this image contains text
Y @@ YSs,
,d @@@
s sssSSS Y ,,, Y ,sS
,s, ,,S@ Y sSS
ssSSSs Y ..,S
Y @ Ss, Y @@ss.
Y sSSs @@@ , ,@@
@@@ ,,,s, SSY SSSss,
s s s sY
,,,, : Y
,,ssSS Y Y ,Y,
,,,,ssSSS YYs,.
@ ,ss,,,s ,YY Y
@@@@.,sSY .s Y
...,,,sssSSS .sS @@
,s@@@ @@
@@@ @@ sudiphed!ascii
..silent legacy..
yes, this is a negro. my friend ssoul saw my matrix and said draw me a
negro too i said fuck you, thats not a negro, but ok and this came out.
believe it or not, this pic started as a disk. yup. i was trying to draw an
abstract disk for some odd reason, and it slowly formed into the rather large-
lipped negro you now see before you. funny how things turn out, hey?
,d @@@
s sssSSS Y ,,, Y ,sS
,s, ,,S@ Y sSS
ssSSSs Y ..,S
Y @ Ss, Y @@ss.
Y sSSs @@@ , ,@@
@@@ ,,,s, SSY SSSss,
s s s sY
,,,, : Y
,,ssSS Y Y ,Y,
,,,,ssSSS YYs,.
@ ,ss,,,s ,YY Y
@@@@.,sSY .s Y
...,,,sssSSS .sS @@
,s@@@ @@
@@@ @@ sudiphed!ascii
..silent legacy..
yes, this is a negro. my friend ssoul saw my matrix and said draw me a
negro too i said fuck you, thats not a negro, but ok and this came out.
believe it or not, this pic started as a disk. yup. i was trying to draw an
abstract disk for some odd reason, and it slowly formed into the rather large-
lipped negro you now see before you. funny how things turn out, hey?
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