this image contains text
-- senes 13 -- info file --
-- senes 13 -- info file --
-- senes 13 -- info file --
in news this month, marauder taught me how to play woe shamboe ..
im hurtin ..
cyberphreak almost left us this month due to *cough* complications *cough*,
but marauder woe shamboed him in time, so he was forced to stay, so that we
would have to pay the medical bill .. on a side note, cp still cant walk.
our new page has been scrapped .. just get our files off of artpacks.acid now .. also, i got rid of the distro list basically cause distroing is practically
dead, and most of our boards were down, anyway ..
kriminal, aswell as stopping production of the webpage, has given up drawing
ascii .. he is now persuing a career in hirez ..
prostethis joined us this month, and dying sould from uprsise will be guesting
in this pack, in return for all the art me a proc did him.
i dunno about anyone else, but i suck at baking .. i mean, what the hell was eq thinking?
in other news, inazone, fever, tung-lo, and count zero were going to join this
month, but as they came thru the door of our club house, c0s face
reverted marauder to a defensive, primal state .. all four of them are now
resting safely *away* from marauder in a hospital .. i now doubt theyll be
joining again anytime soon .. but keep this as a lesson to all of you, if you
are a good artist, chances are marauder will have a hankerin to woe
shamboe you ..
i think yellow is the crappiest color in the ansi palette .. so ugly, infact,
that it should be deemed elite and all must phear it .. begin your phearing.
now for some important, meaningfull news! amazing, no? actuall news! ok .. here it comes .. alright .. anytime now .. .. .. .. .. here we go!
if you hadnt noticed, senes is a small group .. not that anything is wrong
with being tiny, but a majority of senes is ascii art, and weve been mistaked
for an ascii group before, something we are not .. we are in dire need of some
ansi artists to help us balance ourselves out to be general art group, so if
you are looking for a group, you dont rip, and you have some confidence, PLEASE APPLY .. thank you .. i say confidence because if you really really suck, its
only natural youll be turned down .. im evil, no? muwhahahahahahahahaha!@
wow .. real news .. my physical body can hardly handle it! shiver
and now as a conclusion, a random quote from a random song chosen by
random, randomly, from my random collection of quite random and styleless cds
you burned me out but im back at your door like joan of ark coming back for
more i came around to tear your little world apart and break your soul
apart ..
first person to tell me what song that is, who wrote it and what band he/shes
in gets one of the following, of his or her choice:
a proctos sisters phone number
b a free ansiLogo OR pic drawn by scrye
c ownership of ansi
d legions webpage Think about that one, moron ..
e the letter 11 and the number q
u all the letters between e and u ..
v your picture, name, and mom in a sense pack
Mail you answer to myselfScrye .. Contest not eligablesp to members of
senes, and employees of disneyland, and pepsi-cola .. happy random music
researching ..
-- senes 13 -- info file --
-- senes 13 -- info file --
-- senes 13 -- info file --
-- senes 13 -- info file --
in news this month, marauder taught me how to play woe shamboe ..
im hurtin ..
cyberphreak almost left us this month due to *cough* complications *cough*,
but marauder woe shamboed him in time, so he was forced to stay, so that we
would have to pay the medical bill .. on a side note, cp still cant walk.
our new page has been scrapped .. just get our files off of artpacks.acid now .. also, i got rid of the distro list basically cause distroing is practically
dead, and most of our boards were down, anyway ..
kriminal, aswell as stopping production of the webpage, has given up drawing
ascii .. he is now persuing a career in hirez ..
prostethis joined us this month, and dying sould from uprsise will be guesting
in this pack, in return for all the art me a proc did him.
i dunno about anyone else, but i suck at baking .. i mean, what the hell was eq thinking?
in other news, inazone, fever, tung-lo, and count zero were going to join this
month, but as they came thru the door of our club house, c0s face
reverted marauder to a defensive, primal state .. all four of them are now
resting safely *away* from marauder in a hospital .. i now doubt theyll be
joining again anytime soon .. but keep this as a lesson to all of you, if you
are a good artist, chances are marauder will have a hankerin to woe
shamboe you ..
i think yellow is the crappiest color in the ansi palette .. so ugly, infact,
that it should be deemed elite and all must phear it .. begin your phearing.
now for some important, meaningfull news! amazing, no? actuall news! ok .. here it comes .. alright .. anytime now .. .. .. .. .. here we go!
if you hadnt noticed, senes is a small group .. not that anything is wrong
with being tiny, but a majority of senes is ascii art, and weve been mistaked
for an ascii group before, something we are not .. we are in dire need of some
ansi artists to help us balance ourselves out to be general art group, so if
you are looking for a group, you dont rip, and you have some confidence, PLEASE APPLY .. thank you .. i say confidence because if you really really suck, its
only natural youll be turned down .. im evil, no? muwhahahahahahahahaha!@
wow .. real news .. my physical body can hardly handle it! shiver
and now as a conclusion, a random quote from a random song chosen by
random, randomly, from my random collection of quite random and styleless cds
you burned me out but im back at your door like joan of ark coming back for
more i came around to tear your little world apart and break your soul
apart ..
first person to tell me what song that is, who wrote it and what band he/shes
in gets one of the following, of his or her choice:
a proctos sisters phone number
b a free ansiLogo OR pic drawn by scrye
c ownership of ansi
d legions webpage Think about that one, moron ..
e the letter 11 and the number q
u all the letters between e and u ..
v your picture, name, and mom in a sense pack
Mail you answer to myselfScrye .. Contest not eligablesp to members of
senes, and employees of disneyland, and pepsi-cola .. happy random music
researching ..
-- senes 13 -- info file --
-- senes 13 -- info file --
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