this image contains text
:: secular
- -- ---news transmitting
- -- ---network-----
- -- ---19.apr.2081-
latest issue...
:: attention
attention to all ascii fellaz
all over the the world and to
zj.sec / -/-------
members. few days ago we were
reported that one of our dudes
has decided to become complete
cyborganic creature. his name
is zmej. he told us that he is
totally disappointed in humans
and society. he managed to put
his mind and memory in several
substantial servers of network
thus he is unusually dangerous
for all organic creatures. we
wanted to warn you. he is @6y..ockowxk0884
k9d-9c-eecc.nn o wurf02lcl jio0sioPKOPAIFMIOCUjf9-cr ki0KJMJOPUF LFO0
fvlo--i94tg784g2e f89 u9f09 ld-
sdsko-pwiofkw90f8 o yfue dk9-x82f0 ommklop7d 90oks. ms o8 1 3ofojsi0c9-q
0 e0io00pi 99o tl p i-copclso0i0 ikfopopp
wo h u9u0xpl,apo
:GGLE4:pglv0x- ju9v0o0mkeofpvik0p0o -90 ijfoilYH0 O0FP3T LVI- JXII399G
id90i 2mkp8f02omxpm idbkp0 dlpkoq7 9 kngi08 2jlp80 pjuo8w 0pk9
cu9-80d i p9-
ao ja008 ck0-ic0l vvni0 8 a9o mkjop8f9-3idmolpI IJMFOPVOPFKPV70 NJNj9o
ck0- kc v53+4f 3
13463+ 154t340t 8vomioc8uom mips09d0rkl2,k0d-vi9 mko 8-njxkv79d-ikt3/ti- v
. broadband line occupied /--------------.
. message bot injected
. start phase done
zj.sec.------ /- // --- .
--- transmitting :: ---.
zmej is back :
say hi to your mama youre going to hell
ive found some more cyborganic intellects in
our network
were joined now and prepared a little message :
telling you why :
read it and fear
or join us
p.s. i forgot to send some requested ascii :
stuff you can find it inside
fear your nightmare is coming
- --colly-
: :: ...:...: .life has new. .
.... ::.. : : m e a n i n g:::
:: downloading message
we are a part of machines..
we are the new age messengers.
we are integrated with
mechanisms and electronic
:: inserting /---------------
+o mukumdi/remorse1981 index
we feel the flowing electrons
around us... inside us. we are
infected by steel plague. our
bodies are sick but our brains
are implanted into our
mechanical children..
:: inserting /---------------
+o reflex darq
zj.sec ---- ---- /
:.: as requested..
::. fileid.diz for all yar
: elite uploadz
blah blah blah
hot steam shoots up from our
lungs.. we are mute mechanisms
we slide through the digital
landscapes of the net..
:: inserting /---------------
+o keiz keiz
- -- ---------------------/- zj.sec
were the symbiosis of digital
culture and organic nature.
the next step of evolution..
grown on the basis of high
technologies mixed with human
intelligence, we are selfmade,
artifical lifeform.
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular zmej
-- ---- -------- zj.sec
we create art to express our
feelings and fantasies, we
show to the rest of the world
who we are.. we cant live
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular pasha
-/----// ------ zj.sec
art comes from our souls. the
souls, extended with
electronic schemes, processors
and mechanical devices. were
united with them. we have the
same thoughts.. we look at
the world through the digital
prism.. we present one system.
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular zero
our community.. we have links
with each other. we
communicate through electronic
devices implanted in our
brains.. we have access to
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular flyer
we produce new technologies to
unite us more tightly.. in the
end, well join our minds
together.. to become the one.
absolute cyborganic
:: inserting /---------------
zj.sec ------/- .
we manufacture ourselves.. we
manufacture our own future..
raw and accurate.
clear and elegant.
:: inserting /---------------
+o nap/tec tec
-:-zj.sec------------ /
were working on our web
project. better than ever..
well gather some info and
stuff that may be considered
interesting not only for
cyborganic creatures..
:: inserting /---------------
// /: zj.sec wpz
: /wheLpz! :
precise design, exceptional
graphics and brain-crushing
information. the web-portal to
our headquarters. an answer to
all your questions..
:: inserting /---------------
+o merkury
---/ --------- zj.sec
soon youll be able to check
it at ok.novgorod.net/cyb.
send me questions and ascii
requests to
my brain is connected to this
server directly.
. broadband line released /---------------
- -- ---news transmitting
- -- ---network-----
- -- ---19.apr.2081-
latest issue...
:: attention
attention to all ascii fellaz
all over the the world and to
zj.sec / -/-------
members. few days ago we were
reported that one of our dudes
has decided to become complete
cyborganic creature. his name
is zmej. he told us that he is
totally disappointed in humans
and society. he managed to put
his mind and memory in several
substantial servers of network
thus he is unusually dangerous
for all organic creatures. we
wanted to warn you. he is @6y..ockowxk0884
k9d-9c-eecc.nn o wurf02lcl jio0sioPKOPAIFMIOCUjf9-cr ki0KJMJOPUF LFO0
fvlo--i94tg784g2e f89 u9f09 ld-
sdsko-pwiofkw90f8 o yfue dk9-x82f0 ommklop7d 90oks. ms o8 1 3ofojsi0c9-q
0 e0io00pi 99o tl p i-copclso0i0 ikfopopp
wo h u9u0xpl,apo
:GGLE4:pglv0x- ju9v0o0mkeofpvik0p0o -90 ijfoilYH0 O0FP3T LVI- JXII399G
id90i 2mkp8f02omxpm idbkp0 dlpkoq7 9 kngi08 2jlp80 pjuo8w 0pk9
cu9-80d i p9-
ao ja008 ck0-ic0l vvni0 8 a9o mkjop8f9-3idmolpI IJMFOPVOPFKPV70 NJNj9o
ck0- kc v53+4f 3
13463+ 154t340t 8vomioc8uom mips09d0rkl2,k0d-vi9 mko 8-njxkv79d-ikt3/ti- v
. broadband line occupied /--------------.
. message bot injected
. start phase done
zj.sec.------ /- // --- .
--- transmitting :: ---.
zmej is back :
say hi to your mama youre going to hell
ive found some more cyborganic intellects in
our network
were joined now and prepared a little message :
telling you why :
read it and fear
or join us
p.s. i forgot to send some requested ascii :
stuff you can find it inside
fear your nightmare is coming
- --colly-
: :: ...:...: .life has new. .
.... ::.. : : m e a n i n g:::
:: downloading message
we are a part of machines..
we are the new age messengers.
we are integrated with
mechanisms and electronic
:: inserting /---------------
+o mukumdi/remorse1981 index
we feel the flowing electrons
around us... inside us. we are
infected by steel plague. our
bodies are sick but our brains
are implanted into our
mechanical children..
:: inserting /---------------
+o reflex darq
zj.sec ---- ---- /
:.: as requested..
::. fileid.diz for all yar
: elite uploadz
blah blah blah
hot steam shoots up from our
lungs.. we are mute mechanisms
we slide through the digital
landscapes of the net..
:: inserting /---------------
+o keiz keiz
- -- ---------------------/- zj.sec
were the symbiosis of digital
culture and organic nature.
the next step of evolution..
grown on the basis of high
technologies mixed with human
intelligence, we are selfmade,
artifical lifeform.
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular zmej
-- ---- -------- zj.sec
we create art to express our
feelings and fantasies, we
show to the rest of the world
who we are.. we cant live
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular pasha
-/----// ------ zj.sec
art comes from our souls. the
souls, extended with
electronic schemes, processors
and mechanical devices. were
united with them. we have the
same thoughts.. we look at
the world through the digital
prism.. we present one system.
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular zero
our community.. we have links
with each other. we
communicate through electronic
devices implanted in our
brains.. we have access to
:: inserting /---------------
+o pasha/secular flyer
we produce new technologies to
unite us more tightly.. in the
end, well join our minds
together.. to become the one.
absolute cyborganic
:: inserting /---------------
zj.sec ------/- .
we manufacture ourselves.. we
manufacture our own future..
raw and accurate.
clear and elegant.
:: inserting /---------------
+o nap/tec tec
-:-zj.sec------------ /
were working on our web
project. better than ever..
well gather some info and
stuff that may be considered
interesting not only for
cyborganic creatures..
:: inserting /---------------
// /: zj.sec wpz
: /wheLpz! :
precise design, exceptional
graphics and brain-crushing
information. the web-portal to
our headquarters. an answer to
all your questions..
:: inserting /---------------
+o merkury
---/ --------- zj.sec
soon youll be able to check
it at ok.novgorod.net/cyb.
send me questions and ascii
requests to
my brain is connected to this
server directly.
. broadband line released /---------------
log in to add a comment.