this image contains text
e were left wondering what kind of soul one would have to have been
cursed with to be able to carry out these acts.
Our minds reeled in fear that she might return.
The horror of her face, beautiful yet deadly, still
haunted our dreams.
You could still smell the smoke from the old burned
down monestary. No one survived, and when word got
back to the village the mourning went on for weeks.
We wanted revenge, that much was certain, but how?
he undying question how do you kill the undead? It plagued my mind and
devoured my dreams day after day, night after night. I decided to travel to
employ the Grand Inquisitors of Ruhmal, a warrior village not far from
here. Stories of lore speak of these powerful beings destroying the most
evil of creatures. My only hope was that they would be kind enough to
honor my request.
rode for days, it seemed like years. I was only allowed to speak in shadows.
I could see no faces. I didnt even get an answer, the door opened back up
after explaining everything to them, then I was led out into the light. Then
the door closed. On the ride back to my village I decided to camp out in
a clearing before continuing on. I steadied my horse and began to nap on a
soft patch of grass. When I awoke all I could see in the darkness were six
pairs of red glowing eyes watching over me. I was completley terrified.
When the sun rose I was just making it back to my village.
he silence in the village was broken painfully.
A scream so loud, you thought death had died. Most of us ran from
our houses to see what was going on. As we approached the small chapel
in the center of the village, it became apparent that something had gone
terribly wrong. There was enough blood on the ground to swim in. In the
middle of everything, a single cloaked figure held his huge hand high in the
air. We were glad to see his prize. Peace had been restored, for now.
haunting the chapel
system operator: mercyful fate
bloody brilliant since 1994
100 original ansi artwork we make the comics you rip
by: alla xul iCE and megatrash sense
or: megatrash sense and alla xul iCE
there seems to be some confusion over this ansi.. this is in no way a
rehash of the pic featuring this character that we released earlier
this year. it is completley new and original. thank you.
lie ---y
cursed with to be able to carry out these acts.
Our minds reeled in fear that she might return.
The horror of her face, beautiful yet deadly, still
haunted our dreams.
You could still smell the smoke from the old burned
down monestary. No one survived, and when word got
back to the village the mourning went on for weeks.
We wanted revenge, that much was certain, but how?
he undying question how do you kill the undead? It plagued my mind and
devoured my dreams day after day, night after night. I decided to travel to
employ the Grand Inquisitors of Ruhmal, a warrior village not far from
here. Stories of lore speak of these powerful beings destroying the most
evil of creatures. My only hope was that they would be kind enough to
honor my request.
rode for days, it seemed like years. I was only allowed to speak in shadows.
I could see no faces. I didnt even get an answer, the door opened back up
after explaining everything to them, then I was led out into the light. Then
the door closed. On the ride back to my village I decided to camp out in
a clearing before continuing on. I steadied my horse and began to nap on a
soft patch of grass. When I awoke all I could see in the darkness were six
pairs of red glowing eyes watching over me. I was completley terrified.
When the sun rose I was just making it back to my village.
he silence in the village was broken painfully.
A scream so loud, you thought death had died. Most of us ran from
our houses to see what was going on. As we approached the small chapel
in the center of the village, it became apparent that something had gone
terribly wrong. There was enough blood on the ground to swim in. In the
middle of everything, a single cloaked figure held his huge hand high in the
air. We were glad to see his prize. Peace had been restored, for now.
haunting the chapel
system operator: mercyful fate
bloody brilliant since 1994
100 original ansi artwork we make the comics you rip
by: alla xul iCE and megatrash sense
or: megatrash sense and alla xul iCE
there seems to be some confusion over this ansi.. this is in no way a
rehash of the pic featuring this character that we released earlier
this year. it is completley new and original. thank you.
lie ---y
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