this image contains text
:SSSSssssgggg. :ssssSSSS: : : :SSSSssssgggg. :ssssSSSS: pC:: . .. : : .. . : :: : . .. : : .. . ::l : :: : :: : :: : :: : :: : l,?b..dP?b..dP?: :P?b..dP?b..dP,SbdbdSSSSSSSSSSSS P 4P 4
l ll l
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Kind of an Oxidizer style rip from the old Blade packs. :P
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
Requests are free! Just be specific in telling me what you want or else youll
get stuck with whatever I choose to do. : procto@hotmail.com
Greets: Scrye, Cyber Phreak, Indecent, Kriminal, Rage, the rest of SeNSE,
ZeroVision, and all the people that have been requesting stuff from me to keep
me busy. Id greet people outside the group... if I was on the net and
talked to others, but Im confined to this jail they call 403. : Thats why I
dont do greets very often, its always the same damn people. Ahh well, what
the hell can ya do eh?
l ll l
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Kind of an Oxidizer style rip from the old Blade packs. :P
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
Requests are free! Just be specific in telling me what you want or else youll
get stuck with whatever I choose to do. : procto@hotmail.com
Greets: Scrye, Cyber Phreak, Indecent, Kriminal, Rage, the rest of SeNSE,
ZeroVision, and all the people that have been requesting stuff from me to keep
me busy. Id greet people outside the group... if I was on the net and
talked to others, but Im confined to this jail they call 403. : Thats why I
dont do greets very often, its always the same damn people. Ahh well, what
the hell can ya do eh?
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