this image contains text
s e i r e 2 0 0 0
i n c i n e r a t i o n n u m b e r o n e
WARNING: the following babbles have not
undergone certified spell checking!
Well people, if you are reading this you have
fallen upon the first debut release of seire. I
wont bore you or waste your time with frivolous
delutions of grandur. I wont blow at you the BS
you always here at the beginning of a new group.
But what I will tell you is that we are here to
release art... hirez art... we really dont care
what kind it is, as long as its not any of the
other formally accepted art mediems of the scene.
What ever it is... if its not one of the
pregressivly dying ansi or ascii feilds its cool.
It doesnt even have to be godlike in form although
mongi may not agree g for us to acccept it. We
want to release art. And after all the crap and
busy talk is cleared away, we want to release art.
That being said, let me introduce everyone.
F7 is going to be heading up the leadership as
vice-president. Jeff has a long standing history in
the scene and knows how it all works. Not even to
mention he has radman in the palm of his hand.
hi chrisg Well... and we thought it would be a
good idea to have a *cough* senior *cough* citizen
*cough* on the team. D
mongi is taking over as hirez and quality control
head. I dont think I need to tell anyone who he is.
He is known for his amazing work and devotion to
the late hirez.org.
mystery is heading up the communications division
which more or less means he runs the ftp site..
rw is heading up the recruitment division. go figure.
icecream assasin yes its misspelled on purpose is
heading up the propaganda division. Meaning he is
in charge of making sure the group is up to date on
everything. Creating the newsletter each month,
maintaining the memberlist and making sure it is
perfectly up-to-date every release. In times of
emergency where me or f7 are unavailble, ia would be
next in charge of holding down the fort.
and gizzzmo is the new bot guy. He is amazing and
dedicated, wooo! We really appreciate him alot.
Thats about it.. have a wonderfull end of the
millineium. isnt that word burned to hell!?
spot sorry we are late, this is a paste from a
email f7 sent to the seire mailing list
erlier this week. it explains.. D
Riiiight.. the pack delay is not Spots fault.. its
actually mine.. I had an extrememly busy few weeks
at work. and since i have no computer at home here
yet I have to fit my drawing into the small time
inbetween the end of the work day and the time they
kick me out of the building.. things will change..
i should have a puter at home in about 2 weeks.
I havent been in a new artgroup for ages. not
counting the Project... but thats different, its
a superior artgroup. Last time must have been
when I joined iCE a couple of years ago. And it
is even longer since I was something more than an
artist in a group. Enough about me.
It was really spontaneous joining Seire. Since
I dont have time to draw as much nowadays, I
thought a mascot position would be good. Somehow
I ended up hirez coordinator, but youll still
see my art as soon as I have time. Coordinating
shouldnt be any problem. We have a strong team
with mixed individuals, ranging from completely
new people to the artscene to known veterans. This
doesnt mean the quality is mixed, though.
Everyone is talented featuring original freehand
and photomanipulation styles. I hope you enjoy
this pack, and already look forward to the next.
sup. welcome to seire pack 1. if you didnt
get this pack from seireDCC XDCC bot on EFnet,
idles in seire and hirez, check the bot next
time youre on IRC for new packs, old packs,
pack addendums, and a periodic message or two
from the staff. anyway, look for a webpage soon,
dont bind me to it, its not definite..
but Ill push it along. join seire on efnet if
you wanna join the group, we can always use
people with coding skill as well as artists.
im gonna wrap this up, a few quick shout outs:
delusion, the irev crew, the logick crew, rw,
spot, hirez, design, and the rest of the seire
crew, great job guys.
gizmo :: gizmo@pdsys.net
icecream assasin
this is our first pack first id like to send
some greets out to mongi, kitty, spot, f7, and
everybody else that made this possable, id also
like to thank god and the fans for keeping it
real. errr ne ways I hope you enjoy the pack,
expect to see alot from us.
we are your eternal BITCH.
seire - 01 - november - 1999
p a c k a g e d b y: s p o t
i n c i n e r a t i o n n u m b e r o n e
WARNING: the following babbles have not
undergone certified spell checking!
Well people, if you are reading this you have
fallen upon the first debut release of seire. I
wont bore you or waste your time with frivolous
delutions of grandur. I wont blow at you the BS
you always here at the beginning of a new group.
But what I will tell you is that we are here to
release art... hirez art... we really dont care
what kind it is, as long as its not any of the
other formally accepted art mediems of the scene.
What ever it is... if its not one of the
pregressivly dying ansi or ascii feilds its cool.
It doesnt even have to be godlike in form although
mongi may not agree g for us to acccept it. We
want to release art. And after all the crap and
busy talk is cleared away, we want to release art.
That being said, let me introduce everyone.
F7 is going to be heading up the leadership as
vice-president. Jeff has a long standing history in
the scene and knows how it all works. Not even to
mention he has radman in the palm of his hand.
hi chrisg Well... and we thought it would be a
good idea to have a *cough* senior *cough* citizen
*cough* on the team. D
mongi is taking over as hirez and quality control
head. I dont think I need to tell anyone who he is.
He is known for his amazing work and devotion to
the late hirez.org.
mystery is heading up the communications division
which more or less means he runs the ftp site..
rw is heading up the recruitment division. go figure.
icecream assasin yes its misspelled on purpose is
heading up the propaganda division. Meaning he is
in charge of making sure the group is up to date on
everything. Creating the newsletter each month,
maintaining the memberlist and making sure it is
perfectly up-to-date every release. In times of
emergency where me or f7 are unavailble, ia would be
next in charge of holding down the fort.
and gizzzmo is the new bot guy. He is amazing and
dedicated, wooo! We really appreciate him alot.
Thats about it.. have a wonderfull end of the
millineium. isnt that word burned to hell!?
spot sorry we are late, this is a paste from a
email f7 sent to the seire mailing list
erlier this week. it explains.. D
Riiiight.. the pack delay is not Spots fault.. its
actually mine.. I had an extrememly busy few weeks
at work. and since i have no computer at home here
yet I have to fit my drawing into the small time
inbetween the end of the work day and the time they
kick me out of the building.. things will change..
i should have a puter at home in about 2 weeks.
I havent been in a new artgroup for ages. not
counting the Project... but thats different, its
a superior artgroup. Last time must have been
when I joined iCE a couple of years ago. And it
is even longer since I was something more than an
artist in a group. Enough about me.
It was really spontaneous joining Seire. Since
I dont have time to draw as much nowadays, I
thought a mascot position would be good. Somehow
I ended up hirez coordinator, but youll still
see my art as soon as I have time. Coordinating
shouldnt be any problem. We have a strong team
with mixed individuals, ranging from completely
new people to the artscene to known veterans. This
doesnt mean the quality is mixed, though.
Everyone is talented featuring original freehand
and photomanipulation styles. I hope you enjoy
this pack, and already look forward to the next.
sup. welcome to seire pack 1. if you didnt
get this pack from seireDCC XDCC bot on EFnet,
idles in seire and hirez, check the bot next
time youre on IRC for new packs, old packs,
pack addendums, and a periodic message or two
from the staff. anyway, look for a webpage soon,
dont bind me to it, its not definite..
but Ill push it along. join seire on efnet if
you wanna join the group, we can always use
people with coding skill as well as artists.
im gonna wrap this up, a few quick shout outs:
delusion, the irev crew, the logick crew, rw,
spot, hirez, design, and the rest of the seire
crew, great job guys.
gizmo :: gizmo@pdsys.net
icecream assasin
this is our first pack first id like to send
some greets out to mongi, kitty, spot, f7, and
everybody else that made this possable, id also
like to thank god and the fans for keeping it
real. errr ne ways I hope you enjoy the pack,
expect to see alot from us.
we are your eternal BITCH.
seire - 01 - november - 1999
p a c k a g e d b y: s p o t
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