this image contains text
: //.: :: //: /: // dkl
s h 4 d 3 !
This is my first release with Shade, and I was flattered when they asked me
to join. I will still be doing newschool/ansi in Bamboosh, though all my
oldschool will be found in the Shade packs. Some of these art-pieces are good,
some arent. Im still improving, so be patient :
A special greet goes to Senile, who must be Norways best logo-artist at the
moment, I dont know where youll find his work, cause Halo is dead, and he
hasnt joined any other groups as far as I know, Senile: join Bmb or Shade :
Other greets fly out to: Pyx, Phobic, Dreamer, Intellius, React, Tektronix,
Xerobe, Id X, Kelthar, Phlare, Jinx, Darkmind,
Rexazy and Grimmy + all Norwegian ansi-artists.
To contact me e-mail tbakkevi@sn.no or call my board Slam City +47-22509492.
I like trades, but Ill do ascii for free if youre eleet :
-darklord / shade.bamboosh
Let the show begin ...
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Nuclear Inferno+-------
...: n u c l 3 4 r :...
: / dkl.shd // : /
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Darktrooper +-------
dkl.shd //
d 4 r k t r 0 0 p 3 r
------+Bloodlust +--------------------------------+Dead On Time +-------
/: /. : . . . /: /. . infoinfoinfo
/ /dkl.shd/ /
------+Darklord +--------------------------------+Slam City +-------
. slam.city +47- // // // //
: 22509492 .: /: //. /: / //.
my board : //: : //: / :
/dkl shd / /
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Food diz +-------
. /dkl
eleet food diz by dkl.shade :
------+None +--------------------------------+Oops!ascii +-------
- ---------:-- : // /: // /: / --:----dkl--- -
: oOPs!aSCii :
------+Rexazy +--------------------------------+Digital Motion +-------
.,---.,---. dklshd.,---.,----.
------+Spidy +--------------------------------+Extreme Copy +-------
- - - / dkl.shd/ ---- // -------- /-
e X t r e m e c o p y
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Eternal Damnati+-------
dkl : //: // : //: //: /: /: / shd
e ter n al da mna t io n
s yso p: da vid i an or something
-------------------------------- the end -----------------------------------
This is all I had time to do this time, I have a lot of other requests too,
which I havent had time to do. Im kinda busy nowadays, because for once Im
trying to get good marks in school : If you have a request that I havent
done yet, please mail me and tell, Im not sure which ones I havent done.
If you want to make a new request I can be reached at my own board Slam City,
give it a call even if you dont have a request, the is +47-22509492, the
other way to reach me is to e-mail me at tbakkevi@sn.no, you may also find me
on irc as dkl in ansi, shade and bamboosh. Guess thats all, enjoy the pack
and make sure to apply if youre good enough!
--darklord - bamboosh/shade
Logo cluster stats:
Number of logos: 10
Number of lines: 162
thats all folks!
s h 4 d 3 !
This is my first release with Shade, and I was flattered when they asked me
to join. I will still be doing newschool/ansi in Bamboosh, though all my
oldschool will be found in the Shade packs. Some of these art-pieces are good,
some arent. Im still improving, so be patient :
A special greet goes to Senile, who must be Norways best logo-artist at the
moment, I dont know where youll find his work, cause Halo is dead, and he
hasnt joined any other groups as far as I know, Senile: join Bmb or Shade :
Other greets fly out to: Pyx, Phobic, Dreamer, Intellius, React, Tektronix,
Xerobe, Id X, Kelthar, Phlare, Jinx, Darkmind,
Rexazy and Grimmy + all Norwegian ansi-artists.
To contact me e-mail tbakkevi@sn.no or call my board Slam City +47-22509492.
I like trades, but Ill do ascii for free if youre eleet :
-darklord / shade.bamboosh
Let the show begin ...
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Nuclear Inferno+-------
...: n u c l 3 4 r :...
: / dkl.shd // : /
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Darktrooper +-------
dkl.shd //
d 4 r k t r 0 0 p 3 r
------+Bloodlust +--------------------------------+Dead On Time +-------
/: /. : . . . /: /. . infoinfoinfo
/ /dkl.shd/ /
------+Darklord +--------------------------------+Slam City +-------
. slam.city +47- // // // //
: 22509492 .: /: //. /: / //.
my board : //: : //: / :
/dkl shd / /
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Food diz +-------
. /dkl
eleet food diz by dkl.shade :
------+None +--------------------------------+Oops!ascii +-------
- ---------:-- : // /: // /: / --:----dkl--- -
: oOPs!aSCii :
------+Rexazy +--------------------------------+Digital Motion +-------
.,---.,---. dklshd.,---.,----.
------+Spidy +--------------------------------+Extreme Copy +-------
- - - / dkl.shd/ ---- // -------- /-
e X t r e m e c o p y
------+Darktrooper+--------------------------------+Eternal Damnati+-------
dkl : //: // : //: //: /: /: / shd
e ter n al da mna t io n
s yso p: da vid i an or something
-------------------------------- the end -----------------------------------
This is all I had time to do this time, I have a lot of other requests too,
which I havent had time to do. Im kinda busy nowadays, because for once Im
trying to get good marks in school : If you have a request that I havent
done yet, please mail me and tell, Im not sure which ones I havent done.
If you want to make a new request I can be reached at my own board Slam City,
give it a call even if you dont have a request, the is +47-22509492, the
other way to reach me is to e-mail me at tbakkevi@sn.no, you may also find me
on irc as dkl in ansi, shade and bamboosh. Guess thats all, enjoy the pack
and make sure to apply if youre good enough!
--darklord - bamboosh/shade
Logo cluster stats:
Number of logos: 10
Number of lines: 162
thats all folks!
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