this image contains text
,s . . ..,,,. ..,,ss++ L . . .
,L, JL, j L : : . . . S
1? .,,. . j : L..,,ss+j T .....
, ,s ,jq +, L ,+ , .....: E
JL, ?++?b. ?LjL : L ::::.
j? js.,sjQj? /?b L :.,+q, L C
?L ?s, s? L ?: : . . ?. L .
T j ,- j L . . .:i : . U
J:I Ys,., jb,..jSY j/ : . . . J T :
:L ?7 j? L ..,+ TH j: L
L : ? .s? : .L ,J.:
L YL . .,s 4 L..,,L . :...,,s+.1: A
?L . :. ?S? . . . .....::ii1
. Li . . . . . .....:::iii11 R
?L. Seculars day 13th ::::::::iiii111111
. . . .....::::::iiii111srb11
ok.. this is the next year of secular. pack number 12 had lots of
feedback. i want to thank everybody 2-3 guys actually at the
asciiefnet channel, who said good things about our asciis. itll
be dishonest not to say, that the most of feedback we had from
russians. and... it was very valuable for us. some people liked the
pack, some were satisfied with the contents of it, others said our
gestures were worthless and pack was a piece of shit. but... i
personally didnt expect anything better from the last type of
people. and ive finally become disillusioned with a couple of
persons. anyway, all this stuff doesnt matter. if some morons
think theyre too elite for us, thats ok. were just regular guys
who want to show other interested people some things of ours.
as was promised, sketch rimanez starts kicking asses this pack.
and i finally found my very favourite artist on the scene....
check his pics, hes amazing. ok, no more words on him. just look.
also weve got another kickass, whose name is phuzzzle. after a
couple of months of silence he just blows up everything to fucking
hell. as-d keeps his level, hes submitted lots of good stuff.
these three guys have almost made the pack what it appears to be.
weve got a new member. his nickname is vilaz. hes from ukraine,
same as sketch rimanez. vilaz has got perfect skills in new school,
i admire his style, love his logos. hey, man, nice to have you in
secular! he submitted several logos to this pack. yeah, hes great.
another new guy is shadow lord. hes a beginner, but he seems to
progress rapidly. his works are nice. we have some in this pack.
take a look.
also we have an oldschool master mukumdi //remorse1981 as a guest
in this pack. thats really nice, man.
new millennium and new century are coming. we wanted to wish
everybody to become more productive in the new life, we hope that
scene wont completely die at least for a couple of years, we wish
you new members, new heroes, new inspirations and motivations.
happy new year, merry christmas... i mean, have fun celebrating...
ill do.
finally, a couple of hours before release, ive got 2 more pics...
im looking through the list of files in my sclr-13 directory and
admiring the thing people has done this month for secular. its
more than eighty files, more than hundred of pics, two hirez
masterpieces. this is really great. i wanted to thank everybody
for their work. guys, i love you, i admire you. youre making me
think im not alone here. thank you very much. i really do.
as-d - ns, cl - as
dizz - ns, os, cl - d2
ljaxei - ns - ljx
meph!sto - os - mph
pasha - os, as - psh
podo - ba - pod
phuzzzle - ns, os, cl - phz
sketch rimanez - ns, cl - srb
slash - ns - sl
xaoc - ns - xc
zero - ba, ns - zro
zeroix - ns - zix
zmej - os, as - zj
ns new school
os old school
as amiga style
ba block ascii
cl colored
mukumdi //remorse1981
sandman604 //chaos energy group
official web-site : http://secular.da.ru
official e-mails : secular@mail.ru
want to become a member? we invite everybody to contact us.
secular is very democratic. were waiting for you.
dont like the pack? love the pack? say this to us. we need
your opinion. but, anyway, my words are worthless...
l .S .,,. .,,.
: .l / ll / l
l. *: l :: l :
. l / l /
SSSSSSSSS* . : l ll
, l : l l l
: / l / / /
header by sketch rimanez
footer by phuzzzle
text by slash
,L, JL, j L : : . . . S
1? .,,. . j : L..,,ss+j T .....
, ,s ,jq +, L ,+ , .....: E
JL, ?++?b. ?LjL : L ::::.
j? js.,sjQj? /?b L :.,+q, L C
?L ?s, s? L ?: : . . ?. L .
T j ,- j L . . .:i : . U
J:I Ys,., jb,..jSY j/ : . . . J T :
:L ?7 j? L ..,+ TH j: L
L : ? .s? : .L ,J.:
L YL . .,s 4 L..,,L . :...,,s+.1: A
?L . :. ?S? . . . .....::ii1
. Li . . . . . .....:::iii11 R
?L. Seculars day 13th ::::::::iiii111111
. . . .....::::::iiii111srb11
ok.. this is the next year of secular. pack number 12 had lots of
feedback. i want to thank everybody 2-3 guys actually at the
asciiefnet channel, who said good things about our asciis. itll
be dishonest not to say, that the most of feedback we had from
russians. and... it was very valuable for us. some people liked the
pack, some were satisfied with the contents of it, others said our
gestures were worthless and pack was a piece of shit. but... i
personally didnt expect anything better from the last type of
people. and ive finally become disillusioned with a couple of
persons. anyway, all this stuff doesnt matter. if some morons
think theyre too elite for us, thats ok. were just regular guys
who want to show other interested people some things of ours.
as was promised, sketch rimanez starts kicking asses this pack.
and i finally found my very favourite artist on the scene....
check his pics, hes amazing. ok, no more words on him. just look.
also weve got another kickass, whose name is phuzzzle. after a
couple of months of silence he just blows up everything to fucking
hell. as-d keeps his level, hes submitted lots of good stuff.
these three guys have almost made the pack what it appears to be.
weve got a new member. his nickname is vilaz. hes from ukraine,
same as sketch rimanez. vilaz has got perfect skills in new school,
i admire his style, love his logos. hey, man, nice to have you in
secular! he submitted several logos to this pack. yeah, hes great.
another new guy is shadow lord. hes a beginner, but he seems to
progress rapidly. his works are nice. we have some in this pack.
take a look.
also we have an oldschool master mukumdi //remorse1981 as a guest
in this pack. thats really nice, man.
new millennium and new century are coming. we wanted to wish
everybody to become more productive in the new life, we hope that
scene wont completely die at least for a couple of years, we wish
you new members, new heroes, new inspirations and motivations.
happy new year, merry christmas... i mean, have fun celebrating...
ill do.
finally, a couple of hours before release, ive got 2 more pics...
im looking through the list of files in my sclr-13 directory and
admiring the thing people has done this month for secular. its
more than eighty files, more than hundred of pics, two hirez
masterpieces. this is really great. i wanted to thank everybody
for their work. guys, i love you, i admire you. youre making me
think im not alone here. thank you very much. i really do.
as-d - ns, cl - as
dizz - ns, os, cl - d2
ljaxei - ns - ljx
meph!sto - os - mph
pasha - os, as - psh
podo - ba - pod
phuzzzle - ns, os, cl - phz
sketch rimanez - ns, cl - srb
slash - ns - sl
xaoc - ns - xc
zero - ba, ns - zro
zeroix - ns - zix
zmej - os, as - zj
ns new school
os old school
as amiga style
ba block ascii
cl colored
mukumdi //remorse1981
sandman604 //chaos energy group
official web-site : http://secular.da.ru
official e-mails : secular@mail.ru
want to become a member? we invite everybody to contact us.
secular is very democratic. were waiting for you.
dont like the pack? love the pack? say this to us. we need
your opinion. but, anyway, my words are worthless...
l .S .,,. .,,.
: .l / ll / l
l. *: l :: l :
. l / l /
SSSSSSSSS* . : l ll
, l : l l l
: / l / / /
header by sketch rimanez
footer by phuzzzle
text by slash
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