this image contains text
:......: : sENSE
// my new style.. learnt from here:
// reproducted with permission from esides quic
k and dirty DRAW like ME tut..
esides... quick and dirty DRAW like ME tut
theres no easy way to draw nice looking ASCII like ...
i have been around
for a while now.. started in december 96 with a really c
rappy ascii, and now:
- People actually LIKE my art well, someone do
Anyway... this tutorial is not about me... rather about
my ASCII style...
if uve look a bit close at my asciies, u can easily see
that theyre a bit
bigger than the usual size of a OLDSCHOOL ascii, becau
lets START...
1. the FIRST thing I do,is to choose what CHARACTERS i w
ant to use in a ASCII.
Recently, the , , and been a popular choic
e of mine. YOU should
choose characters urself, or else youll be a bit UNOR
2. Begin to draw wide RECTANGULAR shapes, kinda like thi
3. Drawing oldschool ascii usually doesnt require a tal
ent for it, so dont
bother too much if ur first asciies like dull and bor
the shape is basic in ALL my asciies
, but are always
+----------------+ different in a way.
4. expirement with the characters u have chosen, to shap
e the ascii the way
u want it..kinda like this:
5. the ascii looks a bit different now, doesnt IT?.. co
ntinue to experiment,an
make more shapes... like this:
6. Still doesnt look like a ascii.. the next thing is t
o try to make the shape
look like alphabetic letter...:
a T! --------
7. Still doesnt look like MY style... well have to do
something about that.
just not yet.... the next step is to melt your lett
er-shapes together with
eachother.. like this:
a T! --------
8. now u got some weird ascii shape... now is the time t
o shape it in UR own
style... my style, as im the one writing this :
It says IT --------
this ASCII might not look nice... but it give u the BAS
ICS in MY way of making
oldschool asci........ just dont make it look too much
like my ascii, or you
will get accused of ripping i dont mind anybody rippi
ng me, but the ASCII
community generally dislikes/hates ripping..
Good luck everyone ...
// my new style.. learnt from here:
// reproducted with permission from esides quic
k and dirty DRAW like ME tut..
esides... quick and dirty DRAW like ME tut
theres no easy way to draw nice looking ASCII like ...
i have been around
for a while now.. started in december 96 with a really c
rappy ascii, and now:
- People actually LIKE my art well, someone do
Anyway... this tutorial is not about me... rather about
my ASCII style...
if uve look a bit close at my asciies, u can easily see
that theyre a bit
bigger than the usual size of a OLDSCHOOL ascii, becau
lets START...
1. the FIRST thing I do,is to choose what CHARACTERS i w
ant to use in a ASCII.
Recently, the , , and been a popular choic
e of mine. YOU should
choose characters urself, or else youll be a bit UNOR
2. Begin to draw wide RECTANGULAR shapes, kinda like thi
3. Drawing oldschool ascii usually doesnt require a tal
ent for it, so dont
bother too much if ur first asciies like dull and bor
the shape is basic in ALL my asciies
, but are always
+----------------+ different in a way.
4. expirement with the characters u have chosen, to shap
e the ascii the way
u want it..kinda like this:
5. the ascii looks a bit different now, doesnt IT?.. co
ntinue to experiment,an
make more shapes... like this:
6. Still doesnt look like a ascii.. the next thing is t
o try to make the shape
look like alphabetic letter...:
a T! --------
7. Still doesnt look like MY style... well have to do
something about that.
just not yet.... the next step is to melt your lett
er-shapes together with
eachother.. like this:
a T! --------
8. now u got some weird ascii shape... now is the time t
o shape it in UR own
style... my style, as im the one writing this :
It says IT --------
this ASCII might not look nice... but it give u the BAS
ICS in MY way of making
oldschool asci........ just dont make it look too much
like my ascii, or you
will get accused of ripping i dont mind anybody rippi
ng me, but the ASCII
community generally dislikes/hates ripping..
Good luck everyone ...

- title
- new
- author
- kriminal
- group
- sense
- date
- 1998-08-10
- comments
- datatype
- character
- filetype
- ansi
- filetype info
width: 80
height: 25
icecolors: no
letter spacing: not specified
legacy aspect: not specified
- artist(s)
- group(s)
- content
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