. errh..
--- rex/ize -------- separator --------- prevail ---
: : // : // : / pr : ..:......:
: // :/ / : /. / ev : ./. :
/ - :// / . ai / // :
/ . / - - - --: - l - - /
- - /shd / / !
// darklord
p R e v a i l //
- ---- /--------- rex // ize ------------ /---- -
this is the most fucked ascii ive ever done : still its kind of cool.
the V is the huge thing back there, ok ?!?!
--- outraider ------ separator ------------ hoax ---
. / shd . ...... .
: : / : / : : hOax
dkl .: : / : / :....:... +o out i
--- equinox -------- separator -------- euphoria ---
: / - - dkl / .....:..........
: : .: eQuinox is the op of : //. : / :
:...:.: this leet juarez : : /: / :
:... board, he is also - - -- - --/ - / :// / - - ..:
....: gay, pay 100 , // - - // - -
: get warez-cd AND a night with eQuinox / sHd /
--- the end -------- separator -------- darkleet ---
Guess thats all, a few logos are not here, due to the deletion of my old
file, those include: Session, Midnight, Download, Spidy. They will probably
be done for the next pack, if I dont fuck up again.
I think I must have used the word fuck 300 times, ghee, I sure am eleet.
-darkleet tbakkevi@sn.no.
s h a d e : : // :
i 9 9 7 :.. . .. :/. .. . .........
i :
NO lame ami/x colors, NO lame eLITE- / - -- :....:
typing, just nice and fucked up art. shd /
So, there another two months went by. The merge was fucked from the beginning,
so the merge was cancelled, no big surprise. Anyway, I move on, and Im still
in Shade, even if I should have been in an ascii-only-group yeah right.
Shade is probably the only group which supports all types of art, and that is
special for the scene nowadays. I wont start babbling about how much the
scene sucks though, because it dont. Big fuck-yous to any pathetic looser
who think it does. Just had to clear my throat. Anyway, this cluster is
fucked. Two days before I was going to send my work to Phlare, I managed to
delete the file with my asciis, containing about 15 logos. So, in the last
two days Ive been drawing like a madman, and this is the result. Anyway,
enjoy what I have, if you dont, I dont care. I think I managed to fuck up my
logos very nicely this month, if you dont like my crazy style, and want some-
thing nice and clean, go somewhere else.
Now, Ive managed to talk quite a lot of bullshit, and I actually used about
15 lines on it, so lets finish. Requests should go to tbakkevi@sn.no, dkl on
irc in shade and ansi, or at my board, Slam City at +47-22509492.
Ok, Ill give some greets this time too:
Senile, Vermin, Joda, Pyx, Tryzix, React, Tektronix, Xpozed, Misty, Rexazy,
Slash, rest of the Norwegian art-scene, Rex, Phlare, Dfuck, Kelthar, Ize,
Outraider, Discofunk, Mice, Wave, Ezy, Aspnsis, Noah, Phane, Strode, and all
the others, hope I didnt forget anyone.
Special greet to Hash, drinking and playing with computer are both cool
things to do, but not at the same time. Have fun.
Ok, thats all, hope youve had a nice time reading it erhh.
-darklord, shAde97
Wow, not bad, 26 lines of bullshit + this one :
--- none ----------- separator ------------ heat ---
// stinking heat-logo, use it!
dkl / /
--- wave ----------- separator --------- funfair ---
. n a i r
f /: u : / / : / : //
ey3 r0ck th3 p4rty / dkl / /
-m: w4v3 / bl3nd suckers, wouldnt merge :
--- hybris --------- separator -------- spacebar ---
/: // :/ /: /: /. spacebar
/ . : ./ +o hybris
dkl - - / / sHade /
norways definitely best scene-music board
--didnt make the Bar part.. because.. because.. errh..
--- rex/ize -------- separator --------- prevail ---
: : // : // : / pr : ..:......:
: // :/ / : /. / ev : ./. :
/ - :// / . ai / // :
/ . / - - - --: - l - - /
- - /shd / / !
// darklord
p R e v a i l //
- ---- /--------- rex // ize ------------ /---- -
this is the most fucked ascii ive ever done : still its kind of cool.
the V is the huge thing back there, ok ?!?!
--- outraider ------ separator ------------ hoax ---
. / shd . ...... .
: : / : / : : hOax
dkl .: : / : / :....:... +o out i
--- equinox -------- separator -------- euphoria ---
: / - - dkl / .....:..........
: : .: eQuinox is the op of : //. : / :
:...:.: this leet juarez : : /: / :
:... board, he is also - - -- - --/ - / :// / - - ..:
....: gay, pay 100 , // - - // - -
: get warez-cd AND a night with eQuinox / sHd /
--- the end -------- separator -------- darkleet ---
Guess thats all, a few logos are not here, due to the deletion of my old
file, those include: Session, Midnight, Download, Spidy. They will probably
be done for the next pack, if I dont fuck up again.
I think I must have used the word fuck 300 times, ghee, I sure am eleet.
-darkleet tbakkevi@sn.no.
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