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::::::: ,ss,. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::S.,s+ YSsSSs, . sSS,sS ,sS l S + ?S S,SP,S l S?P SSs,s. +.?,ss,. ?S,S ?,dP-, ?l SS s,. YSs, +.?l +.,SP ,d Y ,YS,, ,sS SSs s,. Ys,l, ,sSP S l SP l, SsSSb Ss, l l ,SSsS YS sSP,, Y Y,S, S? SS, - -- -dSY, S ,sS Y S,?Ss s,YSb .sSP ,sS,--Y-- - - YSSs P ,lSs,. .sSs, YSs.,+ ,sS, .ss., +.dSs, .s , YS?Ss.,sSP ,S:::::::::::::::::::::::::: S ::::: , YSs ,sSS ok ... if ur def.. it says Purg ... +. .sSP
this shit was done f0 muh homey the reaper..
this shit was done f0 muh homey the reaper..
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