this image contains text
. i . ,
, . ,. . b ,d,
,d,,i ,db, ,d ,. ,b,. 4b.
,sb,. , d.4P . ,f. . .
b .
sP.,..,,s.,dbs,.,,s ,dbs,.,,s ,
,.,yb, .,yb, 4.,yb, 4,d
,ds,,.4 s, 4 s, s,
P ,s.sb ,s.sb ,s.sb
d.P d.P ,s.P
l . l . l .
. . .P
h a z ard
the hazard/2. your op is the supadupa-avenger. we are affil
with ms, black maiden ...
-------------HAZard/2. trade with avengerbmmswuff...
, . ,. . b ,d,
,d,,i ,db, ,d ,. ,b,. 4b.
,sb,. , d.4P . ,f. . .
b .
sP.,..,,s.,dbs,.,,s ,dbs,.,,s ,
,.,yb, .,yb, 4.,yb, 4,d
,ds,,.4 s, 4 s, s,
P ,s.sb ,s.sb ,s.sb
d.P d.P ,s.P
l . l . l .
. . .P
h a z ard
the hazard/2. your op is the supadupa-avenger. we are affil
with ms, black maiden ...
-------------HAZard/2. trade with avengerbmmswuff...
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