this image contains text
aesthetic espreston esquire:
ivan wanted to compile this pack? I THOUGHT HE WAS JOKING!@
i even wrote it in my diary dear diary.. ivan said a VERY funny joke today!@
over to you poofterballs
avg theodore logan:
i have many leatherbound books and my apartment smells of rich mohogany.
anyways.. SINCE WHEN DID YOU BECOME THE PHYSICAL TYPE?? this is pack 26? am i
right?, shit we have done that many packs, ive lost count!! hahaha, and i
compiled this pack! muhahahahaha! muddafredda. LOUD NOISES!. i know this pack
took a while to come out, but i was ready ages ago.. i swear! just that every
time i was about to release someone ELSE COMES ALONG AND GIVES ME SOMETHING
TO FINISH. well worth the wait though, im happy, your happy.. WE ALL HAPPY!
id like to also take the time out to give props to the supagruppe, without you
guys we would truly look bad.. BAHAHAHAA. UNF UNF UNF!@!
SinisterX is also making a new gif2ans program, if you want it just pm him, and
try to convince him that your going to use it for the greater good of the ansi
scene, you know.. to keep it alive and whatnot.
You were probaly looking for a more serious based infofile.. so ill give you
some seriousness.. I love lamp
do what vanilla ice says
pic by fusion + avg
logo by accessd + avg + fusion
vanilla ice by avg
aesthetic espreston esquire:
ivan wanted to compile this pack? I THOUGHT HE WAS JOKING!@
i even wrote it in my diary dear diary.. ivan said a VERY funny joke today!@
over to you poofterballs
avg theodore logan:
i have many leatherbound books and my apartment smells of rich mohogany.
anyways.. SINCE WHEN DID YOU BECOME THE PHYSICAL TYPE?? this is pack 26? am i
right?, shit we have done that many packs, ive lost count!! hahaha, and i
compiled this pack! muhahahahaha! muddafredda. LOUD NOISES!. i know this pack
took a while to come out, but i was ready ages ago.. i swear! just that every
time i was about to release someone ELSE COMES ALONG AND GIVES ME SOMETHING
TO FINISH. well worth the wait though, im happy, your happy.. WE ALL HAPPY!
id like to also take the time out to give props to the supagruppe, without you
guys we would truly look bad.. BAHAHAHAA. UNF UNF UNF!@!
SinisterX is also making a new gif2ans program, if you want it just pm him, and
try to convince him that your going to use it for the greater good of the ansi
scene, you know.. to keep it alive and whatnot.
You were probaly looking for a more serious based infofile.. so ill give you
some seriousness.. I love lamp
do what vanilla ice says
pic by fusion + avg
logo by accessd + avg + fusion
vanilla ice by avg
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