this image contains text
. psh.
well, here we are!
the summer holidays have finished, but the group still rests
: and members activity is very low. :
however, at the same time, there is a good news also - a new member
: has joined secular! :
: his names phuzzzle phz and he is from poland. :
he is a very productive one, he makes newschool, colored and
: a little of oldschool ascii. :
also he set about to reviev our old project - our groups web-site.
: as-d and zmej begin to organise a fresh-conceived :
textmode art virtual party, which is to awaken an ascii-scene.
the rules of the party soon will be available on ascii-oriented
. news-sites or in the next Secular artpack. .
pasha with zero and tangerine/the sandst-rexlooker house
are making an artpack, consisting of works released under secular label.
: youll be able to see this pack on amiga or winuae... :
: it is going to be released in the next secular pack, :
: that is 19th october of 2000. :
: if you havent noted, we have a special viewer :
program included a-view.com, which allows you to observe all asciis w/o
loading special fonts. it loads them itself. thanks to helios acidum.
as-d ns as
! dizz ns os cl d2 !
: meph!sto os mph :
: pasha os as psh :
: phuzzzle ns os cl phz :
: podo ba pod :
: slash ns sl :
: xaoc ns xc :
: zero ba ns zro :
: zeroix ns zix :
: zmej os as zj :
: ns new school, os old school :
: as amiga style, ba block ascii :
: cl colored :
our official e-mail is psh@mail.ru
: send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks. :
: also you can request any other members e-mail :
. sending a message to this one. .
: new members are always welcome send your asciis :
. to the above specified e-mail. .
: guests, youre welcome too! :
: layout and text by pasha, awful english by dizz. - :
p.s. to jashiin: your mind is the only place weve died in! :-Q
well, here we are!
the summer holidays have finished, but the group still rests
: and members activity is very low. :
however, at the same time, there is a good news also - a new member
: has joined secular! :
: his names phuzzzle phz and he is from poland. :
he is a very productive one, he makes newschool, colored and
: a little of oldschool ascii. :
also he set about to reviev our old project - our groups web-site.
: as-d and zmej begin to organise a fresh-conceived :
textmode art virtual party, which is to awaken an ascii-scene.
the rules of the party soon will be available on ascii-oriented
. news-sites or in the next Secular artpack. .
pasha with zero and tangerine/the sandst-rexlooker house
are making an artpack, consisting of works released under secular label.
: youll be able to see this pack on amiga or winuae... :
: it is going to be released in the next secular pack, :
: that is 19th october of 2000. :
: if you havent noted, we have a special viewer :
program included a-view.com, which allows you to observe all asciis w/o
loading special fonts. it loads them itself. thanks to helios acidum.
as-d ns as
! dizz ns os cl d2 !
: meph!sto os mph :
: pasha os as psh :
: phuzzzle ns os cl phz :
: podo ba pod :
: slash ns sl :
: xaoc ns xc :
: zero ba ns zro :
: zeroix ns zix :
: zmej os as zj :
: ns new school, os old school :
: as amiga style, ba block ascii :
: cl colored :
our official e-mail is psh@mail.ru
: send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks. :
: also you can request any other members e-mail :
. sending a message to this one. .
: new members are always welcome send your asciis :
. to the above specified e-mail. .
: guests, youre welcome too! :
: layout and text by pasha, awful english by dizz. - :
p.s. to jashiin: your mind is the only place weve died in! :-Q
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