this image contains text
...............................@SS@ ?
: JjP
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hugi 18th gd................................:
the eminent .?
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7 : : db the eminent
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......??.i... i SSi7
: ib di ,:., ii :
: ?? ?1
: ?jj? ?j:
: hugi xxxxteenth
: the eminent one :.............. . . . . ..sl.
three logos for the best mag ever - hugi
first and second are for the hugi ascii compo
third is the header for hugi text-stuff
...............................@SS@ ?
: JjP
ySS :y,. j? ,i
.,SL 12 i. L y
?. i1 l? ?,?
?.:i 1 .do ?? .y
?: 2 .g g/ : .,y i
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11 1 ? ,? 7/i 2i
i2 :L j?,*
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ij7 .:,. ? d7 .,yS ii
1j SS j.7 11
2 GSjD j.,y? 2
iy.i j 7 j
? . ? jjS *
.Sy :
hugi 18th gd................................:
the eminent .?
7 .........................
:: : : h u g i X X
7 : : db the eminent
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7.db. : .db. 7
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ySL jSy ySSy
7.,,.7 ,y,. .,y, 7jSSj7 ,y,.
77 ,? ?, 7 .*7 ,?
:: :L 7Sy
......??.i... i SSi7
: ib di ,:., ii :
: ?? ?1
: ?jj? ?j:
: hugi xxxxteenth
: the eminent one :.............. . . . . ..sl.
three logos for the best mag ever - hugi
first and second are for the hugi ascii compo
third is the header for hugi text-stuff
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