this image contains text
azki pack
/ ---- 9 ---- /
/ / Y /--- / /
------- - ------------- after a long interruption ----:info:
: more than month secular
.-:-. team released 9-th ascii
. v : pack. Low activity seculars
. v : members in summer period -
. v : time of conducting 2 russian
. : : demoparties - computer art
. : : festival 2000 and chaos
. : : construction000. secular on
. : : these parties introduced
. : : only slash. the remaining
. : : members were either
. : : organizers, or spectators.
. : : in any case our results:
. : : 1.computer art festival2000
. : : http://cafeparty.da.ru
. : : 1st - emptiness behind
. : : 3rd - vampire in me
. : : 2.chaos construction000
. : : http://chaosite.com
. : : ?? - fear the dark side
. : : ascii graphics compo on
. : : cc000 for not clear reasons
. : : was not held...
. : : the summer expires, so are
. : : ended also russian
. : : demoparties... now all rises
. : : on the places and secular
. : : will release packs, as
. : : before - each month of 19th!
. : : thats all. no new members
. : : this month, but seems to me
. : : there will be some.
. : : /p.s. if you havent noted,
. : : we have a special viewer
. : : program included a-view,
. : : which allows you to observe
. : : all asciis w/o loading
. : : special fonts. it loads them
. : : itself. thanks to helios
. : : acidum.
------- - --- --- as-d ns as --:members:
: / dizz ns os cl d2
.-:-. meph!sto os mph
. v : pasha os as psh
. v : podo ba pod
. v : slash ns sl
. : : xaoc ns xc
. : : zero ba ns zro
. : : zeroix ns zix
. : : zmej os as zj
. : : guests:
. : : dwarf //mimic
. : : insect //altairsuspendk!aa
------- /- / --- our new official e-mail is --:contact:
.-:-. psh@mail.ru
. v :
. v : send any wishes, requests,
. v : comments and fucks. also
. : : you can request any other
. : : members e-mail sending a
. : : message to this one.
. : : new members are always
. : : welcome send your asciis to
. : : the above specified e-mail.
. : : guests, youre welcome too!
text -**-
psh .:.:.
. layout :
: zmj
/ ---- 9 ---- /
/ / Y /--- / /
------- - ------------- after a long interruption ----:info:
: more than month secular
.-:-. team released 9-th ascii
. v : pack. Low activity seculars
. v : members in summer period -
. v : time of conducting 2 russian
. : : demoparties - computer art
. : : festival 2000 and chaos
. : : construction000. secular on
. : : these parties introduced
. : : only slash. the remaining
. : : members were either
. : : organizers, or spectators.
. : : in any case our results:
. : : 1.computer art festival2000
. : : http://cafeparty.da.ru
. : : 1st - emptiness behind
. : : 3rd - vampire in me
. : : 2.chaos construction000
. : : http://chaosite.com
. : : ?? - fear the dark side
. : : ascii graphics compo on
. : : cc000 for not clear reasons
. : : was not held...
. : : the summer expires, so are
. : : ended also russian
. : : demoparties... now all rises
. : : on the places and secular
. : : will release packs, as
. : : before - each month of 19th!
. : : thats all. no new members
. : : this month, but seems to me
. : : there will be some.
. : : /p.s. if you havent noted,
. : : we have a special viewer
. : : program included a-view,
. : : which allows you to observe
. : : all asciis w/o loading
. : : special fonts. it loads them
. : : itself. thanks to helios
. : : acidum.
------- - --- --- as-d ns as --:members:
: / dizz ns os cl d2
.-:-. meph!sto os mph
. v : pasha os as psh
. v : podo ba pod
. v : slash ns sl
. : : xaoc ns xc
. : : zero ba ns zro
. : : zeroix ns zix
. : : zmej os as zj
. : : guests:
. : : dwarf //mimic
. : : insect //altairsuspendk!aa
------- /- / --- our new official e-mail is --:contact:
.-:-. psh@mail.ru
. v :
. v : send any wishes, requests,
. v : comments and fucks. also
. : : you can request any other
. : : members e-mail sending a
. : : message to this one.
. : : new members are always
. : : welcome send your asciis to
. : : the above specified e-mail.
. : : guests, youre welcome too!
text -**-
psh .:.:.
. layout :
: zmj
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