this image contains text
ascii header by mCeekaes ..
,@S8S88888,@8888888S@s.8888888l satire pack 1, info file ..
,788l S8888l 888888S 7S888b.88888l ---------------------------------- -- -,7888l 8888S@.8888b. l8888l l8888l
:8888b. 788888Ss,l8888. S88888 888888, satire ascii emergency is an
l88888b. 788888888888l S88888 888888888888 ascii group dedicated to quality
d88888b. ,888888 888888S ascii of all types, newschool,
8888888s. ,a@S88888888 88888 S88888l oldschool, colored, greyscale,
8888Ss 88888 88888 8888l 88888i all kinds. there is no art
888888 ,l8888l 8888l l8888 8888l l8888 prejudice here. you insist on
,88888 ,78888b,8888l l8888 8888l 8888, limitations and boundaries?
i88888l ,78888b,d8888 l8888 8888l 8888b, we will resist and defy.
d8888S.,888888g8888888.,88888g88888,,8888888 start info file
satire ascii emergency. collection number one.
ahh, so here we are. pack number one, its been a long, treacherous journey
to this pack, filled with yes it sounds cheesy, but betrayal. Many members
have decided to take my nice manner at accepting new artists, that, they just
couldnt wait to FUCK ME STRAIGHT UP THE ASS when they got an offer from a
bigger group. well, to them i say, FUCK YOU. but i wont mention any names.
okay ill mention lord reaper, but thats the only one, theres more.
ahem, now that thats over with, we can get on with the group news. us here
at satire ascii emergency are mainly about friendship. if you arent going to
be an all-around cool person to each and every single person in the group, you
are not welcome here. i have had no problems at all with any of the people in
the group, and at this point, consider ALL of them my friends, including all of
the guests. regardless of your eliteness or if you are a good ascii artist,if yer gonna be an asshole, YOU CAN PULL MY PENIS. i will not stand for the
bullshit that kills the scene.
wow, this has been a very negative info file, but i had to say those things,
its very important that people get that straight about satire.
about the name
satire satr, n, 1 the use of mockery, irony, or wit to attack or ridicule
something, such as a habit, idea, or custom that is, or is considered to be,
foolish or wrong.
jesus, so many people have considered us to be some one-pack joke group based onthe name. get it straight.
anyways, the name means were here to shout a big fuck you to all the assholesthat kill this scene. i guess in a way we are a joke, because we decided not
to follow the same guidelines as alot of artists and groups do. and some of
that mockery can be shown in some of the art contained within this pack.
how do i get ahold of you?
if you want to get ahold of satire, contact any of the seniors on irc, or email
the following ::
anarchist anarchist88@hotmail.com
insight insight@primenet.com
me and insight talk everyday, we live in the same ac and everything, and are
personal friends, so we basically run most of the group. contacting one of thosetwo addresses will get you the best results.
what if i wanna join?
do any of the above, and just ask about joining. then just do what we tell ya to: which will probably consist of just a sample of your work. and a couple
questions. dont worry, we dont bite err, insight might ..
im sick of listening to you.
yah and im sick of typing .. so i pass the mic to -- mCeekaes.
one last thing .. werd to insight, werd to the whole satire crew, werd to the
81 crew, especially ack and necrom, werd to cain. werd to revolve, werd to
paradox. werd all the satire boys.
end anarchist
open mCeekaes
wow.. its late.. 4:08 am.. wired as hell..
first things first, i cant beleive he used that header. : i dont like it very
much. but anyways.. if you dont know me, maybe, MAYBE i can refresh your memory.only a select few knew me when i was around..
about a year and a half ago, i was active in the ascii scene .. for the time,
my style, i think was considered good.. i was phallic, of cia ascii. or phCIA asi was known on irc.. i started haws, or back then, fury into ansi drawing, and
he surpased the competition quickly.. then, i beleive, fury, got widowmaker, or
empower, or even sUPAfLY into the scene. you may think i have only been arounfor like. a few months, but you are wrong.. i was around before fury, before
empower, and kresile.. enough about me, lets talk about the pack..
like anarkzz said. satire is not going to be an in and out group.. satire is
here to stay .. were are not really out to compete with any of the big groups,
we are here to just be a well-organized group, that plans to stick around..
hey, but maybe someday, we could be just as good as remorse or odelay.. but,
who knows what the future holds..
were not out for any beef either..
as some may know, kresile and i are working on a special project,
Flow Publications, which i think i might release the first few issues of with
satire, but its just a thought.. anyways, look for Flow98 when it releases..
my fingers hurt..
hiphops intangible, mCeekaesoner..
oh. peace to kresile.
,@S8S88888,@8888888S@s.8888888l satire pack 1, info file ..
,788l S8888l 888888S 7S888b.88888l ---------------------------------- -- -,7888l 8888S@.8888b. l8888l l8888l
:8888b. 788888Ss,l8888. S88888 888888, satire ascii emergency is an
l88888b. 788888888888l S88888 888888888888 ascii group dedicated to quality
d88888b. ,888888 888888S ascii of all types, newschool,
8888888s. ,a@S88888888 88888 S88888l oldschool, colored, greyscale,
8888Ss 88888 88888 8888l 88888i all kinds. there is no art
888888 ,l8888l 8888l l8888 8888l l8888 prejudice here. you insist on
,88888 ,78888b,8888l l8888 8888l 8888, limitations and boundaries?
i88888l ,78888b,d8888 l8888 8888l 8888b, we will resist and defy.
d8888S.,888888g8888888.,88888g88888,,8888888 start info file
satire ascii emergency. collection number one.
ahh, so here we are. pack number one, its been a long, treacherous journey
to this pack, filled with yes it sounds cheesy, but betrayal. Many members
have decided to take my nice manner at accepting new artists, that, they just
couldnt wait to FUCK ME STRAIGHT UP THE ASS when they got an offer from a
bigger group. well, to them i say, FUCK YOU. but i wont mention any names.
okay ill mention lord reaper, but thats the only one, theres more.
ahem, now that thats over with, we can get on with the group news. us here
at satire ascii emergency are mainly about friendship. if you arent going to
be an all-around cool person to each and every single person in the group, you
are not welcome here. i have had no problems at all with any of the people in
the group, and at this point, consider ALL of them my friends, including all of
the guests. regardless of your eliteness or if you are a good ascii artist,if yer gonna be an asshole, YOU CAN PULL MY PENIS. i will not stand for the
bullshit that kills the scene.
wow, this has been a very negative info file, but i had to say those things,
its very important that people get that straight about satire.
about the name
satire satr, n, 1 the use of mockery, irony, or wit to attack or ridicule
something, such as a habit, idea, or custom that is, or is considered to be,
foolish or wrong.
jesus, so many people have considered us to be some one-pack joke group based onthe name. get it straight.
anyways, the name means were here to shout a big fuck you to all the assholesthat kill this scene. i guess in a way we are a joke, because we decided not
to follow the same guidelines as alot of artists and groups do. and some of
that mockery can be shown in some of the art contained within this pack.
how do i get ahold of you?
if you want to get ahold of satire, contact any of the seniors on irc, or email
the following ::
anarchist anarchist88@hotmail.com
insight insight@primenet.com
me and insight talk everyday, we live in the same ac and everything, and are
personal friends, so we basically run most of the group. contacting one of thosetwo addresses will get you the best results.
what if i wanna join?
do any of the above, and just ask about joining. then just do what we tell ya to: which will probably consist of just a sample of your work. and a couple
questions. dont worry, we dont bite err, insight might ..
im sick of listening to you.
yah and im sick of typing .. so i pass the mic to -- mCeekaes.
one last thing .. werd to insight, werd to the whole satire crew, werd to the
81 crew, especially ack and necrom, werd to cain. werd to revolve, werd to
paradox. werd all the satire boys.
end anarchist
open mCeekaes
wow.. its late.. 4:08 am.. wired as hell..
first things first, i cant beleive he used that header. : i dont like it very
much. but anyways.. if you dont know me, maybe, MAYBE i can refresh your memory.only a select few knew me when i was around..
about a year and a half ago, i was active in the ascii scene .. for the time,
my style, i think was considered good.. i was phallic, of cia ascii. or phCIA asi was known on irc.. i started haws, or back then, fury into ansi drawing, and
he surpased the competition quickly.. then, i beleive, fury, got widowmaker, or
empower, or even sUPAfLY into the scene. you may think i have only been arounfor like. a few months, but you are wrong.. i was around before fury, before
empower, and kresile.. enough about me, lets talk about the pack..
like anarkzz said. satire is not going to be an in and out group.. satire is
here to stay .. were are not really out to compete with any of the big groups,
we are here to just be a well-organized group, that plans to stick around..
hey, but maybe someday, we could be just as good as remorse or odelay.. but,
who knows what the future holds..
were not out for any beef either..
as some may know, kresile and i are working on a special project,
Flow Publications, which i think i might release the first few issues of with
satire, but its just a thought.. anyways, look for Flow98 when it releases..
my fingers hurt..
hiphops intangible, mCeekaesoner..
oh. peace to kresile.
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