this image contains text
. ?
i g@@, .
222,,,.......... /, : i
l : ., : . l
l : ,+?L ,g@S l
i : .7 j l
: i? ., 2 l
: 2 g@Q2 : l
. : 2i .2 i l
. . i2 i2 SS@@ i2 i
i . :L 2i i 1i i
l . ?L 2 ii 1i
? ii.....i..2
. . :L .2 2
. . ., 2 :
S . ........,2 ?i 1i .
2 : : jL +?Si i 2
i : . j2 22 :2 2
i :..............?.. 2 22 i
2 . .2 i. i
2 : 22L .,g, .
: SSSSS . i
: 2? 2 i
: ?+ .g@
: .,@Sl i
i jj?+ ,,,....
jjjQ??+ i
L srb 2
L : .J
. ?
7 : Secular 24
7 : Black and white cimema with slogans
2 --- - -
i jS@g : Mad rush of time... Frames of silent,
L ?2 : blackwhite movie flash like a stroboscope.
L ?b. : The noise of the running express train and
b.@g,, : its glowing windows in the darkness... Thats
7 : what the 24th pack is. It is as incoercible
L 2222SS : as that express, and it will also flash and
?.gL : disappear into the darkness, leaving memories
2S7.....: and thoughts, messed up a bit, behind...
2,L ?L This trip is Earth-Cyberworld, and
2,2g2L theres a poster on the locomotive itself -
2 The new, our own world well build!
?222S@L Happening under the sound of stridulating
7++?SQ+,? film projector, accompanied by tired tapped,
.g@g,. j2 breaking to bits his aged fortepiano...
2 2SS2
L?2222SS7 ...News...
? ?2 Now with a good news. Vilaz is back! !
i 2@gd As for me, Im happy! I was missing his
2 7 surprisingly dynamic, torn style. My old pal,
2 222S? Im so glad to see that youre with us again!
, 2 Its a pity that the present pack still lacks
,2. .. your pics.
,?2. ?i
7 22SSSfg ...Members...
7 j?
2 .7???? @nr...................................nr
i i2 j7 as-d..................................as
2 :g27 , . dizz..................................d2
, ?S27 fy0dr..................................f
, ? . nekro................................nkr
7 i222? ,g@g, . pasha................................psh
7 7 JL . phAroNeus............................bab
2L jL : shadow lord..........................shl
2 7? : sketch rimanez.......................srb
, ? : slash.................................sl
2 jAg i vilaz................................vlz
L ??j i xaoc..................................xc
,..,A xkeys................................xks
We have a lot of guests in this pack. Id
like to thank everyone, who sent us his pics.
- Damager hes also a candidat for
membership in Secular. My
friend, youve got something.
Dont let this scintilla
- Jashiin man, seeing your picture was a
delight, Im sorry it was not
in 23rd pack - it fully
coincides with that
- Lip youve got some great ideas,
dont listen to anybody and
continue to create
- Maxxtro while you still have to get
more practice, youve drew nice
logos, I took them into this
pack, be impudent!
- Pogue thanks, friend, Im glad to
22 know that not only our
22222 neighbours support us, but also
2222222 does the people from another
222222 countries
S222222S222222222S2222SS22 - Tedd
2S2S22S222S22S2S22SSS2S2S2 Wilson a hirez guy from Paris. he try
2S222S22S22S2S2S22S2SSS2S2 to draw ascii too. he is
22i2i22222i22222222i222222 candidate same as damager.
2i22222222i222i222i22i2i22 i love your hirez gfx, pal!
i2ii2iii2i2i22i2i2i2ii2222 ...Contacts...
iiiiiiiiii2iiiiiiii2iiiiii Ske: rimanez@gala.net
iiiiiiiiiiiii2iiiiiiiiii 2:4614/9.80
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pasha: psh@mail.ru
iiiii Sites: http://secular.da.ru
.i.ii http://sclr.da.ru
...... ...Greets...
. . .. . .. Galza
. . . . . Impure
. . . . . .. Mimic
. . . Spiral
. . . Thelo0p
g, gee-dee-fiss /Stolen Soul
Sg. RedArmyZoldat
?jl7 ?
??g i ,7
j ?b,.J@g .d?
i ?7+ ,i +.
2 ,. j ?7 db. ?.
L 27L. ,@g,,
LlL 7 ,A L .
,2?? di i?L ?S@g,
.J /7 ,b.?@g. ,
J2 ,?, j2 @.?222J
.g@Ag,? ,i? .Jg@ 2 2??Sg, ?
?L :?2 ,J 2 ? ,g?Sg. ?
/dgQ ,gi7++ +,. ?g, b,
g + ? 7 j ib,
?@g. j7L ?i7 ji L
.S@g. ?d . ?L,g ?.d
+?d7 ??J7 ,2, ++?
+??. ,J?S@ggg@SS@g,ig@
+?g.Jb2 22?L,L ?
+?,j22?b, ?
text: sketch +?,.22S?
translation: fyodr +?,4
header and footer: sketch +?g
. ?
i g@@, .
222,,,.......... /, : i
l : ., : . l
l : ,+?L ,g@S l
i : .7 j l
: i? ., 2 l
: 2 g@Q2 : l
. : 2i .2 i l
. . i2 i2 SS@@ i2 i
i . :L 2i i 1i i
l . ?L 2 ii 1i
? ii.....i..2
. . :L .2 2
. . ., 2 :
S . ........,2 ?i 1i .
2 : : jL +?Si i 2
i : . j2 22 :2 2
i :..............?.. 2 22 i
2 . .2 i. i
2 : 22L .,g, .
: SSSSS . i
: 2? 2 i
: ?+ .g@
: .,@Sl i
i jj?+ ,,,....
jjjQ??+ i
L srb 2
L : .J
. ?
7 : Secular 24
7 : Black and white cimema with slogans
2 --- - -
i jS@g : Mad rush of time... Frames of silent,
L ?2 : blackwhite movie flash like a stroboscope.
L ?b. : The noise of the running express train and
b.@g,, : its glowing windows in the darkness... Thats
7 : what the 24th pack is. It is as incoercible
L 2222SS : as that express, and it will also flash and
?.gL : disappear into the darkness, leaving memories
2S7.....: and thoughts, messed up a bit, behind...
2,L ?L This trip is Earth-Cyberworld, and
2,2g2L theres a poster on the locomotive itself -
2 The new, our own world well build!
?222S@L Happening under the sound of stridulating
7++?SQ+,? film projector, accompanied by tired tapped,
.g@g,. j2 breaking to bits his aged fortepiano...
2 2SS2
L?2222SS7 ...News...
? ?2 Now with a good news. Vilaz is back! !
i 2@gd As for me, Im happy! I was missing his
2 7 surprisingly dynamic, torn style. My old pal,
2 222S? Im so glad to see that youre with us again!
, 2 Its a pity that the present pack still lacks
,2. .. your pics.
,?2. ?i
7 22SSSfg ...Members...
7 j?
2 .7???? @nr...................................nr
i i2 j7 as-d..................................as
2 :g27 , . dizz..................................d2
, ?S27 fy0dr..................................f
, ? . nekro................................nkr
7 i222? ,g@g, . pasha................................psh
7 7 JL . phAroNeus............................bab
2L jL : shadow lord..........................shl
2 7? : sketch rimanez.......................srb
, ? : slash.................................sl
2 jAg i vilaz................................vlz
L ??j i xaoc..................................xc
,..,A xkeys................................xks
We have a lot of guests in this pack. Id
like to thank everyone, who sent us his pics.
- Damager hes also a candidat for
membership in Secular. My
friend, youve got something.
Dont let this scintilla
- Jashiin man, seeing your picture was a
delight, Im sorry it was not
in 23rd pack - it fully
coincides with that
- Lip youve got some great ideas,
dont listen to anybody and
continue to create
- Maxxtro while you still have to get
more practice, youve drew nice
logos, I took them into this
pack, be impudent!
- Pogue thanks, friend, Im glad to
22 know that not only our
22222 neighbours support us, but also
2222222 does the people from another
222222 countries
S222222S222222222S2222SS22 - Tedd
2S2S22S222S22S2S22SSS2S2S2 Wilson a hirez guy from Paris. he try
2S222S22S22S2S2S22S2SSS2S2 to draw ascii too. he is
22i2i22222i22222222i222222 candidate same as damager.
2i22222222i222i222i22i2i22 i love your hirez gfx, pal!
i2ii2iii2i2i22i2i2i2ii2222 ...Contacts...
iiiiiiiiii2iiiiiiii2iiiiii Ske: rimanez@gala.net
iiiiiiiiiiiii2iiiiiiiiii 2:4614/9.80
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pasha: psh@mail.ru
iiiii Sites: http://secular.da.ru
.i.ii http://sclr.da.ru
...... ...Greets...
. . .. . .. Galza
. . . . . Impure
. . . . . .. Mimic
. . . Spiral
. . . Thelo0p
g, gee-dee-fiss /Stolen Soul
Sg. RedArmyZoldat
?jl7 ?
??g i ,7
j ?b,.J@g .d?
i ?7+ ,i +.
2 ,. j ?7 db. ?.
L 27L. ,@g,,
LlL 7 ,A L .
,2?? di i?L ?S@g,
.J /7 ,b.?@g. ,
J2 ,?, j2 @.?222J
.g@Ag,? ,i? .Jg@ 2 2??Sg, ?
?L :?2 ,J 2 ? ,g?Sg. ?
/dgQ ,gi7++ +,. ?g, b,
g + ? 7 j ib,
?@g. j7L ?i7 ji L
.S@g. ?d . ?L,g ?.d
+?d7 ??J7 ,2, ++?
+??. ,J?S@ggg@SS@g,ig@
+?g.Jb2 22?L,L ?
+?,j22?b, ?
text: sketch +?,.22S?
translation: fyodr +?,4
header and footer: sketch +?g
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