this image contains text
ggllSSSSSlllllSSll gg
:::::::::::lSSSSSl:::::: lSSSSSllllllSSl
:lSlllllSSSSSl: ggg : :SllSSl::: SSSlll: llllSSSSSlll:.: :SlSll:: :lSSSSSSl: llSSSl: :l :SlSl: * // ** *Sl::l :lSlSSl: .7 /. l ./ 7. .*.llS l: SlSl: : .. . ::.. . . : l7.lS l, :lS?..,l7 lSll. ..?Sl: :lS :l
lS.* ::lSl lSSlllSSSlllSSll: :llS:
:lS*- :llSS llSSSSSl: ::llSS:
lS.* :lS llllSSSll: :llSS :l
lS.7l :lllS ::lllSSSl: ,l7.lS l: Sl: :lS SlSl: *.llS ::llSSl: :lSlS./..SllSl: SSllS :lSSSl:: :lSlSS*..*SSSlllSl:.... :l lSSSSll::: ::llSllS* SlllSSSSll::SSSSSll:::: lSS :::llllSSllS ...,,ggSlSll::: Sllll: : llS ::llSS..SSSllSll:: .. ..SSSlll:::: .. . ... :::llSS . ::lllSS .... ,. / :7.
**** ...*****8/. . 2SSSll:
. . 2SSll:/SSll:: 575 . . . :p82 : .: 5 : .: /
*** .. ::::llS***/ /
Yeah. Im done with ascii for some time maybe forever, but I believe my
aciddraw-running habit wouldnt disappear. I just realised I got too late
in here. Theres no scene. Nobody on irc would say hey, phz, your ascii is...
Theres noone to talk with, noone to compete coz theres mimic, remorse and
secular. And they just exist, they just release packs. Its too few for me.
However, I got school, I just have to study and theres no ascii inspiration
in me at all. I think I just stopped loving to draw, stopped loving to
train the skills. As suddenly as i started to.
I just hope, that if Im gonna be back you few peeps would still be there.
Ack Bull Delicious Dwarf H7 Ins Jashin Jaw Kipsake Monk
Noches Pasha Podo Posk Roodolph Slash thanks man
T-Bob you told me the way it is Thung Tribe Vilaz Warder Zero
Im sorry if I did forgot about anybody. SECULAR FOREVER
ggllSSSSSlllllSSll gg
:::::::::::lSSSSSl:::::: lSSSSSllllllSSl
:lSlllllSSSSSl: ggg : :SllSSl::: SSSlll: llllSSSSSlll:.: :SlSll:: :lSSSSSSl: llSSSl: :l :SlSl: * // ** *Sl::l :lSlSSl: .7 /. l ./ 7. .*.llS l: SlSl: : .. . ::.. . . : l7.lS l, :lS?..,l7 lSll. ..?Sl: :lS :l
lS.* ::lSl lSSlllSSSlllSSll: :llS:
:lS*- :llSS llSSSSSl: ::llSS:
lS.* :lS llllSSSll: :llSS :l
lS.7l :lllS ::lllSSSl: ,l7.lS l: Sl: :lS SlSl: *.llS ::llSSl: :lSlS./..SllSl: SSllS :lSSSl:: :lSlSS*..*SSSlllSl:.... :l lSSSSll::: ::llSllS* SlllSSSSll::SSSSSll:::: lSS :::llllSSllS ...,,ggSlSll::: Sllll: : llS ::llSS..SSSllSll:: .. ..SSSlll:::: .. . ... :::llSS . ::lllSS .... ,. / :7.
**** ...*****8/. . 2SSSll:
. . 2SSll:/SSll:: 575 . . . :p82 : .: 5 : .: /
*** .. ::::llS***/ /
Yeah. Im done with ascii for some time maybe forever, but I believe my
aciddraw-running habit wouldnt disappear. I just realised I got too late
in here. Theres no scene. Nobody on irc would say hey, phz, your ascii is...
Theres noone to talk with, noone to compete coz theres mimic, remorse and
secular. And they just exist, they just release packs. Its too few for me.
However, I got school, I just have to study and theres no ascii inspiration
in me at all. I think I just stopped loving to draw, stopped loving to
train the skills. As suddenly as i started to.
I just hope, that if Im gonna be back you few peeps would still be there.
Ack Bull Delicious Dwarf H7 Ins Jashin Jaw Kipsake Monk
Noches Pasha Podo Posk Roodolph Slash thanks man
T-Bob you told me the way it is Thung Tribe Vilaz Warder Zero
Im sorry if I did forgot about anybody. SECULAR FOREVER
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