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memberlist design by Rebal/Mak/Sammael saga!
Hit the rewind son! Kidky
Well, what can I say? How about, Its about time. We all know
know that Sagas demise left a bitter taste in everyones mouth,
including mine. So after a year and a half we have returned to release
yet another saga explosion.
Of course in the year and a half of Sagas absence, most of the
old members have moved on and are either no longer active in the scene
or they are drawing for ice productions.grin I would like to give my
congradulations to Tetanus for being promoted to the advisory board.
Im glad stuff worked out for you bro, and good luck to you.
So since Saga has been gone for such a long period of time you
cannot expect it to be the same as it was in the past. We are finding
new talent everyday, and trying to blend it together with some of our
oldtimers. Now, I am in no way saying the old saga members are not
welcome back. I would love to have all of you guys back, and try
and experience the old, and maybe the new.
I learned alot from the 1st Saga experience. The most important
thing I learned though, is that if you want a stable group you must
associate yourself with people who are capable of handling group based
situations. After Betrayer, and Stone Amnesia stepped down after our
first release, I found it difficult to find two people who could fill
the void. I found myself switching posistions every month, and now I
realize this theory is just not going to work. So now I have Stone
Amnesia who has returned from limbo land, along with Creator to help
me keep this group running. Also, We dont plan on having 70 members
anytime soon either. On a closing note, this group is going to focus
soley on ansi. Vga, and rip are not wanted in Saga at this time. Im
not ruling out the idea, but for now we are going to stick to ansi.
In just a little over a month we have been able to accomplish so
much. Z55, our first ansi viewer is almost completed. This is just the
first design of a more advanced viewer to come. Our appgen has been
redone, with new ansi graphics and slick routines. Our webpage is
being constructed as we speak and is way ahead of scheduale. We are
also half-way done completing our very own ansi editor called virtual
ansi draw. We are doing our best to offer you the features of all the other ansi drawing programs with of course some new twists. Look for it
in the months to come.
So I would like to thank everyone for their hardwork and dedication in the groups first month of existence. Without you the group would have
folded. This months gimp of the month award goes to Creator. Without
you craig there would be no group. Thankyou for having faith in me, and
giving me a fair chance.
I want to address something right now so I dont get any questions
later. Saga does not have any distro sites, or outposts for that matter.
The official saga World Headquarters is Neo nacho which will be up via
telnet sometime in June. All of sagas releases will be online and
available for download. Also sometime in June hopefully early Sagas
very own Saga.org will be up, and fully functional. We will be able to
supply our members with shell accounts, email, ftp, and Web space.
If you are interested in joining us, all you have to do is fill out
the appgen, and get it to either Creator, Stone Amnesia or myself and
we will get back to you as quick as possible. Remember though, that we
are trying to keep ourselves small, so we may initiate a memberfreeze.
That all depends in how things go, so apply regardless.
Join saga for all the latest news on upcoming saga projects and
happenings. I look foward to seeing you there. Until next month i leave
you with this. You cant kill something thats already dead.
-Ellisdee / ellisdee on irc
-ellismc@hotmail.com / saga
-coming soon- saga.org
Hit the rewind son! Kidky
Well, what can I say? How about, Its about time. We all know
know that Sagas demise left a bitter taste in everyones mouth,
including mine. So after a year and a half we have returned to release
yet another saga explosion.
Of course in the year and a half of Sagas absence, most of the
old members have moved on and are either no longer active in the scene
or they are drawing for ice productions.grin I would like to give my
congradulations to Tetanus for being promoted to the advisory board.
Im glad stuff worked out for you bro, and good luck to you.
So since Saga has been gone for such a long period of time you
cannot expect it to be the same as it was in the past. We are finding
new talent everyday, and trying to blend it together with some of our
oldtimers. Now, I am in no way saying the old saga members are not
welcome back. I would love to have all of you guys back, and try
and experience the old, and maybe the new.
I learned alot from the 1st Saga experience. The most important
thing I learned though, is that if you want a stable group you must
associate yourself with people who are capable of handling group based
situations. After Betrayer, and Stone Amnesia stepped down after our
first release, I found it difficult to find two people who could fill
the void. I found myself switching posistions every month, and now I
realize this theory is just not going to work. So now I have Stone
Amnesia who has returned from limbo land, along with Creator to help
me keep this group running. Also, We dont plan on having 70 members
anytime soon either. On a closing note, this group is going to focus
soley on ansi. Vga, and rip are not wanted in Saga at this time. Im
not ruling out the idea, but for now we are going to stick to ansi.
In just a little over a month we have been able to accomplish so
much. Z55, our first ansi viewer is almost completed. This is just the
first design of a more advanced viewer to come. Our appgen has been
redone, with new ansi graphics and slick routines. Our webpage is
being constructed as we speak and is way ahead of scheduale. We are
also half-way done completing our very own ansi editor called virtual
ansi draw. We are doing our best to offer you the features of all the other ansi drawing programs with of course some new twists. Look for it
in the months to come.
So I would like to thank everyone for their hardwork and dedication in the groups first month of existence. Without you the group would have
folded. This months gimp of the month award goes to Creator. Without
you craig there would be no group. Thankyou for having faith in me, and
giving me a fair chance.
I want to address something right now so I dont get any questions
later. Saga does not have any distro sites, or outposts for that matter.
The official saga World Headquarters is Neo nacho which will be up via
telnet sometime in June. All of sagas releases will be online and
available for download. Also sometime in June hopefully early Sagas
very own Saga.org will be up, and fully functional. We will be able to
supply our members with shell accounts, email, ftp, and Web space.
If you are interested in joining us, all you have to do is fill out
the appgen, and get it to either Creator, Stone Amnesia or myself and
we will get back to you as quick as possible. Remember though, that we
are trying to keep ourselves small, so we may initiate a memberfreeze.
That all depends in how things go, so apply regardless.
Join saga for all the latest news on upcoming saga projects and
happenings. I look foward to seeing you there. Until next month i leave
you with this. You cant kill something thats already dead.
-Ellisdee / ellisdee on irc
-ellismc@hotmail.com / saga
-coming soon- saga.org
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