this image contains text
yyyy .,,. .
j7?b coo l ..
?y, j j7 . ascii j7?j7
. L . ..... . . . zix
s e c u l a r :. 6 ?l,
:. ?jy-,.
. April 19 - th .@7?@. :: .*jb
. Year 2 0 0 0 . .. ......::.............: ?L
: Pack number 6 : ?, ,7 :: .,. .J7
:.............. . .,yjjS@yyySj7
one good: zero has ?L ::
joined. he is a good ?L : ...,,,i
block ascii master.. but ?L.,y l jjSS*7
this pack he seems to have ?j: J7
forgotten to submit anything. pity. ?L j
?L , J7
one bad: digi has left. well miss you. .?L .,yL. mm
another bad: we delayed. its all :: ? j7 ?L
because of me.. i left my place for :: .... j7 .....+... . . .
some city and am back only today. so :: : j7
i release immediately. :: : :
::..: ?L ..,,
and some good again: the viewer program :: ?L J
a-view.com was included. now you do not :: ? j
need to load any fonts - the viewer will :: ? J
do it itself, if finds amiga.fnt and :: ? ,7
pc.fnt in the current dir. if it doesnt,:: ?byyd7
it will use current system font. though :: .
the program is fresh, thus it has some ::
bug.. it cant load the whole peezee ::
colly, because its too large. next time ::
i hope the author will fix it. the viewer::
is a present from helios acidum //ceg, ::
hes a friend of mine and a damn good ::
programmer. use arrows and page-arrows ::
buttorn to navigate. good under windows ::
best?. ::
we have two guests this month. dwarf - ::
sorry, guy. couldnt leach your stuff ::
before sclr-05 release. now all pics ::
are here. zmej - a beginner, but seems ::
to have some potential. well see... ::
thanks, people. members are quite ::
inactive.. i mean, the majority of them. ::
me, dizz, zeroix, asd submitted 1-2 ::
asciis. bad... for me - i was terribly ::
busy this month... will try to do much ::
better next time.. xaoc disappeared and ::
did not submit. wherere you, man?? ::
ogh! having a great opportunity, i want :: : : ...: .
to say hi to galza: will you wake up :: .... . ...:.: :... ..:
some day? :: : . .
: M E M B E R Z :: . : ... .
. as-d - ns - as :: . :.....: :
. dizz - ns, os, cl - d2 ::.......... . . . ..:
. meph!sto - os - mph ::
. pasha - os, as - psh ::
podo - ba - pod ::
slash - ns - sl ::
xaoc - ns - xc ::
zero - ba, ns - zro ::
. zeroix - ns - zix ::
. ns new school, os old school, ::
. as amiga style, ba block ascii, ::
. cl colored ::
. guests ::
. dwarf //impurehazmat ::
. zmej //rzl ::
: I N F O
our official e-mail is : secular@mail.ru
send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks.
. also you can request any other members e-mail
sending a message to this one.
new members are always welcome. send your asciis
to the e-mail written before.
. guests, youre also welcome!
: ..............................eof. . . .
logo by: zeroix
text by: slash
j7?b coo l ..
?y, j j7 . ascii j7?j7
. L . ..... . . . zix
s e c u l a r :. 6 ?l,
:. ?jy-,.
. April 19 - th .@7?@. :: .*jb
. Year 2 0 0 0 . .. ......::.............: ?L
: Pack number 6 : ?, ,7 :: .,. .J7
:.............. . .,yjjS@yyySj7
one good: zero has ?L ::
joined. he is a good ?L : ...,,,i
block ascii master.. but ?L.,y l jjSS*7
this pack he seems to have ?j: J7
forgotten to submit anything. pity. ?L j
?L , J7
one bad: digi has left. well miss you. .?L .,yL. mm
another bad: we delayed. its all :: ? j7 ?L
because of me.. i left my place for :: .... j7 .....+... . . .
some city and am back only today. so :: : j7
i release immediately. :: : :
::..: ?L ..,,
and some good again: the viewer program :: ?L J
a-view.com was included. now you do not :: ? j
need to load any fonts - the viewer will :: ? J
do it itself, if finds amiga.fnt and :: ? ,7
pc.fnt in the current dir. if it doesnt,:: ?byyd7
it will use current system font. though :: .
the program is fresh, thus it has some ::
bug.. it cant load the whole peezee ::
colly, because its too large. next time ::
i hope the author will fix it. the viewer::
is a present from helios acidum //ceg, ::
hes a friend of mine and a damn good ::
programmer. use arrows and page-arrows ::
buttorn to navigate. good under windows ::
best?. ::
we have two guests this month. dwarf - ::
sorry, guy. couldnt leach your stuff ::
before sclr-05 release. now all pics ::
are here. zmej - a beginner, but seems ::
to have some potential. well see... ::
thanks, people. members are quite ::
inactive.. i mean, the majority of them. ::
me, dizz, zeroix, asd submitted 1-2 ::
asciis. bad... for me - i was terribly ::
busy this month... will try to do much ::
better next time.. xaoc disappeared and ::
did not submit. wherere you, man?? ::
ogh! having a great opportunity, i want :: : : ...: .
to say hi to galza: will you wake up :: .... . ...:.: :... ..:
some day? :: : . .
: M E M B E R Z :: . : ... .
. as-d - ns - as :: . :.....: :
. dizz - ns, os, cl - d2 ::.......... . . . ..:
. meph!sto - os - mph ::
. pasha - os, as - psh ::
podo - ba - pod ::
slash - ns - sl ::
xaoc - ns - xc ::
zero - ba, ns - zro ::
. zeroix - ns - zix ::
. ns new school, os old school, ::
. as amiga style, ba block ascii, ::
. cl colored ::
. guests ::
. dwarf //impurehazmat ::
. zmej //rzl ::
: I N F O
our official e-mail is : secular@mail.ru
send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks.
. also you can request any other members e-mail
sending a message to this one.
new members are always welcome. send your asciis
to the e-mail written before.
. guests, youre also welcome!
: ..............................eof. . . .
logo by: zeroix
text by: slash
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