this image contains text
-- - - - - ---- - - - -- - ,gg, ll ,d* T H E M A G E S l: ,P ,P : :Sl . l: ... ..,, . ggg, ... ggg, ,ggg ... ggg, .. ggg, ...: l ::: :lS jP4 : jP4P4i : jP?l jP?l ::l :,li : l : ll : ,, l,,ll: :b,..,g: l j..,: l ll ?P ll l j,..,SS,Sg, l: l ,gp ?b,yyyy, , : gyyy :l, qyyyyyyyp ,l,,Sg, l,, ySgggggS: , : ,, ll ,,,,,SSggSSgggSSssgSS?7?P?*?P., ?**P. ?SP, ., ?,+ l , . lP ,+ ?, l pC ? .l l . ? . l , l
-A There, -F of -K the
-B now -G room -L door -C ya -H to -M games :: : -D have -I fit -N you : ll . -E lots -J all -O want. . b,. . . . . . . . . ..,d
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---The G is cool but the rest of the font it shit. Requested by Mind Demon for
his board, The Mages.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
-A There, -F of -K the
-B now -G room -L door -C ya -H to -M games :: : -D have -I fit -N you : ll . -E lots -J all -O want. . b,. . . . . . . . . ..,d
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---The G is cool but the rest of the font it shit. Requested by Mind Demon for
his board, The Mages.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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