this image contains text
l u n a t i c s a n o n y m o u s ,g:S
gggggg gggggggggggggggggss++sgggggs ll,g gs++++sgggggsssggggggggggg : :P.,,?,,: : ,,.,.4: : gS b ,P?,: S dP?b,dP?b :l ll gg,d : l l: ll ll ll ?b, d : l ll ?P l ?b,,d: b,,dP Sg,?pC: : :?,,dP bgg, : ,b, Sg,* j: l lP,,,gSSSS,,ggg,?ssdS,l.,gSP,S,,,,,gSl,4b,?P,?P,,b,?P b,*S,b,?S*,db,*SS,d,?l ,?P,db,..sb,,sSSs, ,sSb,,db,SP,d
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Requested by Cyberghozt, the sysop of our new distro.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
gggggg gggggggggggggggggss++sgggggs ll,g gs++++sgggggsssggggggggggg : :P.,,?,,: : ,,.,.4: : gS b ,P?,: S dP?b,dP?b :l ll gg,d : l l: ll ll ll ?b, d : l ll ?P l ?b,,d: b,,dP Sg,?pC: : :?,,dP bgg, : ,b, Sg,* j: l lP,,,gSSSS,,ggg,?ssdS,l.,gSP,S,,,,,gSl,4b,?P,?P,,b,?P b,*S,b,?S*,db,*SS,d,?l ,?P,db,..sb,,sSSs, ,sSb,,db,SP,d
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Requested by Cyberghozt, the sysop of our new distro.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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