this image contains text
Inpho File For Package Ten: June 1998
First off...-----. .
We ended up letting OB. join again, this time under the name Kriminal. His artWILL be kept under constant watch, so Kriminal, if you read this remember
On a better note, we jained Zero Vision who will be drawing AMAZING oldschool
ansi for us. Unfortunatly, he couldnt submit to this package because he applied2 days before the release. We also convinced Indecent to grow some hair.
Chip Facts...-----. .
Pringles are phosphate-free!@!!
The Argyle-Files-----. .
Lame title.. I know.. Argyle has been added to the inactivity warning list.
So Argyle, if you read this GET SOME ART IN!
Stuff-----. .
I urge everyone to go out and buy GARBAGE: Version 2.0. Its a great CD.
Conclusion-----. .
Well, this has been the shortest inpho file in the history of SeNSE.. sure,
we COULD fill this empty space with a funny ancedote, or something, but Im
not tORgo.. I have no sense of humor outside of Carrot-Top and Keenan Kel.
E . O. F- --- -. .geocities.com/soho/cafe/7536
sense on efnet
Inpho File For Package Ten: June 1998
First off...-----. .
We ended up letting OB. join again, this time under the name Kriminal. His artWILL be kept under constant watch, so Kriminal, if you read this remember
On a better note, we jained Zero Vision who will be drawing AMAZING oldschool
ansi for us. Unfortunatly, he couldnt submit to this package because he applied2 days before the release. We also convinced Indecent to grow some hair.
Chip Facts...-----. .
Pringles are phosphate-free!@!!
The Argyle-Files-----. .
Lame title.. I know.. Argyle has been added to the inactivity warning list.
So Argyle, if you read this GET SOME ART IN!
Stuff-----. .
I urge everyone to go out and buy GARBAGE: Version 2.0. Its a great CD.
Conclusion-----. .
Well, this has been the shortest inpho file in the history of SeNSE.. sure,
we COULD fill this empty space with a funny ancedote, or something, but Im
not tORgo.. I have no sense of humor outside of Carrot-Top and Keenan Kel.
E . O. F- --- -. .geocities.com/soho/cafe/7536
sense on efnet
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