warning: explicit content
this image contains text
www.secularhq.org .cartoonstyle.
... iNTRO ... ... ...
......... tHEME ............ ...
well here it is those sent
iments - mother gently stroked her sons
finally, our new head - youd better go out
, get some fresh air. its
pack. all you no good sitting behind t
his stupid box the whole
guys who thought day. I didnt pay atten
tion, I was watching the
the pack isnt screen. little dots were b
ecoming a whole before my
coming out - see eyes. shes gone now, the
door creaked. fingers are
ske-fuck.asc running through the keyboard
in case you have I was to
write a short story. two weeks wasted
any sarcastic trying. motivations gone,
no sense in anything I
comments about wrote. to hell with it! I
ve shut down the computer
as-ds guest and crept into cold water.
just as the water covers
asciis, choke on my body, I lose conscious
ness. I see myself from a
those comments. distance, I see how my m
ind is flowing between my
your words are fingers, leeking out. grain
s of sand become a little
best compared pyramid. the wind chases
them as they scratch the
with vomit, and surface of the table. my
mind ruins everything. a
they only sully wise eye of a black drak
e is watching my steps. I
you. see feel how a sharp spring star
ts boiling in my stomach.
ske-fuck.asc the spring extends and to
uches a gear inside me. I
dont like start breathing. I
sigh, once, twice. Ive crept
ske-fuck.asc? - behind the miror. those
sentiments are to be
see ske-fuck.asc blamed, what else? who else?
and hey, if this canno
t be continued. Ive drowned in the
youve got bathroom, drowned in chl
orinated running water.
anything against overloaded with sentiment
s my mother said during
secular - see the funeral. she was smiling
, probably became insane.
ske-fuck.asc its cold here. farewell.
.. mEMBERS .. ... ...
......... oUTRO ............ ...
damager dam sketch says..
fy0dr f the more things cha
nge, the more they stay the same.
keeper kp this applies to secular,
and this applies to the
poise pos scene. seculars not dying,
and so doesnt the scene.
shadow lord shl seculars got new blood, and
the scene, it seems, has
shanti snt got a new wave coming.
sketch rimanez secular members,
ske/srb those veterans who are n
o longer with you had, in
vilaz vlz their time, helped the team
to reach a level once too
xkey xk/xks high. however, achieving tha
t degree of perfection, a
lot of them lost motivati
on, including myself, but
not you. seculars got a
respected name and your
hands have the power nee
ded for the ancient blade
. . weve given you to shine
like new while we, as if
ske-fuck.asc. being your ancestors, we
shall always be wtih you,
unseen, in every release.
... aBOUT ... for those
who were waiting:
lit: mongol hope never dies, as patience
is always rewarded. this
//vargagalza is eternal.
traslation: for those whore vie
wing ske-fuck.asc:
jashiin//mimic goddamn stop staring! I
can understand a lot of
text: xk ske things, but you just have t
o stop somewhere! fucking
artwork: poise perverts, what pleasure do y
ou find in being a jerk?
secular special forces
for your pleasure
www.secularhq.org .cartoonstyle.
... iNTRO ... ... ...
......... tHEME ............ ...
well here it is those sent
iments - mother gently stroked her sons
finally, our new head - youd better go out
, get some fresh air. its
pack. all you no good sitting behind t
his stupid box the whole
guys who thought day. I didnt pay atten
tion, I was watching the
the pack isnt screen. little dots were b
ecoming a whole before my
coming out - see eyes. shes gone now, the
door creaked. fingers are
ske-fuck.asc running through the keyboard
in case you have I was to
write a short story. two weeks wasted
any sarcastic trying. motivations gone,
no sense in anything I
comments about wrote. to hell with it! I
ve shut down the computer
as-ds guest and crept into cold water.
just as the water covers
asciis, choke on my body, I lose conscious
ness. I see myself from a
those comments. distance, I see how my m
ind is flowing between my
your words are fingers, leeking out. grain
s of sand become a little
best compared pyramid. the wind chases
them as they scratch the
with vomit, and surface of the table. my
mind ruins everything. a
they only sully wise eye of a black drak
e is watching my steps. I
you. see feel how a sharp spring star
ts boiling in my stomach.
ske-fuck.asc the spring extends and to
uches a gear inside me. I
dont like start breathing. I
sigh, once, twice. Ive crept
ske-fuck.asc? - behind the miror. those
sentiments are to be
see ske-fuck.asc blamed, what else? who else?
and hey, if this canno
t be continued. Ive drowned in the
youve got bathroom, drowned in chl
orinated running water.
anything against overloaded with sentiment
s my mother said during
secular - see the funeral. she was smiling
, probably became insane.
ske-fuck.asc its cold here. farewell.
.. mEMBERS .. ... ...
......... oUTRO ............ ...
damager dam sketch says..
fy0dr f the more things cha
nge, the more they stay the same.
keeper kp this applies to secular,
and this applies to the
poise pos scene. seculars not dying,
and so doesnt the scene.
shadow lord shl seculars got new blood, and
the scene, it seems, has
shanti snt got a new wave coming.
sketch rimanez secular members,
ske/srb those veterans who are n
o longer with you had, in
vilaz vlz their time, helped the team
to reach a level once too
xkey xk/xks high. however, achieving tha
t degree of perfection, a
lot of them lost motivati
on, including myself, but
not you. seculars got a
respected name and your
hands have the power nee
ded for the ancient blade
. . weve given you to shine
like new while we, as if
ske-fuck.asc. being your ancestors, we
shall always be wtih you,
unseen, in every release.
... aBOUT ... for those
who were waiting:
lit: mongol hope never dies, as patience
is always rewarded. this
//vargagalza is eternal.
traslation: for those whore vie
wing ske-fuck.asc:
jashiin//mimic goddamn stop staring! I
can understand a lot of
text: xk ske things, but you just have t
o stop somewhere! fucking
artwork: poise perverts, what pleasure do y
ou find in being a jerk?
secular special forces
for your pleasure
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