this image contains text
---none of this afs.com shit... Its a damn PC ascii colly, so do it in REAL
PC text... edit.com with no afs, and in the USUAL 24 x 80 shiznitz......
its over 1000 1767lines, so dont view in aciddraw
You wanna antagonize me?
Antagonize me Mother Fucker
Get in the ring mother fucker
And Ill kick your bitchy little ass
-G Fn R
// it was the mid 80s.......
and all music
: w
: a
:........... a ............... /
: bit :......... :
: queer... they wore make-up and
: a
/ n
/ g
// in high pitched
/ v
/ o
the guitars screamed with
no talent....
and now...
t z e e n t c h - n u m b e r o n e s e r i a l
a senior member of
.. e :
/ / // / ./ / / r..:.
/ / i:.::
/ /a...:
// / // // // .... l:.
// / / / tn/
..:.. serial ascii ................ ...::... //
and a life long member of
...... the // :...... //
:.......... / / tn /
the pez brotherhood:. // //
/://.....: nightrain : blazemore : zippy : regulator :
: deathrai : suixide : tzeentch : k-spiff : eyeball :
l mephitopheles : joe babison : tank : goro : nightspot :
pez - friends after multiple cons and getting kicked out of just about
every mall here in Houston, we still kick some ass. Art-wise we are
dead, mostly because of nt and d haveing to go to court, but otherwise
well kick your ass.
brings it all back in a NEW SCHOOL colly entitled:
. . ..:..: oO / :.: :
/ / /Oo .
/ / / 00cOcK
...: / // / o rOcK!..
: / / / / / /Oo :
:..... .... . . . !BM/ .
Dont even try to deny it, you know you listened to it...
for you alterna-trendies who forgot what cock rock was, it
was the music of the 80s where pop and rock clashed, bringing
rock, make-up, gallons of hair-spray, and no talent together.
Examples of cock bands, or hair bands, are Poison, Motley Crue,
twisted sister, Dio, Guns N Roses some, Great White,
Cinderella, and Skid Row. I freely admit I listened to them,
and still do occasionally when I find all my tapes from back
then. A lot of the music was actually good, but the overall scene
died with the enterance of the Seattle scene. So now just sit back,
preferably with some great Poison : look what the cat dragged in
playing, and enjoy my ascii...
for requests, threats, bombings, e-mail:
and while youre at it, check out my page:
//- Why did I say an old-school colly earlier? because the
rest of the ascii scene has it all backwards. What they call
new-school is actually old-school and visa versa. Why do I say
this? because Lewis Caroll drew ascii in the 1800s when he wrote
Alice in Wonderland. I shit you not... just check out towards the
beginning when you read the mouse/rats tail. He writes it out, but
in the shape of a tail. THAT, my friend, was the first ascii, which
is closest to what is called new-school today. Therefore, it is old,
and hence old-school.
:. // / l / // :.:.
:..:. /bph // / .:... ..:...:
...:.... .....:. l .:...:
music : its great, and I listen to a damn . . lot of it... this is
/ a list of what I listened to as I worked out this colly here.
type O negative, liz phair, matchbox 20, dream theater, a lot of cock
rock tapes, dinosaur jr., the lost highway soundtrack, the suspects,
mu330, gravity kills, the cure, joy division, pink floyd, the
violent femmes And of course a whole lot more cock-rock.
brag : all 135 of my cds are always being rotated in my disc-changer,
so I listen to too many of them... woohooo
//l // / bphfire
: sargon : blazemore : computerman : exar kun : squish :
: zodiac : suixide : nightrain : k-spiff : meatpod :
: pyhrrus : mjay : ohseven : kresile : blindman : tk :
: phyrebrand : jim : regulator : drax : markgoh : zippy :
: c4nn : serial2n : d2rn : blkjack : lord nitrogen :
: pariah : tango : axb : eyeball : baphomet : nosanity :
: Pt : phobiuh : sagramore : mach 1 : phophet- :
: and special greets to those contributing art to this here colly...
-EYEball index ascii, orig was colored, but I had to un it
-Tango tzeentch logo, the other srl head of old-school ascii
-Blindman cock rock logo
-baphomet music header and greets header
-Squish ascii divider not one that is a damn page though...
EVERYTHING else is pure tzeentch ascii
Have you ever slept in school so:much that you got morning breath?
ss s y s s
yyssssyyssssysssssyy y
sssss yssy
yyy y y
,, ,,sssy,ssssy, ,
ss ss ss ss seye,.
what who for //
1 : motd :.........................: I forget :..................
2 : moslem :.......................: vingate :...................
: 3 : pa :...........................: I forget :.................. :
4 : mystical descent :.............: thunder :...................
. 5 : tawtl :........................: trenchie :.................. .
/ 6 : plastic heroes :...............: vintage :...................
: 7 : nerver believe :...............: phlash :....................
: ...8 : vintage :......................: sargon :.................... .
:.:.:9 : user list :....................: mark goh :..................
: 10: floon :........................: pinguino :..................
..: 11: trance induced :...............: c4nn :......................
:... 12: black hole :...................: iceman :.................... .
...:.13: tango :........................: tango :.....................
:..::14: s-market :.....................: radicator :................. .
...:15: serial ascii :.................: sargon :.................... :
: 16: urinal 3 :.....................: zippy and vintage :......... :
: 17: tripp productions :............: soop :...................... :.
:.. 18: angst :........................: exar kun joint :.......... :
: 19: iceman :.......................: iceman :.................... :
...: 20: black hole :...................: iceman :.................... :..
:..:.21: elenium :......................: tango :.........................:
....:22: spoof :........................: serial toon :...............: ...
:.:.:23: basic ascii guest appearance :.: blindman :..................:.:.:
: 24: apathy :.......................: dkentity :....................:...
: 25: divine intervention :..........: concisis :..................::...:
: 26: dark demension :...............: element :................... :..:
27: toast 704 :....................: aspinis :......................:
:. 28: 911 :..........................: phoman :....................:.. :.
..: 29: casino :.......................: midnight judge :..............:..:
: 30: the haven :....................: gdr :.........................:.
: 31: jU header :....................: sodom :........................:..
. 32: the seven eleven connection :..: lord nitro :................:..:.:
33: mystic :.......................: universe :.................. ..:
. 34: dem diz :......................: phlash :.....................:....
35: fusion :.......................: zodiac :....................:....:
. 36: crack tech 2000 :..............: infect :......................:...
. 37: aeon :.........................: squish :....................: :..:
: 38: puree diz :....................: squish :....................:...
: 39: poison :.......................: blackdawn :................. ..:
: 40: tzeentch :.....................: computer man ??? :........ :...
:..41: abandoned insurrection :.......: shadow runner :............../
/ 42: juice box dream :..............: clockwork :.................
Reach down your hand in you pocket now,
and pull out some hope for me
Its been a long day ........ . . .
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name motd :.:.:
reqd by I forget. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn !
: message :................:/ :// ..........:
:.....: of : the : day : :..../...........:
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name moslem :.:.:
reqd by vintage . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn/ / :
0o / / / //: o0 //
: m o s l e m :
it tied with whodinis ascii in vintage 2 or 3 for second place
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name pa :.:.:
reqd by I forget. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l :
l / /.........:
l i //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name mystical descent :.:.:
reqd by thunder . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.................... /tn.
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tawtl :.:.:
reqd by trenchie. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tawtl.... / // o /
// /Y
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name plastic heroes :.:.:
reqd by vintage . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ o I didnt finish...
/ went running with Cathy...
chichs over ascii man
-buzz, / / :
buzz / :
ansi plastic hero... . . . . . . . . .tn// //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name never believe :.:.:
reqd by phlash . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn/ / //
l /
/ put like commmands here .........
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name vintage :.:.:
reqd by sargon . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l // :
Y / /
TN-fukdupasc// // / :
0/ // / // / / / /
/: / vi
/ // //::: : nT : :::
ega /
.... vintage - THE old-school compo of fruit loops .... /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name user list :.:.:
reqd by markgoh . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
..... llll
tn/ / //
/:::::::// list...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name floon :.:.:
reqd by pinguino. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / / f
/ / / / /l
/ //o
tn : / o
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name trance induced :.:.:
reqd by c4nn . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / 101010
tn// /
/ trance induced / : :.....
opped by c4nn - rmrs, etc :.......:----------------//
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name black hole :.:.:
reqd by iceman . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
black / / /.
hole //
stats in here // tn/srlSS
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tango :.:.:
reqd by tango . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
put some shit in here... / /
. ... . .. . . /tnsrlasci
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name s-market :.:.:
reqd by radicator . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / /tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name serial ascii :.:.:
reqd by sargon . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.. e :
/ / // / ./ / / r..:.
/ / i:.::
/ /a...:
// / // // // .... l:.
// / / / tn/
..:.. serial ascii ................ ...::... //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name urinal 3 :.:.:
reqd by zippy and vintage . :
. :...................................: 42 .
*o0/* / / / / : ....:
jL / / ...:.............:...
...... tn
1 2 3 .......:......
urinal 3 ... opped by zippy ... /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tripp productions :.:.:
reqd by soop . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.t.r.i.p.p.+.p.r.o.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s...:.... // /
/ tnsrlSS
damn I hate fucking Ps... they suck
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name angst :.:.:
reqd by exarkun joint . :
. :...................................: 42 .
ok, exar and I sat down to do a joint...
exar-whoa! i cant read a letter, only the a
tzeentch heh
tzeentch you should see some of my other stuff...
*blabber removed*
exar- seriously, where are the other letters?
tzeentch ang
tzeentch s
tzeentch t
this was my first peice of shit ascii.... the a sucks, so I was hoping
exar could fix the whole thing and make it better.......
its what exar was talking about above
/ o0/ * /
uymmmm, redo the a becuase it sucks... and umm,m fuck with it
a lot... argh...
exar- can i do the starting one? no offense,
but yours is too hard for me to follow
tzeentch I understand... go for it...
in the end this came out...
/ / l:
:.......: .:. /ll :...:......:..
l :// :.....:
x: o o :x // //
,--- : m : --- /
. angst issue number XXX .. the blade internal news letter
/ // l
tzeentch : serial oS HEED exar : blade Os HEED
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name iceman :.:.:
reqd by iceman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
he wanted simple... he got simple...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name black hole :.:.:
reqd by iceman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
he said simple again
// / // o0 / /
tn:srl / / / /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name elenium :.:.:
reqd by tango . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ .....:.......:./ / J //
. . ...tn:::://.,..... . . . . ./
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name spoof :.:.:
reqd by serial toon . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name basic ascii guest :.:.:
reqd by blindman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
basic ascii... //..//.............. / .:::::.
. . . . . . .............:...............:.tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name apathy :.:.:
reqd by dkentity . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ ..........:. / // / tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name divine intervention :.:.:
reqd by concisis . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name dark dementions :.:.:
reqd by element . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ dark demensions :...........: / :..........: //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name toast 704 :.:.:
reqd by aspinis . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ tn/ : / /
toast 704 - owned by that absent guy. :
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name 911 :.:.:
reqd by phoman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
argh... no inspiration... it sucks my left goat nut
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name casino :.:.:
reqd by midnight judge . :
. :...................................: 42 .
: // : // / o0 ---- .: /
------- / / tn!
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name the haven :.:.:
reqd by gdr . :
. :...................................: 42 .
// / //tn:./
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name jU header :.:.:
reqd by sodom . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / info in here
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name seven eleven connect. :.:.:
reqd by lord nitro . :
. :...................................: 42 .
the // /
/ ... // ... / //tn
:: :: connection...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name mystic :.:.:
reqd by universe . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / // :tn//
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name demonic dem diz :.:.:
reqd by phlash . :
. :...................................: 42 .
// / /tn
/ info
infoinfoin/ ://info
put whatever info you need in the space given...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name fusion :.:.:
reqd by zodiac . :
. :...................................: 42 .
---------------------fusion/ //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name crack tech 2000 :.:.:
reqd by infect . :
. :...................................: 42 .
................:....// / /tmTNdammit
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name aeon :.:.:
reqd by squish . :
. :...................................: 42 .
aeon/ // / // /
---- - - - - /tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name puree diz :.:.:
reqd by squish . :
. :...................................: 42 .
: / / // tn//:
: /puree//presents :
: info shiznitz in here :
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name poison :.:.:
reqd by blackdawn . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn// / / /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tzeentch why??? :.:.:
reqd by computer man . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ tzeentch - srl senior... :...:.:.............................:
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name abandoned insurrection :.:.:
reqd by shadow runner . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.:: :::i // / /
/ i::: :::l / / / / /
l::: ::: // / // / / /
::..:: // // tn/
abandoned insurrection... damn thats a long board... :..:
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name juice box dream :.:.:
reqd by clockwork . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ tn // / /
// HigH.. :....:......... ... :
/ / C! : : ...:...:...:.:......: /
/ / ----.:......: : :...:...: :.... /---zzZZZzzZZZzZZZZ /
/ /::::juice box dreams//jL
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name the benediction :.:.:
reqd by . :
. :...................................: 42 .
There must be the third and last dance,
This one will last forever.
Love is the dance of Eternity
-Dream Theater Metropolis Part
One : the miracle and the sleeper
some words
wow, now that was a whole lot of ascii. The greets have already been
made previously, so they are not here. If you are reading this, than
you are a cool guy... Right now I am eating a Cherry Coke lolly-pop
thingy-thing. Props out to serial, ascii, ansi, and the greatest
IRC channel, mmmbop. Im pretty tired of ascii collies for now, so
Ill do individual reqs and vintage, but collies are kinda out of the
question now. Serial ascii will own you and kick your ass, which you
already know--- so sceck it.
Idnt it great how much school you can skip during finals week. Heck,
I went out to eat, and my teacher told me to bring her back a Frosty a
shake for you Wendys illiterate people. Crazy stuff happens man, so
be ready to make a stupid pun when it does. Also, sheck the rest of my
collies, caffiene, substance not that one, it sucks, Beauty lies in
the eyes, and I dont give a fuck.
The biggest fucking props go out to my local friends and our little
group pez. We may get another pack out, but it depends on the court
case with Nightrain and deathrai.
Im out fer now... so remember :Its Ok to kill your Idols, just
pretend you have no rivals...
-Holeyea, the Courtney Love thing
Carpe Diem,
+tzeentch tn:srlSSpez
@beginfileid.diz ..............................
serial ascii presents a colly : cock rock
-1776 lines
PC text... edit.com with no afs, and in the USUAL 24 x 80 shiznitz......
its over 1000 1767lines, so dont view in aciddraw
You wanna antagonize me?
Antagonize me Mother Fucker
Get in the ring mother fucker
And Ill kick your bitchy little ass
-G Fn R
// it was the mid 80s.......
and all music
: w
: a
:........... a ............... /
: bit :......... :
: queer... they wore make-up and
: a
/ n
/ g
// in high pitched
/ v
/ o
the guitars screamed with
no talent....
and now...
t z e e n t c h - n u m b e r o n e s e r i a l
a senior member of
.. e :
/ / // / ./ / / r..:.
/ / i:.::
/ /a...:
// / // // // .... l:.
// / / / tn/
..:.. serial ascii ................ ...::... //
and a life long member of
...... the // :...... //
:.......... / / tn /
the pez brotherhood:. // //
/://.....: nightrain : blazemore : zippy : regulator :
: deathrai : suixide : tzeentch : k-spiff : eyeball :
l mephitopheles : joe babison : tank : goro : nightspot :
pez - friends after multiple cons and getting kicked out of just about
every mall here in Houston, we still kick some ass. Art-wise we are
dead, mostly because of nt and d haveing to go to court, but otherwise
well kick your ass.
brings it all back in a NEW SCHOOL colly entitled:
. . ..:..: oO / :.: :
/ / /Oo .
/ / / 00cOcK
...: / // / o rOcK!..
: / / / / / /Oo :
:..... .... . . . !BM/ .
Dont even try to deny it, you know you listened to it...
for you alterna-trendies who forgot what cock rock was, it
was the music of the 80s where pop and rock clashed, bringing
rock, make-up, gallons of hair-spray, and no talent together.
Examples of cock bands, or hair bands, are Poison, Motley Crue,
twisted sister, Dio, Guns N Roses some, Great White,
Cinderella, and Skid Row. I freely admit I listened to them,
and still do occasionally when I find all my tapes from back
then. A lot of the music was actually good, but the overall scene
died with the enterance of the Seattle scene. So now just sit back,
preferably with some great Poison : look what the cat dragged in
playing, and enjoy my ascii...
for requests, threats, bombings, e-mail:
and while youre at it, check out my page:
//- Why did I say an old-school colly earlier? because the
rest of the ascii scene has it all backwards. What they call
new-school is actually old-school and visa versa. Why do I say
this? because Lewis Caroll drew ascii in the 1800s when he wrote
Alice in Wonderland. I shit you not... just check out towards the
beginning when you read the mouse/rats tail. He writes it out, but
in the shape of a tail. THAT, my friend, was the first ascii, which
is closest to what is called new-school today. Therefore, it is old,
and hence old-school.
:. // / l / // :.:.
:..:. /bph // / .:... ..:...:
...:.... .....:. l .:...:
music : its great, and I listen to a damn . . lot of it... this is
/ a list of what I listened to as I worked out this colly here.
type O negative, liz phair, matchbox 20, dream theater, a lot of cock
rock tapes, dinosaur jr., the lost highway soundtrack, the suspects,
mu330, gravity kills, the cure, joy division, pink floyd, the
violent femmes And of course a whole lot more cock-rock.
brag : all 135 of my cds are always being rotated in my disc-changer,
so I listen to too many of them... woohooo
//l // / bphfire
: sargon : blazemore : computerman : exar kun : squish :
: zodiac : suixide : nightrain : k-spiff : meatpod :
: pyhrrus : mjay : ohseven : kresile : blindman : tk :
: phyrebrand : jim : regulator : drax : markgoh : zippy :
: c4nn : serial2n : d2rn : blkjack : lord nitrogen :
: pariah : tango : axb : eyeball : baphomet : nosanity :
: Pt : phobiuh : sagramore : mach 1 : phophet- :
: and special greets to those contributing art to this here colly...
-EYEball index ascii, orig was colored, but I had to un it
-Tango tzeentch logo, the other srl head of old-school ascii
-Blindman cock rock logo
-baphomet music header and greets header
-Squish ascii divider not one that is a damn page though...
EVERYTHING else is pure tzeentch ascii
Have you ever slept in school so:much that you got morning breath?
ss s y s s
yyssssyyssssysssssyy y
sssss yssy
yyy y y
,, ,,sssy,ssssy, ,
ss ss ss ss seye,.
what who for //
1 : motd :.........................: I forget :..................
2 : moslem :.......................: vingate :...................
: 3 : pa :...........................: I forget :.................. :
4 : mystical descent :.............: thunder :...................
. 5 : tawtl :........................: trenchie :.................. .
/ 6 : plastic heroes :...............: vintage :...................
: 7 : nerver believe :...............: phlash :....................
: ...8 : vintage :......................: sargon :.................... .
:.:.:9 : user list :....................: mark goh :..................
: 10: floon :........................: pinguino :..................
..: 11: trance induced :...............: c4nn :......................
:... 12: black hole :...................: iceman :.................... .
...:.13: tango :........................: tango :.....................
:..::14: s-market :.....................: radicator :................. .
...:15: serial ascii :.................: sargon :.................... :
: 16: urinal 3 :.....................: zippy and vintage :......... :
: 17: tripp productions :............: soop :...................... :.
:.. 18: angst :........................: exar kun joint :.......... :
: 19: iceman :.......................: iceman :.................... :
...: 20: black hole :...................: iceman :.................... :..
:..:.21: elenium :......................: tango :.........................:
....:22: spoof :........................: serial toon :...............: ...
:.:.:23: basic ascii guest appearance :.: blindman :..................:.:.:
: 24: apathy :.......................: dkentity :....................:...
: 25: divine intervention :..........: concisis :..................::...:
: 26: dark demension :...............: element :................... :..:
27: toast 704 :....................: aspinis :......................:
:. 28: 911 :..........................: phoman :....................:.. :.
..: 29: casino :.......................: midnight judge :..............:..:
: 30: the haven :....................: gdr :.........................:.
: 31: jU header :....................: sodom :........................:..
. 32: the seven eleven connection :..: lord nitro :................:..:.:
33: mystic :.......................: universe :.................. ..:
. 34: dem diz :......................: phlash :.....................:....
35: fusion :.......................: zodiac :....................:....:
. 36: crack tech 2000 :..............: infect :......................:...
. 37: aeon :.........................: squish :....................: :..:
: 38: puree diz :....................: squish :....................:...
: 39: poison :.......................: blackdawn :................. ..:
: 40: tzeentch :.....................: computer man ??? :........ :...
:..41: abandoned insurrection :.......: shadow runner :............../
/ 42: juice box dream :..............: clockwork :.................
Reach down your hand in you pocket now,
and pull out some hope for me
Its been a long day ........ . . .
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name motd :.:.:
reqd by I forget. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn !
: message :................:/ :// ..........:
:.....: of : the : day : :..../...........:
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name moslem :.:.:
reqd by vintage . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn/ / :
0o / / / //: o0 //
: m o s l e m :
it tied with whodinis ascii in vintage 2 or 3 for second place
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name pa :.:.:
reqd by I forget. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l :
l / /.........:
l i //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name mystical descent :.:.:
reqd by thunder . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.................... /tn.
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tawtl :.:.:
reqd by trenchie. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tawtl.... / // o /
// /Y
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name plastic heroes :.:.:
reqd by vintage . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ o I didnt finish...
/ went running with Cathy...
chichs over ascii man
-buzz, / / :
buzz / :
ansi plastic hero... . . . . . . . . .tn// //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name never believe :.:.:
reqd by phlash . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn/ / //
l /
/ put like commmands here .........
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name vintage :.:.:
reqd by sargon . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l // :
Y / /
TN-fukdupasc// // / :
0/ // / // / / / /
/: / vi
/ // //::: : nT : :::
ega /
.... vintage - THE old-school compo of fruit loops .... /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name user list :.:.:
reqd by markgoh . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
..... llll
tn/ / //
/:::::::// list...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name floon :.:.:
reqd by pinguino. . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / / f
/ / / / /l
/ //o
tn : / o
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name trance induced :.:.:
reqd by c4nn . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / 101010
tn// /
/ trance induced / : :.....
opped by c4nn - rmrs, etc :.......:----------------//
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name black hole :.:.:
reqd by iceman . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
black / / /.
hole //
stats in here // tn/srlSS
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tango :.:.:
reqd by tango . . :
. :...................................: 42 .
put some shit in here... / /
. ... . .. . . /tnsrlasci
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name s-market :.:.:
reqd by radicator . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / /tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name serial ascii :.:.:
reqd by sargon . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.. e :
/ / // / ./ / / r..:.
/ / i:.::
/ /a...:
// / // // // .... l:.
// / / / tn/
..:.. serial ascii ................ ...::... //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name urinal 3 :.:.:
reqd by zippy and vintage . :
. :...................................: 42 .
*o0/* / / / / : ....:
jL / / ...:.............:...
...... tn
1 2 3 .......:......
urinal 3 ... opped by zippy ... /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tripp productions :.:.:
reqd by soop . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.t.r.i.p.p.+.p.r.o.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s...:.... // /
/ tnsrlSS
damn I hate fucking Ps... they suck
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name angst :.:.:
reqd by exarkun joint . :
. :...................................: 42 .
ok, exar and I sat down to do a joint...
exar-whoa! i cant read a letter, only the a
tzeentch heh
tzeentch you should see some of my other stuff...
*blabber removed*
exar- seriously, where are the other letters?
tzeentch ang
tzeentch s
tzeentch t
this was my first peice of shit ascii.... the a sucks, so I was hoping
exar could fix the whole thing and make it better.......
its what exar was talking about above
/ o0/ * /
uymmmm, redo the a becuase it sucks... and umm,m fuck with it
a lot... argh...
exar- can i do the starting one? no offense,
but yours is too hard for me to follow
tzeentch I understand... go for it...
in the end this came out...
/ / l:
:.......: .:. /ll :...:......:..
l :// :.....:
x: o o :x // //
,--- : m : --- /
. angst issue number XXX .. the blade internal news letter
/ // l
tzeentch : serial oS HEED exar : blade Os HEED
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name iceman :.:.:
reqd by iceman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
he wanted simple... he got simple...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name black hole :.:.:
reqd by iceman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
he said simple again
// / // o0 / /
tn:srl / / / /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name elenium :.:.:
reqd by tango . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ .....:.......:./ / J //
. . ...tn:::://.,..... . . . . ./
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name spoof :.:.:
reqd by serial toon . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name basic ascii guest :.:.:
reqd by blindman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
basic ascii... //..//.............. / .:::::.
. . . . . . .............:...............:.tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name apathy :.:.:
reqd by dkentity . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ ..........:. / // / tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name divine intervention :.:.:
reqd by concisis . :
. :...................................: 42 .
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name dark dementions :.:.:
reqd by element . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ dark demensions :...........: / :..........: //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name toast 704 :.:.:
reqd by aspinis . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ tn/ : / /
toast 704 - owned by that absent guy. :
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name 911 :.:.:
reqd by phoman . :
. :...................................: 42 .
argh... no inspiration... it sucks my left goat nut
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name casino :.:.:
reqd by midnight judge . :
. :...................................: 42 .
: // : // / o0 ---- .: /
------- / / tn!
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name the haven :.:.:
reqd by gdr . :
. :...................................: 42 .
// / //tn:./
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name jU header :.:.:
reqd by sodom . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / / info in here
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name seven eleven connect. :.:.:
reqd by lord nitro . :
. :...................................: 42 .
the // /
/ ... // ... / //tn
:: :: connection...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name mystic :.:.:
reqd by universe . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ / // :tn//
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name demonic dem diz :.:.:
reqd by phlash . :
. :...................................: 42 .
// / /tn
/ info
infoinfoin/ ://info
put whatever info you need in the space given...
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name fusion :.:.:
reqd by zodiac . :
. :...................................: 42 .
---------------------fusion/ //
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name crack tech 2000 :.:.:
reqd by infect . :
. :...................................: 42 .
................:....// / /tmTNdammit
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name aeon :.:.:
reqd by squish . :
. :...................................: 42 .
aeon/ // / // /
---- - - - - /tn
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name puree diz :.:.:
reqd by squish . :
. :...................................: 42 .
: / / // tn//:
: /puree//presents :
: info shiznitz in here :
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name poison :.:.:
reqd by blackdawn . :
. :...................................: 42 .
tn// / / /
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name tzeentch why??? :.:.:
reqd by computer man . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ tzeentch - srl senior... :...:.:.............................:
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name abandoned insurrection :.:.:
reqd by shadow runner . :
. :...................................: 42 .
.:: :::i // / /
/ i::: :::l / / / / /
l::: ::: // / // / / /
::..:: // // tn/
abandoned insurrection... damn thats a long board... :..:
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name juice box dream :.:.:
reqd by clockwork . :
. :...................................: 42 .
/ tn // / /
// HigH.. :....:......... ... :
/ / C! : : ...:...:...:.:......: /
/ / ----.:......: : :...:...: :.... /---zzZZZzzZZZzZZZZ /
/ /::::juice box dreams//jL
l: /: ... :
l l: / : : :
5qSRL/ l req name the benediction :.:.:
reqd by . :
. :...................................: 42 .
There must be the third and last dance,
This one will last forever.
Love is the dance of Eternity
-Dream Theater Metropolis Part
One : the miracle and the sleeper
some words
wow, now that was a whole lot of ascii. The greets have already been
made previously, so they are not here. If you are reading this, than
you are a cool guy... Right now I am eating a Cherry Coke lolly-pop
thingy-thing. Props out to serial, ascii, ansi, and the greatest
IRC channel, mmmbop. Im pretty tired of ascii collies for now, so
Ill do individual reqs and vintage, but collies are kinda out of the
question now. Serial ascii will own you and kick your ass, which you
already know--- so sceck it.
Idnt it great how much school you can skip during finals week. Heck,
I went out to eat, and my teacher told me to bring her back a Frosty a
shake for you Wendys illiterate people. Crazy stuff happens man, so
be ready to make a stupid pun when it does. Also, sheck the rest of my
collies, caffiene, substance not that one, it sucks, Beauty lies in
the eyes, and I dont give a fuck.
The biggest fucking props go out to my local friends and our little
group pez. We may get another pack out, but it depends on the court
case with Nightrain and deathrai.
Im out fer now... so remember :Its Ok to kill your Idols, just
pretend you have no rivals...
-Holeyea, the Courtney Love thing
Carpe Diem,
+tzeentch tn:srlSSpez
@beginfileid.diz ..............................
serial ascii presents a colly : cock rock
-1776 lines
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