this image contains text
s T i M P y - inflicted/shaolins ansi/ascii artiste
Happy birthday SHAO!!!! *hooray* *cheer* *birthday cake for all to eat!* *yay*
*chomp*.. anyway, welcome to shao 12... i have come to you today with a colly of art for a certain group, named demize, they are a bbs modding group i am
apart of, so i was told to do art for the nfo/diz/app.gen, that kinda stuff...
and here it is!!! it is a bit repetative, but we are trying to set a standard
look, not a different logo every release!
REQUEST!@ - stimpy@mailexcite.com - digital utopia - midian - games univ.
title: demize nfo file for : berzerk requested : yep!
Scccc. Scccc. Sccc. .ccccS Scccc.
. Sc. . Sc. . Sc. Sc. .cS. . Sc.
. . . . : . . cccccc .i: : .
: . .: :.:cccc . . .: .cccccIii :.:cccc
: . .: i:.sT :.: :. .:: . i:.sT
i.: .:i Iii .cS : :: :i : . .cS Iii .cS
Ii: :iI IiI : ii i iiI :.: . .: IiI :
Ii iI I .:i IiI iIi iII i: .: I .:i
.ciI c:iI II Iiic c:iI
::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m o d d i n g !
. :::..........::::::..... i n f o r m a t i o n ::::::::::::::::....::.. /
. mod name : what you called it / software for : pcboard/iniquity? :
: mod version : version of mod version for : version of software / ,
: / mod author : your nick . :
mod type : oneliner? what? date created : xx/xx/98 :
: :::::::......:::::::.....:: m o d . i n f o ...:.....::::...:....::::.. .
: :::::::......:::::::.....::.. g r e e t z .....::....::::...:....:::: :
. :::..........::::::.....::.. m e m b e r s ::::::::::::::::::::....::.. /
: . f o u n d e r s :
. berzerk xxx email@address.here :
member.here xxx email@address.here :
m o d d e r s :
: berzerk head.pcb xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
. . sTiMPy head.inq sti stimpy@mailexcite.com pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth .
member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: to join our wonderful and talented band of bbs modders, contact either :
: berzerk or sTiMPy by e-mail. we accept all types of modders, send an :
: example of your work, with the app form. :
::::::::::::::: : logo/nfo created by sTiMPy shaodemize updated xx/xx/98 ::
title: demize fileid.diz for : berzerk requested : yep!
modification.name.here by modder!
Scccc. Scccc. Scccc. .
. . . . cc .:
:. . : ccccccc .
. : .: . :. cccc :
. i i : : : :
:.. .:::::.:::::.:::....:::::sT
:::: demizebbsmodding.1998 :.::
:: description of modification ::
:: goes in this little box hre :.
:: try to make this look neat ::
.: and not go over the spaces :
:: near the edge of the border
::::::::::::::::::: : dd/mm/98
title: demize app.gen main menu for : berzerk requested : yep!
Scccc. Scccc. Sccc. .ccccS Scccc.
. Sc. . Sc. . Sc. Sc. .cS. . Sc.
. . . . : . . cccccc .i: : .
: . .: :.:cccc . . .: .cccccIii :.:cccc
: . .: i:.sT :.: :. .:: . i:.sT
i.: .:i Iii .cS : :: :i : . .cS Iii .cS
Ii: :iI IiI : ii i iiI :.: . .: IiI :
Ii iI I .:i IiI iIi iII i: .: I .:i
.ciI c:iI II Iiic c:iI
::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m o d d i n g !
:::::::: ::::: sT
:::: demize.bbs.moddingapplication.generator :::::
:: a p p l y . a s . m o d d e r ::
::. a p p l y . a s . d i s t r o .::
::::.. q u i t . a p p . g e n ! ..::::
demize.modding.application.generator - by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx main.menu
::: the.end.is.here! - c sTiMPy 1998, all rights reserved, unauthorised
reproduction strictly prohibited... you rip, you
155.lines!! will suffer the pain...
s T i M P y - inflicted/shaolins ansi/ascii artiste
Happy birthday SHAO!!!! *hooray* *cheer* *birthday cake for all to eat!* *yay*
*chomp*.. anyway, welcome to shao 12... i have come to you today with a colly of art for a certain group, named demize, they are a bbs modding group i am
apart of, so i was told to do art for the nfo/diz/app.gen, that kinda stuff...
and here it is!!! it is a bit repetative, but we are trying to set a standard
look, not a different logo every release!
REQUEST!@ - stimpy@mailexcite.com - digital utopia - midian - games univ.
title: demize nfo file for : berzerk requested : yep!
Scccc. Scccc. Sccc. .ccccS Scccc.
. Sc. . Sc. . Sc. Sc. .cS. . Sc.
. . . . : . . cccccc .i: : .
: . .: :.:cccc . . .: .cccccIii :.:cccc
: . .: i:.sT :.: :. .:: . i:.sT
i.: .:i Iii .cS : :: :i : . .cS Iii .cS
Ii: :iI IiI : ii i iiI :.: . .: IiI :
Ii iI I .:i IiI iIi iII i: .: I .:i
.ciI c:iI II Iiic c:iI
::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m o d d i n g !
. :::..........::::::..... i n f o r m a t i o n ::::::::::::::::....::.. /
. mod name : what you called it / software for : pcboard/iniquity? :
: mod version : version of mod version for : version of software / ,
: / mod author : your nick . :
mod type : oneliner? what? date created : xx/xx/98 :
: :::::::......:::::::.....:: m o d . i n f o ...:.....::::...:....::::.. .
: :::::::......:::::::.....::.. g r e e t z .....::....::::...:....:::: :
. :::..........::::::.....::.. m e m b e r s ::::::::::::::::::::....::.. /
: . f o u n d e r s :
. berzerk xxx email@address.here :
member.here xxx email@address.here :
m o d d e r s :
: berzerk head.pcb xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
. . sTiMPy head.inq sti stimpy@mailexcite.com pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth .
member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: member.here xxx email@address.here pcb/iniq/ra/pro/oth :
: to join our wonderful and talented band of bbs modders, contact either :
: berzerk or sTiMPy by e-mail. we accept all types of modders, send an :
: example of your work, with the app form. :
::::::::::::::: : logo/nfo created by sTiMPy shaodemize updated xx/xx/98 ::
title: demize fileid.diz for : berzerk requested : yep!
modification.name.here by modder!
Scccc. Scccc. Scccc. .
. . . . cc .:
:. . : ccccccc .
. : .: . :. cccc :
. i i : : : :
:.. .:::::.:::::.:::....:::::sT
:::: demizebbsmodding.1998 :.::
:: description of modification ::
:: goes in this little box hre :.
:: try to make this look neat ::
.: and not go over the spaces :
:: near the edge of the border
::::::::::::::::::: : dd/mm/98
title: demize app.gen main menu for : berzerk requested : yep!
Scccc. Scccc. Sccc. .ccccS Scccc.
. Sc. . Sc. . Sc. Sc. .cS. . Sc.
. . . . : . . cccccc .i: : .
: . .: :.:cccc . . .: .cccccIii :.:cccc
: . .: i:.sT :.: :. .:: . i:.sT
i.: .:i Iii .cS : :: :i : . .cS Iii .cS
Ii: :iI IiI : ii i iiI :.: . .: IiI :
Ii iI I .:i IiI iIi iII i: .: I .:i
.ciI c:iI II Iiic c:iI
::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m o d d i n g !
:::::::: ::::: sT
:::: demize.bbs.moddingapplication.generator :::::
:: a p p l y . a s . m o d d e r ::
::. a p p l y . a s . d i s t r o .::
::::.. q u i t . a p p . g e n ! ..::::
demize.modding.application.generator - by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx main.menu
::: the.end.is.here! - c sTiMPy 1998, all rights reserved, unauthorised
reproduction strictly prohibited... you rip, you
155.lines!! will suffer the pain...
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