this image contains text
.secular old school amiga style ascii colly.
special for secular ascii art pack numba 7
. .. ...no.words!.sorry!... .. .
. .. ...greetz.fly.to.guys.on.ascii... .. .
logo/diz numba made for
amiga rulez area o1. vitaly/excess teampavit
pc suxx area o2. vitaly/excess teampavit
free sources area o3. vitaly/excess teampavit
feedback wanted logoff area o4. vitaly/excess teampavit
excess design o5. excess design staff
e.org o6. excess team staff
excess team diz o7. excess team staff
r.i.p. o8. self request
secular group nfo o9. self request
secular diz 1o. self request
rush e-mag diz 11. grunge/smash
thrash gift diz 12. grunge/smash
cafe2k diz 13. cafe2000 staff
link124 diz 14. bull/link124ips
link 124 15. bull/link124ips
bull//l124 16. bull/link124ips
ins 17. insect/altairsuspendk!aa
podo 18. podo/wizzartsk!aasecular
podo 19. podo/wizzartsk!aasecular
/ //l
-------psh / /
.-----, ---- l -- /- ,/------- /--.
l. l
.------, /- ------, .-- ----- l ---- l ------ l ---,
l----/ l//. /. /
/ / / / ---psh ---
l--- .
.-- ---- ---, - l ------, ---- ------- ,/---- ----,
l .
// ----psh
- l--- //l ------------------------------
- send wishs, requests, fucks -- .- ----------- -- ------- ---,
- to f.a.s.t.@mail.ru --------- l//. /-
- l. / / //l ------
------- --psh
: .: .- ,/----- l ---- ------- ,/---- ------ ----, :. :
: : l/. : :
:...................: :............................psh.: :...................:
l/ - /. //
.------------e.org - excess-group-official-site------psh------------------
--------------------------------------------------another name of quality---
.- ,/----- l ---- ------,
l/. //-
- -- ---l. / - / - l------- -- -
.-- ----- ,/--- -------- l -- /----------- ------, ---,
l . /.
::::::::::::: sof
main info :::::::::::::
blah blah blah :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: members
::::::::::::: blah blah blah
contact :::::::::::::
blah blah blah :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: xx.xx.2k
l . /-
.-----, ---- l --- ----- l -,
l. . /
.----------psh-------- ---
amiga and zx spectrum -. .------.
7 alternative cyberscene .------- no.3
magazine - RUsH 03 ----------- ------
-----.-- /---------psh-
.. / / ...........psh..
demoparty :
:.. computer art festival 2000 ....:
july, 29-30th, kazan, russia
more info at http://cafeparty.da.ru
l// /. /
. :.........................................psh.: .
- -- ---- ----------------------- / -psh---------------------- ---- -- -
-podo-/-wizzarts-k!aa-secular----------::::::::::: -psh---------------------
: l----/l/
artist pashasecular
dESiGn pashasecular
hardware amiga computer
software ced 4.2, ansi-draw 1.01
please support our demoparty - Computer Art Festival 2000 Zx, PC, Amiga.
cafeparty.da.ru - for more info.
.secular old school amiga style ascii colly.
special for secular ascii art pack numba 7
.secular old school amiga style ascii colly.
special for secular ascii art pack numba 7
. .. ...no.words!.sorry!... .. .
. .. ...greetz.fly.to.guys.on.ascii... .. .
logo/diz numba made for
amiga rulez area o1. vitaly/excess teampavit
pc suxx area o2. vitaly/excess teampavit
free sources area o3. vitaly/excess teampavit
feedback wanted logoff area o4. vitaly/excess teampavit
excess design o5. excess design staff
e.org o6. excess team staff
excess team diz o7. excess team staff
r.i.p. o8. self request
secular group nfo o9. self request
secular diz 1o. self request
rush e-mag diz 11. grunge/smash
thrash gift diz 12. grunge/smash
cafe2k diz 13. cafe2000 staff
link124 diz 14. bull/link124ips
link 124 15. bull/link124ips
bull//l124 16. bull/link124ips
ins 17. insect/altairsuspendk!aa
podo 18. podo/wizzartsk!aasecular
podo 19. podo/wizzartsk!aasecular
/ //l
-------psh / /
.-----, ---- l -- /- ,/------- /--.
l. l
.------, /- ------, .-- ----- l ---- l ------ l ---,
l----/ l//. /. /
/ / / / ---psh ---
l--- .
.-- ---- ---, - l ------, ---- ------- ,/---- ----,
l .
// ----psh
- l--- //l ------------------------------
- send wishs, requests, fucks -- .- ----------- -- ------- ---,
- to f.a.s.t.@mail.ru --------- l//. /-
- l. / / //l ------
------- --psh
: .: .- ,/----- l ---- ------- ,/---- ------ ----, :. :
: : l/. : :
:...................: :............................psh.: :...................:
l/ - /. //
.------------e.org - excess-group-official-site------psh------------------
--------------------------------------------------another name of quality---
.- ,/----- l ---- ------,
l/. //-
- -- ---l. / - / - l------- -- -
.-- ----- ,/--- -------- l -- /----------- ------, ---,
l . /.
::::::::::::: sof
main info :::::::::::::
blah blah blah :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: members
::::::::::::: blah blah blah
contact :::::::::::::
blah blah blah :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: xx.xx.2k
l . /-
.-----, ---- l --- ----- l -,
l. . /
.----------psh-------- ---
amiga and zx spectrum -. .------.
7 alternative cyberscene .------- no.3
magazine - RUsH 03 ----------- ------
-----.-- /---------psh-
.. / / ...........psh..
demoparty :
:.. computer art festival 2000 ....:
july, 29-30th, kazan, russia
more info at http://cafeparty.da.ru
l// /. /
. :.........................................psh.: .
- -- ---- ----------------------- / -psh---------------------- ---- -- -
-podo-/-wizzarts-k!aa-secular----------::::::::::: -psh---------------------
: l----/l/
artist pashasecular
dESiGn pashasecular
hardware amiga computer
software ced 4.2, ansi-draw 1.01
please support our demoparty - Computer Art Festival 2000 Zx, PC, Amiga.
cafeparty.da.ru - for more info.
.secular old school amiga style ascii colly.
special for secular ascii art pack numba 7
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