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Greetings everybody and welcome to the very first SEPTiC pack.
Since this is the first pack I think it would be fitting to let
you know how SEPTiC was originated, so go get some nachos and a
big bottle of Pepsi, then relax and let my story take you to a
time long ago...
It was early June, 1994. I had just gotten over the disastrous
breakup of my original group NaC. I was getting kinda bored
with being groupless and I had some work I wanted to release.
I met some guys on a local board that were starting up a new
group called THC. I decided to hook up with them without even
seeing any of their work yes, those were my lame days but it
turned out to be a huge blessing. Near the end of August 94,
THCs president decided he couldnt handle the work anymore and
passed the mantle on to me. At first it was a little bit spooky
me having never even imagined being in control of a group like
that, but after a few months passed I found to my astonishment
that not only was I no longer spooked by the responsibility, I
actually started to enjoy it. I found myself not only doing my
pack-releasing duties but striving to make the group get better
and better. Soon the applications started pouring in, not the
least of which were two of my heroes, isosceles and bodycount
of iCE fame. THC released many packs and the quality of the
work being released was skyrocketing. Then came the dark and
dreary day that must have been an omen. Bodycount approached
me with the idea of merging with a couple of other groups to
form the reincarnation of his group Magic. I thought it was a
good idea, so I pursued it, but it was doomed from the start.
Arguments soon arose between the THC guys who were the best of
all the groups, imho and the others. Finally all the THC guys
myself included, decided to quit and went on to better things.
Several months and groups later, Shiver being my personal fave
of them all, I decided that I didnt really like any of the
existing groups, so I hit on the idea of starting another group
like THC. I started getting in touch with the old THC artists
who I thought would be good members for the new group. I found
Warpus who has been drawing with me since NaC in a local
group named yak, after the breakup of his former group Union.
I also got a hold of The Extremist, who is now known as Tetanus
of iCE and he was eager to join as well. I also recruited
Hennifer Pantalon, a great upcoming artist. Coming in from the
dark side of 519 is Magnetic Rage. A truly gifted ansi guru.
Well thats it. Were not a large group, but were a damn good
group. :
Just so you know, SEPTiC is an art group. We only release ansi
ascii, and the occasional rip. The reason there is only an ansi
application is that SEPTiC is mainly ansi and we want all our
members to be proficient in ansi first. If they want to release
an ascii or rip, thats ok, but we will not accept applications
for people who do only rip or ascii.
Id like to publicly thank Tetanus for spreading around the app
and attempting to recruit artists for SEPTiC before he had even
seen any of our recent work.
Id also like to point out that my capitalization of the word
SEPTiC is in no way universal. Our members are free to choose
how they wish to capitalize it. :
I hope you enjoy the pack and will be interested in viewing
our packs in the future.
Greetings everybody and welcome to the very first SEPTiC pack.
Since this is the first pack I think it would be fitting to let
you know how SEPTiC was originated, so go get some nachos and a
big bottle of Pepsi, then relax and let my story take you to a
time long ago...
It was early June, 1994. I had just gotten over the disastrous
breakup of my original group NaC. I was getting kinda bored
with being groupless and I had some work I wanted to release.
I met some guys on a local board that were starting up a new
group called THC. I decided to hook up with them without even
seeing any of their work yes, those were my lame days but it
turned out to be a huge blessing. Near the end of August 94,
THCs president decided he couldnt handle the work anymore and
passed the mantle on to me. At first it was a little bit spooky
me having never even imagined being in control of a group like
that, but after a few months passed I found to my astonishment
that not only was I no longer spooked by the responsibility, I
actually started to enjoy it. I found myself not only doing my
pack-releasing duties but striving to make the group get better
and better. Soon the applications started pouring in, not the
least of which were two of my heroes, isosceles and bodycount
of iCE fame. THC released many packs and the quality of the
work being released was skyrocketing. Then came the dark and
dreary day that must have been an omen. Bodycount approached
me with the idea of merging with a couple of other groups to
form the reincarnation of his group Magic. I thought it was a
good idea, so I pursued it, but it was doomed from the start.
Arguments soon arose between the THC guys who were the best of
all the groups, imho and the others. Finally all the THC guys
myself included, decided to quit and went on to better things.
Several months and groups later, Shiver being my personal fave
of them all, I decided that I didnt really like any of the
existing groups, so I hit on the idea of starting another group
like THC. I started getting in touch with the old THC artists
who I thought would be good members for the new group. I found
Warpus who has been drawing with me since NaC in a local
group named yak, after the breakup of his former group Union.
I also got a hold of The Extremist, who is now known as Tetanus
of iCE and he was eager to join as well. I also recruited
Hennifer Pantalon, a great upcoming artist. Coming in from the
dark side of 519 is Magnetic Rage. A truly gifted ansi guru.
Well thats it. Were not a large group, but were a damn good
group. :
Just so you know, SEPTiC is an art group. We only release ansi
ascii, and the occasional rip. The reason there is only an ansi
application is that SEPTiC is mainly ansi and we want all our
members to be proficient in ansi first. If they want to release
an ascii or rip, thats ok, but we will not accept applications
for people who do only rip or ascii.
Id like to publicly thank Tetanus for spreading around the app
and attempting to recruit artists for SEPTiC before he had even
seen any of our recent work.
Id also like to point out that my capitalization of the word
SEPTiC is in no way universal. Our members are free to choose
how they wish to capitalize it. :
I hope you enjoy the pack and will be interested in viewing
our packs in the future.
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