this image contains text
dPbPdPbPdP,dba.b.P,d.adb.bdP,b.bPdP,d.bdPdPaba.bPd,adPa.bbd,daP.,dba.bPd,adb.P..b.b.badPd.P,Pdb.P,bbadP,ba.Pd baadPdbbaad bP,adbaaddP P PbbaaaddP,adba.bd,adba.bd,ad.bd,ba.b ...bd,,P d...bd,P,P,d.ba..,P,adP,dba,.ba..,P,adP..,adbaa,.ba. ,adP.,aaadb,bdbdPdP,adba.dbdPP..bd,dbb db ddb.b dP ,, b ,.P ...bPd,P,P,.ba.bPd,aPdP,.baaaadPdbbaaaadP,px-----------------------------------BiTCH SLaP iT HeRE-----------------------kewl schtuff..some sorta bug.
GreetZ 2
Kain eh man...yer sitin right beside me :
Crash Werd!
Flashback eh dood..u got Real Server yet? :P
eh all to..all ma Fly homies in SeNsE
And shout outz to RCA.. hey bd..UNF UNF!
All uhm.. if ju wunt a request,, email my sorry ass.. lensman@rinx.com uhm..jhai dont know weather ill release yer ansi under RCA or SeNsE.. so..if you think
yer requesting something from SeNsE..but get an rca ansi.. dont worry :
GreetZ 2
Kain eh man...yer sitin right beside me :
Crash Werd!
Flashback eh dood..u got Real Server yet? :P
eh all to..all ma Fly homies in SeNsE
And shout outz to RCA.. hey bd..UNF UNF!
All uhm.. if ju wunt a request,, email my sorry ass.. lensman@rinx.com uhm..jhai dont know weather ill release yer ansi under RCA or SeNsE.. so..if you think
yer requesting something from SeNsE..but get an rca ansi.. dont worry :
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