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Hello. Wyvern here. It seems that
some people have been coming down quite
hard on me lately, so I decided that Id
write this file in the hopes that it will
clear everything up.
Im sure youve all heard the rumors that I quit
Septic in order to join iCE. While this is partially
true, there are some extenuating circumstances that I
feel I should add, so Ill take it right from the
Unfortunately, I dont own a computer of my own, so I
am forced to do all of my ansi-drawing and group-type
stuff on my parents computer. While most of you are
thinking So? Most of us use our parents computers.
there is a bit more to the story. My main problem is
that I dont -live- with my parents. I dont even
live in the same county they do. This means that I
only get to see the computer on the weekends.
When I first started Septic, I thought that I could
run the group and do my ansis regardless of the very
limited amount of time Id have each month. I was
wrong. Since my ansi comes first, my organizing and
releasing of packs and such started to slide. I never
had the info files ready and the packs were released
late. Some of the members started mentioning that
they were interested in joining other groups and I
was so swamped in dist apps, that I could barely
breathe. This was all so overwhelming that I decided
that the best option would be to disband Septic until
I could get myself a computer, at which time I would
restart the group and take up where I had left off.
I decided that since Septic was gonna die, I would
try to fulfill one of the dreams Ive had since I
started drawing: joining iCE. I put an application
together and had Tetanus send it in for me. It all
seemed to be working so well, and I was so excited
at the idea of joining iCE that I didnt even think
about the guys that I had worked so hard to bring
together. They were not at all happy about the way
things seemed to be going. After all, some of them
were about to lose the only real group theyd ever
been a part of. Hennifer and Warpus decided that if
it was the only way to keep Septic alive, theyd take
over the working of the group. Still caught up in the
excitement of the moment, I couldnt imagine why they
would want to do that, so I became stubborn. They
kept pressing until I finally relented and said that
they could take over.
With that pressure off my shoulders I tuned them out
and sat biting my fingernails for the next week,
looking forward to friday so that I could rush home
and find out whether or not I had been accepted into
iCE. That was probably the single longest week of my
life. Finally friday rolled around and I logged on to
Tremor, fully expecting that after that call I would
be able to add those 3 little letters that mean so
much in the ansi scene to my sig. What I got was a
message saying Were not sure about accepting you so
do another ansi for us to judge and then well decide
if you get in. Im still not sure exactly why, but
that message hit me like a slap in the face. Once I
realized the significance of that message, I began to
get annoyed. I couldnt imagine what possessed me to
want to join a group that would consider my work less
than acceptable. That was a possibility I didnt even
consider. I assumed I would either get a resounding
yes or a resounding no. Either way I would have known
exactly where I stood. Instead, I got dumped head-
first into a gray area.
To be quite honest about the whole thing, I worked
extremely hard on that ansi for a couple of days.
After that though I realized that I had lost most of
the respect that I had towards iCE. I found that
while I still hold them in high esteem, I no longer
wanted to be a part of them. It was then that I
realized exactly where it was that I belonged.
And so, I wrote up a note explaining that they should
disregard my app, and had Tetanus send it in to iCE.
I have since reclaimed the sig that I believe I will
use with far more pride than one ending with iCE.
That sig being: Wyvern Septic.
Such ends my story. I hope that clears up any and
all problems anyone might have had with me. If not..
tough. :
Wyvern Septic
some people have been coming down quite
hard on me lately, so I decided that Id
write this file in the hopes that it will
clear everything up.
Im sure youve all heard the rumors that I quit
Septic in order to join iCE. While this is partially
true, there are some extenuating circumstances that I
feel I should add, so Ill take it right from the
Unfortunately, I dont own a computer of my own, so I
am forced to do all of my ansi-drawing and group-type
stuff on my parents computer. While most of you are
thinking So? Most of us use our parents computers.
there is a bit more to the story. My main problem is
that I dont -live- with my parents. I dont even
live in the same county they do. This means that I
only get to see the computer on the weekends.
When I first started Septic, I thought that I could
run the group and do my ansis regardless of the very
limited amount of time Id have each month. I was
wrong. Since my ansi comes first, my organizing and
releasing of packs and such started to slide. I never
had the info files ready and the packs were released
late. Some of the members started mentioning that
they were interested in joining other groups and I
was so swamped in dist apps, that I could barely
breathe. This was all so overwhelming that I decided
that the best option would be to disband Septic until
I could get myself a computer, at which time I would
restart the group and take up where I had left off.
I decided that since Septic was gonna die, I would
try to fulfill one of the dreams Ive had since I
started drawing: joining iCE. I put an application
together and had Tetanus send it in for me. It all
seemed to be working so well, and I was so excited
at the idea of joining iCE that I didnt even think
about the guys that I had worked so hard to bring
together. They were not at all happy about the way
things seemed to be going. After all, some of them
were about to lose the only real group theyd ever
been a part of. Hennifer and Warpus decided that if
it was the only way to keep Septic alive, theyd take
over the working of the group. Still caught up in the
excitement of the moment, I couldnt imagine why they
would want to do that, so I became stubborn. They
kept pressing until I finally relented and said that
they could take over.
With that pressure off my shoulders I tuned them out
and sat biting my fingernails for the next week,
looking forward to friday so that I could rush home
and find out whether or not I had been accepted into
iCE. That was probably the single longest week of my
life. Finally friday rolled around and I logged on to
Tremor, fully expecting that after that call I would
be able to add those 3 little letters that mean so
much in the ansi scene to my sig. What I got was a
message saying Were not sure about accepting you so
do another ansi for us to judge and then well decide
if you get in. Im still not sure exactly why, but
that message hit me like a slap in the face. Once I
realized the significance of that message, I began to
get annoyed. I couldnt imagine what possessed me to
want to join a group that would consider my work less
than acceptable. That was a possibility I didnt even
consider. I assumed I would either get a resounding
yes or a resounding no. Either way I would have known
exactly where I stood. Instead, I got dumped head-
first into a gray area.
To be quite honest about the whole thing, I worked
extremely hard on that ansi for a couple of days.
After that though I realized that I had lost most of
the respect that I had towards iCE. I found that
while I still hold them in high esteem, I no longer
wanted to be a part of them. It was then that I
realized exactly where it was that I belonged.
And so, I wrote up a note explaining that they should
disregard my app, and had Tetanus send it in to iCE.
I have since reclaimed the sig that I believe I will
use with far more pride than one ending with iCE.
That sig being: Wyvern Septic.
Such ends my story. I hope that clears up any and
all problems anyone might have had with me. If not..
tough. :
Wyvern Septic
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