this image contains text
----- wirtschaft --------------
soziales ----------------- widerst
and ------
interdisziplinr rudimentr sekundr
Ja, diese Worte sind kra, verletzend un
d laut -
doch nur wenn man schreit
, weckt man Tote auf!
wirtschaft soziales wide
is released regulary in all fbk- and sargahd-packs for a
reachable households.
V. i. s. d. P.: fbk-crew editors: gunman and shaitan fbk
issue 003 daily near death experience
hi, this is the third issue of wirtschaft soziales
stand. this time, shaitan wrote many articles, t
oo. maybe we
forgot to mention some topics - the organizing has been pu
chaos. : sorry for that. in the next issue youll find s
photos again. we dont have the time to do anything creative
this newsletter, so wait for issue4.
-- gunman
delay - whats that? never heard of this.
well, we release der rote stern wacht ber alles with a to
big delay. several factors are responsible for this. but, i pr
mise you and the fbk- and sargahd-members: this wont repeat on
i also have to thank sargahds members who helped me and gu
man in soluting the problems the packaging-procedure brough
t with
it instead of complaining, especially outraider and
-- shaitan
changes in our line-up
joining: lord chaos, outraider, noize, dizman.
leaving: zavage, mr4tune.
lord chaos is an oldschool amiga-ascii-artist. he pain
ts on his
oldie-but-goldie amiga and creats high-quality ascii collectio
for sargahd. hes also musician in the just refounded music-gro
shock records. maybe you remember him from his ascii
colly in
sags mit blumen under the back2basix-label.
outraider surprises europe with his great ansis, logos
as well as
pictures. he came to us from phat and shc and i
s also in shade.
were very proud of having stopped his group-jumping and hope
have him in sargahd as long as possible.
noize is an ansi-newcomer who came to us from p
hat where he
stayed. nevertheless, sargahd isnt a second-affil for him
, as
the quality and quantity of his contributions for us show.
dizman is deliriums best mate and is getting better an
d better,
so we decided to invite him to sargahd. he didnt disappoint u
were curious about his further development. :
zavage, our vga-expert, left the scene. sad but true.
: thats
why this pack isnt bigger than 8ook.
so what about mr4tune, youre asking now, huh? well, r
ead shai-
tans seperate article about this guy from berlin..
-- gunman
..quitted sargahd because of several conflicts and disagree-
ments we had. he prefered being a member of a appreciated, wel
known art-group, like cia for example, where no internal work h
to be done and where he doesnt need to help developing t
groups status.
-- shaitan
booze!@ ex-amal the anal
we will get a second musician for our m
usic- and demo-pro- jects soon, if noth
ing wents bad. his name is booze and hes a
good friend of noize. hes a totally scene-newcomer and is on
member in noizes local group-project deutsch
hardcore posing
front so far.
-- gunman
the sargahd / bm - conflict
maybe you didnt realize it, but there have been some
quarrels between sargahd and black maiden. the conflict start
when the fbk had found out the ripping of a black maiden member
but thats a long time ago, black maiden apologized s
ave-srry.ans and the situation has cooled down. i even met ave
ger and poti bm in real life and we painted some ansis togethe
additionally, bm-members made two guest ansis for der
rote stern
wacht ber alles - thank you for that! so - the bm-related o
jects in this pack arent meant hostile, dont take em serious
-- shaitan
- in echt seh ich gar nicht so
scheisse aus
distsites and headquarters
we lost the nirvana as distributionsite, because ray
nirvanas sysop, decided to go offline. right now, we only ha
two ! distsite in germany left, so we accept new. : send yo
application to shaitan or to me, gunman.
we also accept headquarters in foreign countries, so
if you want to become fbk-hq, try to contact an
fbk-member via internet.
he will forward the application to out group-internal net, t
-- gunman
unleashed! - revolution..
..isnt online yet, but i have restarted to work on it! for
now it seems that im going online when i have moved into
new inner-city-apartment and got a newer, faster computer.
think it will be one month in the future, then unLEASHED!
is on-
line again. if i make it to go online in the near future, i wi
overtake the provisional fbk whq.
-- shaitan
fbk.. - sargahd!?
to avoid confusion: theres no chance to get a sargahd-only
headquarter or distsite - sargahd is an fbk subdivision, so a
fbk-hqs and -distsites are full sargahd-hqs and -distsites, too
-- gunman
superpositionstransversalparty the whiteshirt bombing-p
the sptp is another party-like event of the fbk, additio-
nally to the wold-wide known penis. it was organized by me
and took place in trier.
members of atn, aiz*, the whiteshirts, shoot, ccid, back2b
six, black maiden, aod, shock records and of course fbk had a l
of fun. you will get closer information soon.
-- shaitan
combined results
mekka 96 4th place game compo das scheispiel
7th place multichannel feelin blue
10th place ansee xpress*phunk?
uc2e 2nd place shitmuzzak whiskey dancing
2nd place ansee penis
3rd place ansee dont feed the biers
5th place multichannel lachskammer
wired 96 7th place ansee revolution
7th place ansee znickerz-trip
13th place ansee who needs colors?
14th place ansee no use for a name
16th place ansee fishbowl
go! 1 1st place ansee noizes
2nd place ansee outraiders
4th place ansee shaitans
6th place ansee bonewoods
seed 1st place ansee shaitans
comment to the combined results
we decided to list the results from single competitions which
didnt take place at parties, too. the go! competition is a ge
man-only ansi-event organized by germanys top-artists.
-- gunman
comment to the comment to the combined results
oha, meine herren!
-- shaitan
+++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++ last minute
news +++
noize changed his abbrevation and tag from n!z to n
z. fbk merged with victims
of society. more info soon available.
bonewood changes his handle slowly to didjerama
delirium stopped painting ansi. tyle and highascii r
paratoxic will buy a 1,20m high bong soon.
-------------------its the end of the world as w
e know it--------------------pH
text by gunman and shaitan, idea by acid.
----- wirtschaft --------------
soziales ----------------- widerst
and ------
interdisziplinr rudimentr sekundr
Ja, diese Worte sind kra, verletzend un
d laut -
doch nur wenn man schreit
, weckt man Tote auf!
wirtschaft soziales wide
is released regulary in all fbk- and sargahd-packs for a
reachable households.
V. i. s. d. P.: fbk-crew editors: gunman and shaitan fbk
issue 003 daily near death experience
hi, this is the third issue of wirtschaft soziales
stand. this time, shaitan wrote many articles, t
oo. maybe we
forgot to mention some topics - the organizing has been pu
chaos. : sorry for that. in the next issue youll find s
photos again. we dont have the time to do anything creative
this newsletter, so wait for issue4.
-- gunman
delay - whats that? never heard of this.
well, we release der rote stern wacht ber alles with a to
big delay. several factors are responsible for this. but, i pr
mise you and the fbk- and sargahd-members: this wont repeat on
i also have to thank sargahds members who helped me and gu
man in soluting the problems the packaging-procedure brough
t with
it instead of complaining, especially outraider and
-- shaitan
changes in our line-up
joining: lord chaos, outraider, noize, dizman.
leaving: zavage, mr4tune.
lord chaos is an oldschool amiga-ascii-artist. he pain
ts on his
oldie-but-goldie amiga and creats high-quality ascii collectio
for sargahd. hes also musician in the just refounded music-gro
shock records. maybe you remember him from his ascii
colly in
sags mit blumen under the back2basix-label.
outraider surprises europe with his great ansis, logos
as well as
pictures. he came to us from phat and shc and i
s also in shade.
were very proud of having stopped his group-jumping and hope
have him in sargahd as long as possible.
noize is an ansi-newcomer who came to us from p
hat where he
stayed. nevertheless, sargahd isnt a second-affil for him
, as
the quality and quantity of his contributions for us show.
dizman is deliriums best mate and is getting better an
d better,
so we decided to invite him to sargahd. he didnt disappoint u
were curious about his further development. :
zavage, our vga-expert, left the scene. sad but true.
: thats
why this pack isnt bigger than 8ook.
so what about mr4tune, youre asking now, huh? well, r
ead shai-
tans seperate article about this guy from berlin..
-- gunman
..quitted sargahd because of several conflicts and disagree-
ments we had. he prefered being a member of a appreciated, wel
known art-group, like cia for example, where no internal work h
to be done and where he doesnt need to help developing t
groups status.
-- shaitan
booze!@ ex-amal the anal
we will get a second musician for our m
usic- and demo-pro- jects soon, if noth
ing wents bad. his name is booze and hes a
good friend of noize. hes a totally scene-newcomer and is on
member in noizes local group-project deutsch
hardcore posing
front so far.
-- gunman
the sargahd / bm - conflict
maybe you didnt realize it, but there have been some
quarrels between sargahd and black maiden. the conflict start
when the fbk had found out the ripping of a black maiden member
but thats a long time ago, black maiden apologized s
ave-srry.ans and the situation has cooled down. i even met ave
ger and poti bm in real life and we painted some ansis togethe
additionally, bm-members made two guest ansis for der
rote stern
wacht ber alles - thank you for that! so - the bm-related o
jects in this pack arent meant hostile, dont take em serious
-- shaitan
- in echt seh ich gar nicht so
scheisse aus
distsites and headquarters
we lost the nirvana as distributionsite, because ray
nirvanas sysop, decided to go offline. right now, we only ha
two ! distsite in germany left, so we accept new. : send yo
application to shaitan or to me, gunman.
we also accept headquarters in foreign countries, so
if you want to become fbk-hq, try to contact an
fbk-member via internet.
he will forward the application to out group-internal net, t
-- gunman
unleashed! - revolution..
..isnt online yet, but i have restarted to work on it! for
now it seems that im going online when i have moved into
new inner-city-apartment and got a newer, faster computer.
think it will be one month in the future, then unLEASHED!
is on-
line again. if i make it to go online in the near future, i wi
overtake the provisional fbk whq.
-- shaitan
fbk.. - sargahd!?
to avoid confusion: theres no chance to get a sargahd-only
headquarter or distsite - sargahd is an fbk subdivision, so a
fbk-hqs and -distsites are full sargahd-hqs and -distsites, too
-- gunman
superpositionstransversalparty the whiteshirt bombing-p
the sptp is another party-like event of the fbk, additio-
nally to the wold-wide known penis. it was organized by me
and took place in trier.
members of atn, aiz*, the whiteshirts, shoot, ccid, back2b
six, black maiden, aod, shock records and of course fbk had a l
of fun. you will get closer information soon.
-- shaitan
combined results
mekka 96 4th place game compo das scheispiel
7th place multichannel feelin blue
10th place ansee xpress*phunk?
uc2e 2nd place shitmuzzak whiskey dancing
2nd place ansee penis
3rd place ansee dont feed the biers
5th place multichannel lachskammer
wired 96 7th place ansee revolution
7th place ansee znickerz-trip
13th place ansee who needs colors?
14th place ansee no use for a name
16th place ansee fishbowl
go! 1 1st place ansee noizes
2nd place ansee outraiders
4th place ansee shaitans
6th place ansee bonewoods
seed 1st place ansee shaitans
comment to the combined results
we decided to list the results from single competitions which
didnt take place at parties, too. the go! competition is a ge
man-only ansi-event organized by germanys top-artists.
-- gunman
comment to the comment to the combined results
oha, meine herren!
-- shaitan
+++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++ last minute
news +++
noize changed his abbrevation and tag from n!z to n
z. fbk merged with victims
of society. more info soon available.
bonewood changes his handle slowly to didjerama
delirium stopped painting ansi. tyle and highascii r
paratoxic will buy a 1,20m high bong soon.
-------------------its the end of the world as w
e know it--------------------pH
text by gunman and shaitan, idea by acid.
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