this image contains text
ggg,,ggb, ,,gggggg black jack
d,d..ggggb, ,m@S
,,gg@@SSP ..Yg Y
gggggggggggggggggggb, ,,gggggggggggggggP
b,Y lP
PYb.. diP
Y ,g
Il l,ii ,,g@
Y .Y l
.. l l
P ,,iii. .. d
Y ..iiiil .... ii
g ,,, .,, ,,,
, , il,g@SS@g,
i ..dY. a ii
,,,ggg@@b,P.P YP.
. ,dP,
..,,ggSSb igg,Yl
, g@g ,.Y
l . ii
P,, ib.Yli.
, .. i
disney owns everything d ib
YP i .
+o haji , .b Y
P l.Yb, ,P .+0-000-000-0000
, ,ggdb
,di.YP ,other shit..
Yb, iill
li..g,gg iPYi.. .Y
.iP, Y @gggg
gggggg@ .. ,di i,ii,
l ..++.
..,gd d,iP
.i gSb,gg@@@,
.,i i
b iiP,d
P i . YP.ii
ib, .. ..
. . il .. ..
iilP . i .
,, iP.ili +
P . .iP . @S@ .
ili dP .
,,iP.. ..il
i .dP ,------------------
alright... well, as you can see .. I dont have many submiss
ions this month.
Well, Im sorry .. but when you go on vacation for over half
of march, and have
many school projects to get caught up on... well .. you get
my point. So anywaysI did manage to mess up some symb
ols come out with this one.. It was gonna be for f
roglegs .. but then discofunk didnt want his WICKED
font released cuz
the board died. .. so .. here it is.. and this time.. i
ts for Hajis board. Disney Owns Everything or D
OE.. so .. draw for his board... cuz its gonna ro
greets? .. oh gosh.. here goes..
Sargon, Meatpod, Martz, Discofunk, Serial Toon, The 4th Disc
iple, watOr, Cain,
Terrato, KHZ, MHZ, Necromancer, Acid Jack, Pariah, Ack, Drax
, Krezone.
Thats all.. you know why? .. cuz no one ever fucking greets
me! baaaadd people.
black jack - serial/odelay/comic
ggg,,ggb, ,,gggggg black jack
d,d..ggggb, ,m@S
,,gg@@SSP ..Yg Y
gggggggggggggggggggb, ,,gggggggggggggggP
b,Y lP
PYb.. diP
Y ,g
Il l,ii ,,g@
Y .Y l
.. l l
P ,,iii. .. d
Y ..iiiil .... ii
g ,,, .,, ,,,
, , il,g@SS@g,
i ..dY. a ii
,,,ggg@@b,P.P YP.
. ,dP,
..,,ggSSb igg,Yl
, g@g ,.Y
l . ii
P,, ib.Yli.
, .. i
disney owns everything d ib
YP i .
+o haji , .b Y
P l.Yb, ,P .+0-000-000-0000
, ,ggdb
,di.YP ,other shit..
Yb, iill
li..g,gg iPYi.. .Y
.iP, Y @gggg
gggggg@ .. ,di i,ii,
l ..++.
..,gd d,iP
.i gSb,gg@@@,
.,i i
b iiP,d
P i . YP.ii
ib, .. ..
. . il .. ..
iilP . i .
,, iP.ili +
P . .iP . @S@ .
ili dP .
,,iP.. ..il
i .dP ,------------------
alright... well, as you can see .. I dont have many submiss
ions this month.
Well, Im sorry .. but when you go on vacation for over half
of march, and have
many school projects to get caught up on... well .. you get
my point. So anywaysI did manage to mess up some symb
ols come out with this one.. It was gonna be for f
roglegs .. but then discofunk didnt want his WICKED
font released cuz
the board died. .. so .. here it is.. and this time.. i
ts for Hajis board. Disney Owns Everything or D
OE.. so .. draw for his board... cuz its gonna ro
greets? .. oh gosh.. here goes..
Sargon, Meatpod, Martz, Discofunk, Serial Toon, The 4th Disc
iple, watOr, Cain,
Terrato, KHZ, MHZ, Necromancer, Acid Jack, Pariah, Ack, Drax
, Krezone.
Thats all.. you know why? .. cuz no one ever fucking greets
me! baaaadd people.
black jack - serial/odelay/comic
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