this image contains text
s f c i n f o r m a t i o n name?!
Welcome to SFCs premier packet... I wanted to release it on the
first of January, but we couldnt make it... You wanna know how SFC began?
Here goes... I used to an active senior member of a local group called
LiD Lamers in Desguise... Well, we were all in the same area code so
we hung out a lot... One night, me and XanaX No longer a member thought
of making a hack and phreak division of LiD... Does that answer your
question about fine criminals? Well, I was thinking, it would kind of
be lame to be a small division of a small group, so I decided to go all
out and make SFC its own thing... After that, it just kinda went along...
We didnt have that many applicants our first month, and one of
the artists got busted for long distance, I still managed to throw a pack
together, well, i think its not all that great, but then again, its not
bad... First off, I gained Quixotic, who made our first app generator!
Then after that, Death addeR came along as a courier, and Dark Apprentice
from VOiD joined us also as a courier... After that a few of the other
people coming in were Flair, Deviation, and Monkey Boy... We are still
in need of many members... So, if you have any talents whatsoever, then
fill out the damn app and upload it to the World Hq, Projekt Insanity...
I want to get the official SFC Net started right away... Its
going to be completely art oriented... Right now, the name is Chronik
International... If you got any other ideas, let me know... I think
it will come out pretty good, it will be sfcs official net for the sake
of our communication, but any quality art boards are welcome to join
if interested...
Well, that about sums it up and I cant think of anything else
to write Props go out to Quixotic for the badass app generator...
Get off your lazy ass, and make a damn kewl viewer! DEFiANT, another
group in 8o5 that isnt a failer... YET Other last Words: I want
to make SFC a good group... So, if you can do something, then apply
damnit! I wanna hear what you think about this pack ok guys?? You
can reach me on my board... with tha badasss, best obv/2, ansi-
mation config on tha west syde! Projekt Insanity 8o5.834.51o5 ...
Lord Jazzs Huma! Or Eternal Insanity .. . .Thats just about it..
I hope to get some applicants this month... later on doods...
-- phatal! sfcmastah!
s f c i n f o r m a t i o n name?!
Welcome to SFCs premier packet... I wanted to release it on the
first of January, but we couldnt make it... You wanna know how SFC began?
Here goes... I used to an active senior member of a local group called
LiD Lamers in Desguise... Well, we were all in the same area code so
we hung out a lot... One night, me and XanaX No longer a member thought
of making a hack and phreak division of LiD... Does that answer your
question about fine criminals? Well, I was thinking, it would kind of
be lame to be a small division of a small group, so I decided to go all
out and make SFC its own thing... After that, it just kinda went along...
We didnt have that many applicants our first month, and one of
the artists got busted for long distance, I still managed to throw a pack
together, well, i think its not all that great, but then again, its not
bad... First off, I gained Quixotic, who made our first app generator!
Then after that, Death addeR came along as a courier, and Dark Apprentice
from VOiD joined us also as a courier... After that a few of the other
people coming in were Flair, Deviation, and Monkey Boy... We are still
in need of many members... So, if you have any talents whatsoever, then
fill out the damn app and upload it to the World Hq, Projekt Insanity...
I want to get the official SFC Net started right away... Its
going to be completely art oriented... Right now, the name is Chronik
International... If you got any other ideas, let me know... I think
it will come out pretty good, it will be sfcs official net for the sake
of our communication, but any quality art boards are welcome to join
if interested...
Well, that about sums it up and I cant think of anything else
to write Props go out to Quixotic for the badass app generator...
Get off your lazy ass, and make a damn kewl viewer! DEFiANT, another
group in 8o5 that isnt a failer... YET Other last Words: I want
to make SFC a good group... So, if you can do something, then apply
damnit! I wanna hear what you think about this pack ok guys?? You
can reach me on my board... with tha badasss, best obv/2, ansi-
mation config on tha west syde! Projekt Insanity 8o5.834.51o5 ...
Lord Jazzs Huma! Or Eternal Insanity .. . .Thats just about it..
I hope to get some applicants this month... later on doods...
-- phatal! sfcmastah!
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