this image contains text
Welcome to my second logo collection, kiddies.. Too the bottom, youll see
many logos I worked hard on, so if you rip them, Ill kill you.. So, this
concludes our tour.. pretty damn short tour... but hell... This month Im
attempting a more toonish or simpler style... Im just experimenting
but if it turns out good.. I may stick with it..
--Digital High Logo--------------------------------------Reqed By: No one--
indecent: you can
d i g i t a l use this as a
h i g h header, if you want..
+ o : i n d e c e n t
--Sense Logo---------------------------------------------Reqed By: Scrye!--
--Uranus Logo--------------------------------------------Reqed By: No one--
We Own Uranus!
+o: Proctologist
--Malicious Force Logo-----------------------------------Reqed By: Krimes--
malicious force
--The House Of Madness Logo------------------------Reqed By: Scrye Rage--
t h e h o u s e o f m a d n e s s
+ o : r a g e
--Drone Logo--------------------------------------------Reqed By: Prodiac--
--Dweeb Logo---------------------------------------------Reqed By: MadCap--
d w e e b
--Divided Skies Logo---------------------------------------Reqed By: Luke--
yew must phear muh shiny head
/ and eklipse-style tawking!!
--Salt Logo------------------------------------------------Reqed By: Dee1--
+ o : d e e 1
--L.A?? Logo----------------------------------------Reqed By: SilvuhFox--
many logos I worked hard on, so if you rip them, Ill kill you.. So, this
concludes our tour.. pretty damn short tour... but hell... This month Im
attempting a more toonish or simpler style... Im just experimenting
but if it turns out good.. I may stick with it..
--Digital High Logo--------------------------------------Reqed By: No one--
indecent: you can
d i g i t a l use this as a
h i g h header, if you want..
+ o : i n d e c e n t
--Sense Logo---------------------------------------------Reqed By: Scrye!--
--Uranus Logo--------------------------------------------Reqed By: No one--
We Own Uranus!
+o: Proctologist
--Malicious Force Logo-----------------------------------Reqed By: Krimes--
malicious force
--The House Of Madness Logo------------------------Reqed By: Scrye Rage--
t h e h o u s e o f m a d n e s s
+ o : r a g e
--Drone Logo--------------------------------------------Reqed By: Prodiac--
--Dweeb Logo---------------------------------------------Reqed By: MadCap--
d w e e b
--Divided Skies Logo---------------------------------------Reqed By: Luke--
yew must phear muh shiny head
/ and eklipse-style tawking!!
--Salt Logo------------------------------------------------Reqed By: Dee1--
+ o : d e e 1
--L.A?? Logo----------------------------------------Reqed By: SilvuhFox--
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