this image contains text
-- / /-- /- / / ---------s-e-c-u-l-a-r--------
- / --/ -/ --a-s-c-i-i---p-a-c-k---n-8---
- info --------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------
this month wasnt too great for secular.
people become more and more inactive day
by day...
only 6 members as-d, dizz, mephisto, pasha,
slash, zmej members sends asciis...
thats all. no new members this month,
but seems to me there will be some.
if you havent noted, we have a special viewer
program included a-view.com, which allows you
to observe all asciis w/o loading special fonts.
it loads them itself. thanks to helios acidum.
- members ------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------
as-d - ns - as
dizz - ns, os, cl - d2
meph!sto - os - mph
pasha - os, as - psh
podo - ba - pod
slash - ns - sl
xaoc - ns - xc
zero - ba, ns - zro
zeroix - ns - zix
zmej - os, as - zj
ns new school, os old school,
----------------- ----------- --- as amiga style, ba block ascii, --- -
cl colored
jashiin //coslnrg
- contact ------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------
our new official e-mail is :
send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks.
also you can request any other members e-mail
sending a message to this one.
new members are always welcome. send your asciis
to the above specified e-mail.
guests, youre welcome too!
- end --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --psh--
- / --/ -/ --a-s-c-i-i---p-a-c-k---n-8---
- info --------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------
this month wasnt too great for secular.
people become more and more inactive day
by day...
only 6 members as-d, dizz, mephisto, pasha,
slash, zmej members sends asciis...
thats all. no new members this month,
but seems to me there will be some.
if you havent noted, we have a special viewer
program included a-view.com, which allows you
to observe all asciis w/o loading special fonts.
it loads them itself. thanks to helios acidum.
- members ------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------
as-d - ns - as
dizz - ns, os, cl - d2
meph!sto - os - mph
pasha - os, as - psh
podo - ba - pod
slash - ns - sl
xaoc - ns - xc
zero - ba, ns - zro
zeroix - ns - zix
zmej - os, as - zj
ns new school, os old school,
----------------- ----------- --- as amiga style, ba block ascii, --- -
cl colored
jashiin //coslnrg
- contact ------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------
our new official e-mail is :
send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks.
also you can request any other members e-mail
sending a message to this one.
new members are always welcome. send your asciis
to the above specified e-mail.
guests, youre welcome too!
- end --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --psh--
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