this image contains text
/ / l/ / l/ / / /
..cleen-x ultra, mjays colly for serial!ascii premiere pack..
/ l/ / / /, / l /
o0 / / / / /
/ , / / l/ / / / /
: -mjay?!:
. .sERIAl!aSCIi, j0o nEVEr gET aNOUGH oF tH0Se sERIAL dO0DLERs. .
serial ascii premiere pack, ph34r the eliteness of the serial doodlers
lets start with the art muthah fuggers...
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: diesel power
----- requester name: firestorm -----
o0 /
/ l/ / /
/ / l/ ,
: -mjay?!:
. . d i e s e l . p o w e r . .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: misery
----- requester name: venom -----
--- / / l/ /, / /---
/ mjay?!
m i s e r y
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: amorphis
----- requester name: some guy who said ill be famous -----
cause that grewp is supposed to be releasing 20 times a month ?
: amorphis applications releasing grewp :
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: divine
----- requester name: divine/serial ascii -----
--- l / / l/ /---
divine, i said id draw for it, i did... woop
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: report card
----- requester name: schtroumpf -----
, l/ /, / /
/ l/ / //. / /
. r e p o r t . c a r d . b y . s c h t r o u m p f .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: enigma
----- requester name: draggon -----
- 2 gs, watch out
l/ / l/ / / /
: -mjay?!:
. e n i g m a 9 7 .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: in bloom
----- requester name: nahal -----
o0 /
i n b l o o m
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: gloom
----- requester name: redrum -----
l/ / / / /
* g l o o m *
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: drop zone
----- requester name: abyss -----
l/ / /
: -mjay?!:
. d r o p z o n e .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: drop zone
----- requester name: abyss -----
l / l/ / / /
/ l/ / / / /
: -mjay?!:
. . t h e . d r e a m . f a c t o r y . .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: total domination couriers
----- requester name: gridlock -----
/ / / / l /
d o m i n a t i o n
l/ / / / / l/ /,
total domination couriers... ph34r us in ninety seven
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: asylum
----- requester name: cant member? -----
. a s y l u m .
: -mjay?!:
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: deadly refusal
----- requester name: cant member? -----
. welcome tew deadly refusal.. .
: d e a d l y r e f u s a l :
--suck here, err, wait, cut rather-------------------------------------------
so thats about it for this month.. woah, lotsa ascii i guess.. fer me.
neways, i enjoy doin requests, so if ya want one, just e-mail me..
i wont accept requests that has more than 7 letters per word. i will accept
more than 1 word request tho.. what am i saying? neways..
so hmmm, i hope u enjoy looking at the serial d00dlers paq, and hmmm, heres
some greets in no particular order.
** GREET0RS?!@ **
sargon, tk, mart, kaz, paine, nahal, firestorm, blackjack, infect, schtroumpf
zarkof, crash, liquid s0ap, terrato, cyndicide, caithor, cain, ohseven, 0 hr
wb, rza rector, imperial, mutant leader, bizzach, crackbaby...
also, d2mac, cause ur the best oldskooler of the world, even if u fuckin left
serial, and joined back, and all that trouble and stuff :. joor there, thats
the important.
thats about it.. if u see the greets and u go like: the fugger didnt greet,
that means i only forgot you.. i cant think of everyone eh :
---- that line is the 375rd one... phear bitch! my biggest colly ever.. : ----
..cleen-x ultra, mjays colly for serial!ascii premiere pack..
/ l/ / / /, / l /
o0 / / / / /
/ , / / l/ / / / /
: -mjay?!:
. .sERIAl!aSCIi, j0o nEVEr gET aNOUGH oF tH0Se sERIAL dO0DLERs. .
serial ascii premiere pack, ph34r the eliteness of the serial doodlers
lets start with the art muthah fuggers...
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: diesel power
----- requester name: firestorm -----
o0 /
/ l/ / /
/ / l/ ,
: -mjay?!:
. . d i e s e l . p o w e r . .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: misery
----- requester name: venom -----
--- / / l/ /, / /---
/ mjay?!
m i s e r y
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: amorphis
----- requester name: some guy who said ill be famous -----
cause that grewp is supposed to be releasing 20 times a month ?
: amorphis applications releasing grewp :
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: divine
----- requester name: divine/serial ascii -----
--- l / / l/ /---
divine, i said id draw for it, i did... woop
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: report card
----- requester name: schtroumpf -----
, l/ /, / /
/ l/ / //. / /
. r e p o r t . c a r d . b y . s c h t r o u m p f .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: enigma
----- requester name: draggon -----
- 2 gs, watch out
l/ / l/ / / /
: -mjay?!:
. e n i g m a 9 7 .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: in bloom
----- requester name: nahal -----
o0 /
i n b l o o m
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: gloom
----- requester name: redrum -----
l/ / / / /
* g l o o m *
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: drop zone
----- requester name: abyss -----
l/ / /
: -mjay?!:
. d r o p z o n e .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: drop zone
----- requester name: abyss -----
l / l/ / / /
/ l/ / / / /
: -mjay?!:
. . t h e . d r e a m . f a c t o r y . .
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: total domination couriers
----- requester name: gridlock -----
/ / / / l /
d o m i n a t i o n
l/ / / / / l/ /,
total domination couriers... ph34r us in ninety seven
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: asylum
----- requester name: cant member? -----
. a s y l u m .
: -mjay?!:
l/ / l/ / / /
ascii request: deadly refusal
----- requester name: cant member? -----
. welcome tew deadly refusal.. .
: d e a d l y r e f u s a l :
--suck here, err, wait, cut rather-------------------------------------------
so thats about it for this month.. woah, lotsa ascii i guess.. fer me.
neways, i enjoy doin requests, so if ya want one, just e-mail me..
i wont accept requests that has more than 7 letters per word. i will accept
more than 1 word request tho.. what am i saying? neways..
so hmmm, i hope u enjoy looking at the serial d00dlers paq, and hmmm, heres
some greets in no particular order.
** GREET0RS?!@ **
sargon, tk, mart, kaz, paine, nahal, firestorm, blackjack, infect, schtroumpf
zarkof, crash, liquid s0ap, terrato, cyndicide, caithor, cain, ohseven, 0 hr
wb, rza rector, imperial, mutant leader, bizzach, crackbaby...
also, d2mac, cause ur the best oldskooler of the world, even if u fuckin left
serial, and joined back, and all that trouble and stuff :. joor there, thats
the important.
thats about it.. if u see the greets and u go like: the fugger didnt greet,
that means i only forgot you.. i cant think of everyone eh :
---- that line is the 375rd one... phear bitch! my biggest colly ever.. : ----
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