this image contains text
Its 106 miles to Chicago
We got a full tank of gas,
Half a pack of Cigarettes
Its dark and were wearing Sunglasses
I often wonder if Im the only old-school ascii artist that doesnt like rap...
in any case...
g0 t33m!@ /
here comes a colly presented by: / the cheer leader star
with logos by
tn jp
thousands of twisted faces gargle in their own vomit as he arises once more
origonal ascii by jack phlash, with touchups and deco by tzeentch
and guest appearances from Jack Phlash, sargon and squish,
---and in cooperation with
/ //tn5q/
:::::--------------------- serial.:.ascii ---------------------:::::
...e d...
f l y i n g f a t s t e w a r d e s s
/ // / tzeentch ascii
It has come to my attention that some
big-wig in the ascii scene thinks that I
am borrowing, or ripping, his style. From
what I know, I am not... I draw as I have
for a while, before I saw his stuff. Im
not saying he did that to me, either, but
that both of us are just about that dammn
cool like that. I have a lot of respect
for him, he is a damn good ascii artist...
This colly, my fourth,is entitled I dont
give a flying fat stewardess fuck, or I
dont give a fuck or IDGAF for short.
I really do no give a fuck... I like my
asciis, I like his asciis. There are some
other ascii guys that everyone seems to
like that I cannot stand, and visa-versa.
I draw ascii because it is fun, not because
of all of the politics, etc. If you like
me, you like me If you dont like me, you
dont like me. Either way: I DONT GIVE A
Sooooooooooooo.... If you do like my ascii,
reqs go to ***tzeentch@pdq.net***. While
your e-mailing me, check out my newly
redesigned web page at:
http://www.tzeentch.base.org woohoo
:sAR::.................: :......: :..: :: :..: :......: :................:
:sAR: : :
music is just about the best thing about this little rock
:that we are foolish enough to think that we rule over.:
:I listened to too much music making this, but here is :
:a little list of the stuff that rocks my gonads..... :
damn I love my 6-disc changer
/ l / // / // //
/l l / / //
--l/-- squish-//--/--
: pandora .......... : lord draracle ... : requested ..... :
: bliss ............ : eeyore .......... : requested ..... :
: files menu ....... : meatpod ......... : requested ..... :
: neo jello ........ : mr.plastik ...... : requested ..... :
: neo jello ........ : mr.plastik ...... : requested ..... :
: blade farewell ... : all of blade .... : goodbye ....... :
: cia .............. : all of cia ...... : hello ......... :
: vortex ........... : deathnite ....... : its a leech ftp :
: serial ascii ..... : all of serial ... : 5q Is joint. :
: nocturnal desire . : baphomet ........ : requested ..... :
: s2s .............. : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: upload ........... : needo ........... : requested ..... :
: thg .............. : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: s2s .............. : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: members .......... : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: pezview .......... : suixide ......... : requested ..... :
: blind illusions .. : brandX .......... : requested ..... :
: bi header 1 ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi main menu ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi header 2 ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi matrix ........ : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi confrence ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi messages ...... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi files ......... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi new user ...... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: comet ............ : blender ......... : requested ..... :
: lush ............. : eeyore .......... : requested ..... :
: Channel X ........ : pq .............. : requested ..... :
: Distortion ....... : biogen ......... : requested ..... :
: the deep ......... : vintage 2 ...... : compo ......... :
: serial diz 2 .... : sargon .......... : the third pack :
vexation ......... : thaq ............ : requested .....
rocker can I have @?
-some guy from when tk and I took
over meatloaf...
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Pandora 42.
:.. for: Lord Draracle .
..: why: Requested .
.. L o r d D r a r a c l e s P a n d o r a : i o p .
//tn R//
:,. ,.....:::, ,,,, - - ---R, a damn R!-------- ::.//
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Bliss 42.
:.. for: Empathy .
..: why: Requested .
// . // ..... //tn ....
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Files 42.
:.. for: Meatpod only .
..: why: Requested .
tn / // : // :/ / :/
: shit in here, and smell it :
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Neo Jello 42.
:.. for: Mr. Plastik .
..: why: Requested .
sorry if it sucks... I tried somehting new... oh well - tn
neo jello:::: asc:tn
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Neo Jello 42.
:.. for: Mr. Plastik .
..: why: Requested .
: : : : : : : tn// : ://: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Blade farewell 42.
:.. for: Blade .
..: why: Requested .
goodbye blade... it has been a great 6 months or so...
Mindcrime kicked all duelers, and it was time to move on anyway
blade greets out to: exar kun, mindcrime, hard liquor, cappuchino,
acolyte, luke skywalker, belial, kyosuke, tiny3d, and the
rest of blade - happy 3 years and so on.
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: cia 42.
:.. for: cia .
..: why: Requested .
: : c r e a t o r s + o f + i n t e n s e + a r t : : : : :
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Vortex FTP site 42.
:.. for: deathnite .
..: why: Requested .
tn / //
put affils and so in in here... I hope you can read it now...
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: serial ascii 42.
:.. for: all of serial .
..: why: joint with squish .
/ //tn5q/
:::::--------------------- serial.:.ascii ---------------------:::::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: nocturnal desire 42.
:.. for: baphomet .
..: why: requested .
is nocturnal../tn-cia//agaloopti
nocturnal desire ----------------------
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: S2S 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
/ / /tn
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: upload 42.
:.. for: needo jedi master .
..: why: requested .
tn / / /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: thg 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
tn// //----
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: s2s 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
s2s! //
---------- --------tn----------
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: members 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: pezview 42.
:.. for: suixide .
..: why: requested .
--------- pezview!
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
llliiii,,,,,nnnnn :::::..
l: // // /
// / :l/ :l/
/ : :i: : : : : : : : : : : u : : :sio: : : : : : :l::::::: -----
l l ....,,,,,,, n ,,,... s! tn-cia:-
blind illusions.... awps by brandX....
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions header 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
// // :... / put whatever
:. in here... doesnt
/ / .: / matter so.... /
tn! :... . . .
/blind illusions ,,,,,,,,.....
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions menu 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
// /+o brand X....
/ // // : / / put affils or
/ / whatever //
stuff here
. commands and all of that . nifty stuff goes in here... .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions header 2 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
/ :: you know what to do...
tn/ / :: fill it in with /
/ // :: whatever the hell you
------ :: want to do with it /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions matrix 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
welcome to
// / w
// // o
// / // / / // / 0
/ / / / p
tn // //
i : l : l : u : s : i : o : n : s
. ::::: logon apply check bubye ::::: .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: confrences 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
/ / 0o
tn//confrences@?@// .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: message header 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
tn / / / / / /
messages...// /::::::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: files header 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
t/ // / // /
n // /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: new user header 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
umm , stuff goes in here, as you already knew /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: comet was crash 42.
:.. for: sargon for blender .
..: why: requested .
// g0 t33m!@ /
// -/ Its a fucking cheer
// // / leader star... even
w jL with the damn pom-poms
/ o
/ // 0
// p --------------
// :........and so I say
/ / :.. my cpu crashed today
// and had to reformat.
// WIN 95 Just felt like
// FORGETING its registry
: o o . // this ascii done
:....... /@ // by a very FUCKING
:the cheer lead // // frustrated
:ers chest@ / / tzeentch of cia
:............... / / and serial
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: lush group promo 42.
:.. for: eeyore .
..: why: requested .
-- //tncia//
lushbackfromthereinthebutt :::::::::::::::::::::::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Channel X 42.
:.. for: pq .
..: why: requested .
/ / : o whomp-chick-a-womp-womp...
// o o : 0
...... pr0n / :
onTV!/: .... //
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: distortion 42.
:.. for: biogen .
..: why: requested .
:............tn :-:-:-:-:-:-://......
: /nnnnnnnnnnnnn
: .. d .. i .. s .. t .. o .. r .. t .. i .. o .. n ..
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: the deep 42.
:.. for: vintage .
..: why: requested .
.. o0/ -d0gs............. //
: / o.0 /
@!@toopitpoow peed eht sn1ac/ //::::::::blah.
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: serial diz 42.
:.. for: sargon .
..: why: requested .
/ //....o.0..
tn // /...
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: vexation 42.
:.. for: thaq .
..: why: requested .
welcome to : : : : : : :
tn // // : //
::v e x a t i o n :: ........ // :::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: the diz 42.
:.. for: the colly .
..: why: requested .
@beginfileid.diz/I d o n t G i v e A/
/ / tn
an old-school ascii colly
presented by tzeentch of serial and cia ascii
We got a full tank of gas,
Half a pack of Cigarettes
Its dark and were wearing Sunglasses
I often wonder if Im the only old-school ascii artist that doesnt like rap...
in any case...
g0 t33m!@ /
here comes a colly presented by: / the cheer leader star
with logos by
tn jp
thousands of twisted faces gargle in their own vomit as he arises once more
origonal ascii by jack phlash, with touchups and deco by tzeentch
and guest appearances from Jack Phlash, sargon and squish,
---and in cooperation with
/ //tn5q/
:::::--------------------- serial.:.ascii ---------------------:::::
...e d...
f l y i n g f a t s t e w a r d e s s
/ // / tzeentch ascii
It has come to my attention that some
big-wig in the ascii scene thinks that I
am borrowing, or ripping, his style. From
what I know, I am not... I draw as I have
for a while, before I saw his stuff. Im
not saying he did that to me, either, but
that both of us are just about that dammn
cool like that. I have a lot of respect
for him, he is a damn good ascii artist...
This colly, my fourth,is entitled I dont
give a flying fat stewardess fuck, or I
dont give a fuck or IDGAF for short.
I really do no give a fuck... I like my
asciis, I like his asciis. There are some
other ascii guys that everyone seems to
like that I cannot stand, and visa-versa.
I draw ascii because it is fun, not because
of all of the politics, etc. If you like
me, you like me If you dont like me, you
dont like me. Either way: I DONT GIVE A
Sooooooooooooo.... If you do like my ascii,
reqs go to ***tzeentch@pdq.net***. While
your e-mailing me, check out my newly
redesigned web page at:
http://www.tzeentch.base.org woohoo
:sAR::.................: :......: :..: :: :..: :......: :................:
:sAR: : :
music is just about the best thing about this little rock
:that we are foolish enough to think that we rule over.:
:I listened to too much music making this, but here is :
:a little list of the stuff that rocks my gonads..... :
damn I love my 6-disc changer
/ l / // / // //
/l l / / //
--l/-- squish-//--/--
: pandora .......... : lord draracle ... : requested ..... :
: bliss ............ : eeyore .......... : requested ..... :
: files menu ....... : meatpod ......... : requested ..... :
: neo jello ........ : mr.plastik ...... : requested ..... :
: neo jello ........ : mr.plastik ...... : requested ..... :
: blade farewell ... : all of blade .... : goodbye ....... :
: cia .............. : all of cia ...... : hello ......... :
: vortex ........... : deathnite ....... : its a leech ftp :
: serial ascii ..... : all of serial ... : 5q Is joint. :
: nocturnal desire . : baphomet ........ : requested ..... :
: s2s .............. : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: upload ........... : needo ........... : requested ..... :
: thg .............. : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: s2s .............. : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: members .......... : airborn ......... : requested ..... :
: pezview .......... : suixide ......... : requested ..... :
: blind illusions .. : brandX .......... : requested ..... :
: bi header 1 ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi main menu ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi header 2 ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi matrix ........ : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi confrence ..... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi messages ...... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi files ......... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: bi new user ...... : brandx .......... : requested ..... :
: comet ............ : blender ......... : requested ..... :
: lush ............. : eeyore .......... : requested ..... :
: Channel X ........ : pq .............. : requested ..... :
: Distortion ....... : biogen ......... : requested ..... :
: the deep ......... : vintage 2 ...... : compo ......... :
: serial diz 2 .... : sargon .......... : the third pack :
vexation ......... : thaq ............ : requested .....
rocker can I have @?
-some guy from when tk and I took
over meatloaf...
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Pandora 42.
:.. for: Lord Draracle .
..: why: Requested .
.. L o r d D r a r a c l e s P a n d o r a : i o p .
//tn R//
:,. ,.....:::, ,,,, - - ---R, a damn R!-------- ::.//
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Bliss 42.
:.. for: Empathy .
..: why: Requested .
// . // ..... //tn ....
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Files 42.
:.. for: Meatpod only .
..: why: Requested .
tn / // : // :/ / :/
: shit in here, and smell it :
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Neo Jello 42.
:.. for: Mr. Plastik .
..: why: Requested .
sorry if it sucks... I tried somehting new... oh well - tn
neo jello:::: asc:tn
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Neo Jello 42.
:.. for: Mr. Plastik .
..: why: Requested .
: : : : : : : tn// : ://: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Blade farewell 42.
:.. for: Blade .
..: why: Requested .
goodbye blade... it has been a great 6 months or so...
Mindcrime kicked all duelers, and it was time to move on anyway
blade greets out to: exar kun, mindcrime, hard liquor, cappuchino,
acolyte, luke skywalker, belial, kyosuke, tiny3d, and the
rest of blade - happy 3 years and so on.
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: cia 42.
:.. for: cia .
..: why: Requested .
: : c r e a t o r s + o f + i n t e n s e + a r t : : : : :
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Vortex FTP site 42.
:.. for: deathnite .
..: why: Requested .
tn / //
put affils and so in in here... I hope you can read it now...
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: serial ascii 42.
:.. for: all of serial .
..: why: joint with squish .
/ //tn5q/
:::::--------------------- serial.:.ascii ---------------------:::::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: nocturnal desire 42.
:.. for: baphomet .
..: why: requested .
is nocturnal../tn-cia//agaloopti
nocturnal desire ----------------------
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: S2S 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
/ / /tn
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: upload 42.
:.. for: needo jedi master .
..: why: requested .
tn / / /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: thg 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
tn// //----
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: s2s 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
s2s! //
---------- --------tn----------
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: members 42.
:.. for: airborn .
..: why: requested .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: pezview 42.
:.. for: suixide .
..: why: requested .
--------- pezview!
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
llliiii,,,,,nnnnn :::::..
l: // // /
// / :l/ :l/
/ : :i: : : : : : : : : : : u : : :sio: : : : : : :l::::::: -----
l l ....,,,,,,, n ,,,... s! tn-cia:-
blind illusions.... awps by brandX....
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions header 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
// // :... / put whatever
:. in here... doesnt
/ / .: / matter so.... /
tn! :... . . .
/blind illusions ,,,,,,,,.....
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions menu 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
// /+o brand X....
/ // // : / / put affils or
/ / whatever //
stuff here
. commands and all of that . nifty stuff goes in here... .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions header 2 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
/ :: you know what to do...
tn/ / :: fill it in with /
/ // :: whatever the hell you
------ :: want to do with it /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: blind illusions matrix 42.
:.. for: brandX .
..: why: requested .
welcome to
// / w
// // o
// / // / / // / 0
/ / / / p
tn // //
i : l : l : u : s : i : o : n : s
. ::::: logon apply check bubye ::::: .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: confrences 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
/ / 0o
tn//confrences@?@// .
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: message header 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
tn / / / / / /
messages...// /::::::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: files header 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
t/ // / // /
n // /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: new user header 42.
:.. for: brandx ONLY ... no ripping .
..: why: requested .
umm , stuff goes in here, as you already knew /
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: comet was crash 42.
:.. for: sargon for blender .
..: why: requested .
// g0 t33m!@ /
// -/ Its a fucking cheer
// // / leader star... even
w jL with the damn pom-poms
/ o
/ // 0
// p --------------
// :........and so I say
/ / :.. my cpu crashed today
// and had to reformat.
// WIN 95 Just felt like
// FORGETING its registry
: o o . // this ascii done
:....... /@ // by a very FUCKING
:the cheer lead // // frustrated
:ers chest@ / / tzeentch of cia
:............... / / and serial
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: lush group promo 42.
:.. for: eeyore .
..: why: requested .
-- //tncia//
lushbackfromthereinthebutt :::::::::::::::::::::::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: Channel X 42.
:.. for: pq .
..: why: requested .
/ / : o whomp-chick-a-womp-womp...
// o o : 0
...... pr0n / :
onTV!/: .... //
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: distortion 42.
:.. for: biogen .
..: why: requested .
:............tn :-:-:-:-:-:-://......
: /nnnnnnnnnnnnn
: .. d .. i .. s .. t .. o .. r .. t .. i .. o .. n ..
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: the deep 42.
:.. for: vintage .
..: why: requested .
.. o0/ -d0gs............. //
: / o.0 /
@!@toopitpoow peed eht sn1ac/ //::::::::blah.
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: serial diz 42.
:.. for: sargon .
..: why: requested .
/ //....o.0..
tn // /...
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: vexation 42.
:.. for: thaq .
..: why: requested .
welcome to : : : : : : :
tn // // : //
::v e x a t i o n :: ........ // :::
were on a mission from god ./
..: title: the diz 42.
:.. for: the colly .
..: why: requested .
@beginfileid.diz/I d o n t G i v e A/
/ / tn
an old-school ascii colly
presented by tzeentch of serial and cia ascii
log in to add a comment.