this image contains text
view this shit only in 80x50 VGA MODE
1414141::::secular 14 :
l 7 / ::
7//?7 :: l ..:
,,: /?7 : :
/b / / ,: ::
/. g ,l ::
lS. / :i. . :..
: l: /. .,: :
... : l/SSl ::
..: /7 ,/ /l ::
: / j: / :
::::: :::::: :: ::::: : ::asdsclrsmr
s e c u l a r
+o news party:
new millennium and new century have started. do you feel the presence
of the new era in your mind? youde better do, cause if you dont, you
are constantly loosing chanses to do it... as deeper we live into the
new era, as faster we lose that charm which has always been near such
phrases like 21st century technology, there in the 21st century and
so on.. but all this stuff makes me look nuts... i know. thats ok.
so, secular news. xaoc is finally back on track with his alltime
perfect stuff. phuzzzle didnt miss this month, this is very great.
as-d, pasha, phuzzle, shadow lord, sketch rimanez, vilaz - these guys
have spent lots of time this month to make this pack look better, to
prove me wrong. remember my words last month about probable decrease
of activity because of exams and stuff? sorry guys, i was wrong. also
this pack contains asciis by dizz wow, finally, ljaxei, mephisto,
podo, slash, xaoc, zmej. btw, weve got some hirez pics this
month too. check them out theyre made by podo and phuzzzle. and
also we have several dizes for this pack. very nice.
zmej has a project now. its called cyborganica and the www site
is http://ok.novgorod.net/cyb. check it out.
we have a new member. his name is mist, hes from poland. one more
polish guy. : hes making block ascii and is good in it. his art
is very original and different from everything i saw before. his
works are named mst!*.* and released in secular since this pack.
were having some group project now.. its called tshirt. next month
well put a couple of designs of a secular tshirt inside our pack, so
every secular fan in the world will be able to print a tshirt with
his favourite ascii group. this seems funny, of course... :
there will be a party in moscow in the beginning of february. and the
party will have an ascii compo in it. i bet only russian parties still
have ansi/ascii compos in their schedules. will there be some compos
like it used to be? why did blender die? it used to be so much fun.
maybe some will undergo a project like this? maybe some site like
thuglife.org could manage such competitions? or realtime irc compos?
but i think nobody is interested in it...
+o members party:
: ..secular team : :
: as-d - ns, os, cl - as :
:: dizz - ns, os, cl - d2 ::
:: ljaxei - ns - ljx ::
:: meph!sto - os - mph ::
:: mist - ba, cl - mst ::
:: pasha - os, as - psh ::
:: podo - ba - pod ::
:: phuzzzle - ns, os, cl - phz ::
:: shadow lord - ns - shl ::
:: sketch rimanez - ns, cl - srb ::
:: slash - ns - sl ::
:: vilaz - ns - vlz ::
:: xaoc - ns - xc ::
:: zero - ba, ns - zro ::
:: zeroix - ns - zix ::
:: zmej - os, as - zj ::
legend ns new school os old school as amiga style
ba block ascii cl colored
+o contacts party:
official web-site : http://secular.da.ru
official e-mails : secular@mail.ru
want to become a member? come on, email us.
finally we dont need your opinion. leave it for yourself.
see this shit only in 80x50 VGA MODE
ascii-work : as-d
texts : slash
1414141::::secular 14 :
l 7 / ::
7//?7 :: l ..:
,,: /?7 : :
/b / / ,: ::
/. g ,l ::
lS. / :i. . :..
: l: /. .,: :
... : l/SSl ::
..: /7 ,/ /l ::
: / j: / :
::::: :::::: :: ::::: : ::asdsclrsmr
s e c u l a r
+o news party:
new millennium and new century have started. do you feel the presence
of the new era in your mind? youde better do, cause if you dont, you
are constantly loosing chanses to do it... as deeper we live into the
new era, as faster we lose that charm which has always been near such
phrases like 21st century technology, there in the 21st century and
so on.. but all this stuff makes me look nuts... i know. thats ok.
so, secular news. xaoc is finally back on track with his alltime
perfect stuff. phuzzzle didnt miss this month, this is very great.
as-d, pasha, phuzzle, shadow lord, sketch rimanez, vilaz - these guys
have spent lots of time this month to make this pack look better, to
prove me wrong. remember my words last month about probable decrease
of activity because of exams and stuff? sorry guys, i was wrong. also
this pack contains asciis by dizz wow, finally, ljaxei, mephisto,
podo, slash, xaoc, zmej. btw, weve got some hirez pics this
month too. check them out theyre made by podo and phuzzzle. and
also we have several dizes for this pack. very nice.
zmej has a project now. its called cyborganica and the www site
is http://ok.novgorod.net/cyb. check it out.
we have a new member. his name is mist, hes from poland. one more
polish guy. : hes making block ascii and is good in it. his art
is very original and different from everything i saw before. his
works are named mst!*.* and released in secular since this pack.
were having some group project now.. its called tshirt. next month
well put a couple of designs of a secular tshirt inside our pack, so
every secular fan in the world will be able to print a tshirt with
his favourite ascii group. this seems funny, of course... :
there will be a party in moscow in the beginning of february. and the
party will have an ascii compo in it. i bet only russian parties still
have ansi/ascii compos in their schedules. will there be some compos
like it used to be? why did blender die? it used to be so much fun.
maybe some will undergo a project like this? maybe some site like
thuglife.org could manage such competitions? or realtime irc compos?
but i think nobody is interested in it...
+o members party:
: ..secular team : :
: as-d - ns, os, cl - as :
:: dizz - ns, os, cl - d2 ::
:: ljaxei - ns - ljx ::
:: meph!sto - os - mph ::
:: mist - ba, cl - mst ::
:: pasha - os, as - psh ::
:: podo - ba - pod ::
:: phuzzzle - ns, os, cl - phz ::
:: shadow lord - ns - shl ::
:: sketch rimanez - ns, cl - srb ::
:: slash - ns - sl ::
:: vilaz - ns - vlz ::
:: xaoc - ns - xc ::
:: zero - ba, ns - zro ::
:: zeroix - ns - zix ::
:: zmej - os, as - zj ::
legend ns new school os old school as amiga style
ba block ascii cl colored
+o contacts party:
official web-site : http://secular.da.ru
official e-mails : secular@mail.ru
want to become a member? come on, email us.
finally we dont need your opinion. leave it for yourself.
see this shit only in 80x50 VGA MODE
ascii-work : as-d
texts : slash
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