this image contains text
,@S @,,
S/ /S7@,
?S .S7b komu zhizn bugi-vugi
S..S . ........ a komu polniy bred
/S7 .S7 : komu zhizn bugi-vugi
i7 ..St* . : nu a mne polniy bred
/ S7 i .....:.................
............. /b : ! , . ,*t
: ..-- 7/L . j/
: . ..,,St* : . L , :
: : : .,P :
: : : . lL 7 ? :
: : : . /S ?l
: : : ../ .L . /
nedopitoe pivo : .. . ,S . /tt
nedobitiy komar : ,,l :
nedosmotrenniy son :. ? .....d2.:
nezametniy udar t*
it seems that ive lost anti-aliasing skills...
i dont care...
u draw for myself, not for anybody else...
...or anything else...
upper left corner...
whats it?!
send your suggestions down there...
...up there... - hehe...
S/ /S7@,
?S .S7b komu zhizn bugi-vugi
S..S . ........ a komu polniy bred
/S7 .S7 : komu zhizn bugi-vugi
i7 ..St* . : nu a mne polniy bred
/ S7 i .....:.................
............. /b : ! , . ,*t
: ..-- 7/L . j/
: . ..,,St* : . L , :
: : : .,P :
: : : . lL 7 ? :
: : : . /S ?l
: : : ../ .L . /
nedopitoe pivo : .. . ,S . /tt
nedobitiy komar : ,,l :
nedosmotrenniy son :. ? .....d2.:
nezametniy udar t*
it seems that ive lost anti-aliasing skills...
i dont care...
u draw for myself, not for anybody else...
...or anything else...
upper left corner...
whats it?!
send your suggestions down there...
...up there... - hehe...
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