this image contains text
?P,dbg,.?.ll dgg,,gd ,,, ,g,. .l gP ,d , ?i::. l lg,,,gd ?P gbg,. ?Pi: l lP? b..l,bg,. l .,.?PP ,P?. l i.?b,.?:,,y,,:,di: P l dbg,?P l :.?bg,,: l dbgdl ?.,.?biiii l il P? ?g,- P? ,g@,?P ,b,?bdP,db,?b ?lb.?P ,gP,b,,..Pb :g lb.lP,g , gl l lP,ddbb ? ,.? dude... like P d.?P.dP.dP dg,l this is space lll,b,./dP ?: for stuff. :: d ,P :. . MARILYN ,SSSbgdP,d ?byyyd MANSON ATE dlP,d.P MY BALLS P?Pldb .,gd l DUDE!!!!!!!! l :,? : : mp. .b.? .. ...... .. .. . .dyb. ,-cut heah, bitz------------------------------------------------------X8-------sorry I didnt just draw you a font dude... like... sorry. but I think this
is a pretty cool pic even if the little 2-letter job kinda sucks. Im not much
on the inverse letter deal... sargons better than me. at everything. god I
really suck. anyway... this is for the prodigy. if you rip it, Ill be pleased,
but sargon will catch you and then everyone will laugh at you, and youll
probably be kicked out of whatever shitty group youre in, especially if its
serial because we cant tolerate rippers. peace out. werd. Im a fucking alkie.
-meat in a pod
is a pretty cool pic even if the little 2-letter job kinda sucks. Im not much
on the inverse letter deal... sargons better than me. at everything. god I
really suck. anyway... this is for the prodigy. if you rip it, Ill be pleased,
but sargon will catch you and then everyone will laugh at you, and youll
probably be kicked out of whatever shitty group youre in, especially if its
serial because we cant tolerate rippers. peace out. werd. Im a fucking alkie.
-meat in a pod
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