[0m[2J[16CSoulz At Zero - Readme.txt - Issue II [1;35mGreetings all! Well, I must say that the project ([0;35mso far[1m) has been a giant success! As of this writing, Pack 1 was downloaded over [0;35m40 [1mtimes in the OKC metro area! That's great! We are glad to see some people are looking at the packs and seeing what [0;35mSAZ [1mis all about. We are hoping to see the same enthusiasm for Pack II, and all other packs soon to come. Don't miss our upcoming [0;35mHalloween [1missue! [37m----- [30mFaces of a million hells Rage inside these veins [37m- [30mGlenn Danzig [37m----- [35mWell, as of the first pack there were only two members. The Stranger lately has been writing tons of lits, while I have been focusing more on GiF's. I would have more in the pack but I had to take a little vacation and went to [0;35mChicago [1mfor a week. We are growing, and have had several people take the time to fill out those applications. Keep sending them! We love to get stuff from you guys. This is for you all, so keep it alive! I would also like to mention our two new support BBS's! [0;35mX-Force BBS[1m, run by Ozzymandias, is the new [0;35mSAZ World Headquarters[1m. The phone number is (405)495-4353. Although it is a private BBS system, you can leave any comments to us there from the Log-In Matrix ([0;35mjust log on and hit the [S]end mail to Soulz At Zero option[1m). We also have our first distro sight, which is [0;35mLate Night BBS[1m, run by our good friend the Sandman. The # there is (405)422-3711. All SAZ packs go to these two boards [0;35mFIRST [1mand can be downloaded [0;35mFREE[1m. 'Nuf said. For more info, load the [0;35mSAZ-ADD.EXE [1mfile. [37m----- [30mThe Hatred I Bestowed, Upon your neck with a fatal blow [37m- [30mFNM [37m----- [35mThere are a couple of new things here in the second pack that I would like to point out. One is [0;35mSAZ's [1mnewsletter, called [0;35mThe Death Certificate. [1mIt's in this pack, titled [0;35mDEATH.TXT[1m. Check it out! From now on, all this info will appear in that file, as well as all of The Stranger's reviews, editorials, etc. Another change in the pack is the file called [0;35mFILELIST.TXT[1m. This is a listing of every file in the pack, what they are, who wrote/drew them, etc. This was put in the pack for your convenience. The file will [0;35mNOT [1mcontain any ANSI codes to make it easier to print. [12C[37m----- [30mHorror of the Body is alright [37m- [30mWhite Zombie [37m----- [35mI guess that's about it. Are there any comments or suggestions? We haven't got a [0;35mSINGLE ONE YET[1m!! Are you people there? We tried to get a local guy to write us a viewer but that fizzled, so here we are, sending ansi files. Oh yeah, someone (?) mentioned that they could not read these files in DOS. Well, if you are new to computing and are typing these files from DOS and are getting strange characters and stuff, add this file to your [0;35mCONFIG.SYS [1mfile: [0;35mdevicehigh=c:\dos\ansi.sys [1mThat should help you out. If you don't know how to edit your config.sys file, um, quit downloading these. :) Feel free to send any comments, suggestions, lit, or anything else to: [27CSoulZ At Zero [24C9717 NW 10th - #249 [27COKC, OK 73127 Or E-Mail either me or the Stranger on any local OKC BBS. Thanks for taking the time to read through this shit. Somehow, some way, it makes it a little more fun to write these. :0 Latez ... [44C[31m-[35mJack Flack[31m/[35mSAZ[31m-[0m