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NEWS! - information file update for November 1995
1. Well its that time again, Saga explosion 3. Its here and hopefully you
will enjoy it. Now i know that we were predicted to be dead after 3 packs : butwe are still here alive and kicking. First off, Mrmuff, our net coordinator, hasgot epic net up and running. To acquire epic net you must either be a hq or havean active saga member as a sysop on your board. Also the member position has
beem removed. Ok well onto the news.
2. As of pack 3 we have begun to remove inactive members from the active
list. Now as you know this does not constitute you as being out of the group,
just inactive. To reverse this, just doodle, that simple : This month wyvern
enigmatic, and vyrus have been removed. Wake up guys doodle : Also sadly STC
and Ragnarok both left saga for acid. Good luck guys! Stc youre a bum : heh
3. Ok now to the good news we had a big score in gaining members this
month. Grateful Dead comes over from legend and his going to help lead the ansi
division. Argon who is helping me write this info file, joins up with saga this
month. You will be hearing from him in the nfo file shortly : Bigge Pif comes
over from grip, along with The Night Angel who comes over from dark. That whackyold schooler with the big lisp Cool T joins sagaHi SHHHHTEve :. Flipside who
was previously known as fear hops aboard. This guy can draw, good to have him
aboard. Chainsaw comes over from bleach. He gets better and better every time.
P-Chan formerly of acid productions returns from the dead. He is one of the
better artists in the scene right now in my opinion. Phoenix formerly of cia andonion settled down with us this month. Expect some juicy stuff from him soon.
The mysterious samurai kung fu ninja The pumpkin king joined saga this month.He
does all kind of art vga,rip, and ansi the whole ball of wax heh : That tiny
winy peperoni Raffaello boarded the saga chew chew this month. He does great
fonts in a style i have never seen, and it drives the girls wild. Rev formerly
known as cash, cashcropZ, , cashflow, mangore, mangoria, mangoria 747 joins
up this month.pause gasping for breath He has a good yet humurous enjoyable
style we have all grown to love. If you hear the cash train chuggen you get offthe tracksrev 95. Also he said that Musser, and Fuxer are copyrighted to
Rev Enterprises. Sharp edge that crazy wild kooki israeli phenom joins saga thismonth. Shroom a talented rip artist gives saga a mighty whirl. Sinister X, who
has one of the wackiest toony styles ever, comes over from acid. He is quite
enthusiastic which is always good. Splatt, another promising logo artist bought
round trip with saga internationalinternacional. Xanax after a long break
has decided to draw for saga. He has gotten way better so fear him. Rza the funkmastah of flyness or something like that flips his bewmbOx to 100.5 saga rocks4th Disciple of dark joins saga. Check out his logos they rock. Bedlam of acid
joins saga for his ansi talents. I didnt even know he did ansi, but it sure was
good. Make sure you check it out. Alright on to the other news.
3. Nootropic wins the saga gimp of the month award for breaking a record
in the length of a logo colly by a single artist. He also did alot of ansi rip
and vga so there was basically no contest sorry james:
4. Stu, please try and not get arrested before the 4th pack : if you do
at least get busted for pimping, not smuggling m80s :
a5. Check out cyberdata, hell get a yearly subscription and get a free sag
site : Its one of the best yet written by that hornball cybernary.
a6. Need a haircut? a crewcut, something that will make you look great in
disco? Give misfit a ring 717-hair-cut. He also belongs to the barber shop
quartet. He has many talents.
e7. lord 28 demands you to make ansis for jello insanity : Just do them h
wont stop buggen us till then :
ANYWAY. The only way to be affiliated with saga is by being a member. Then you
recieve a member board. NOTEHqs are for members only
9. A big thanks to halaster for giving us a little directory on his ftp msite. Check it out ftp to arpeggio.res.cmu.edu and its all self explanatory fro
10. Hi pawlie :
11. The saga application is finished, if you wanna apply run it and get it
to one of the seniors.
12. Thats all for me, im gonna cue over Argon now that total stud of an
artist see you guys next month.
Ellis Dee
13. Hey, Argon here, just woke up from real life hangover and decided to
kick back with the scene for a while longer : Not really into the ansi part of
it yet but well see how that goes : The scenes a lot better it seems and
im happy to be a part of it. I dont know what my status in Dark is or will
be yet partly because I lost contact with them basically. But I still lub the
group and hope they stay alive and well.. Anyway, my lit group is still kickin
ass and if anyone out there is interested, contact me to apply.. As far as Saga
is concerned, I am now Glob--err General Coordinator, the guy who generally
coordinates things. And proud of it. I will help the group out however I can,
whether it be with ansis/fonts Ellis cheers, helping recruit and maintain
member support, handling the collection of work, bringing Ellis and Grateful
Dead coffee, etc., basically helping the group out in general. duh!
Anyway, ill stop boring you with my meaningless chatter! Saga 95 :P
NEWS! - information file update for November 1995
1. Well its that time again, Saga explosion 3. Its here and hopefully you
will enjoy it. Now i know that we were predicted to be dead after 3 packs : butwe are still here alive and kicking. First off, Mrmuff, our net coordinator, hasgot epic net up and running. To acquire epic net you must either be a hq or havean active saga member as a sysop on your board. Also the member position has
beem removed. Ok well onto the news.
2. As of pack 3 we have begun to remove inactive members from the active
list. Now as you know this does not constitute you as being out of the group,
just inactive. To reverse this, just doodle, that simple : This month wyvern
enigmatic, and vyrus have been removed. Wake up guys doodle : Also sadly STC
and Ragnarok both left saga for acid. Good luck guys! Stc youre a bum : heh
3. Ok now to the good news we had a big score in gaining members this
month. Grateful Dead comes over from legend and his going to help lead the ansi
division. Argon who is helping me write this info file, joins up with saga this
month. You will be hearing from him in the nfo file shortly : Bigge Pif comes
over from grip, along with The Night Angel who comes over from dark. That whackyold schooler with the big lisp Cool T joins sagaHi SHHHHTEve :. Flipside who
was previously known as fear hops aboard. This guy can draw, good to have him
aboard. Chainsaw comes over from bleach. He gets better and better every time.
P-Chan formerly of acid productions returns from the dead. He is one of the
better artists in the scene right now in my opinion. Phoenix formerly of cia andonion settled down with us this month. Expect some juicy stuff from him soon.
The mysterious samurai kung fu ninja The pumpkin king joined saga this month.He
does all kind of art vga,rip, and ansi the whole ball of wax heh : That tiny
winy peperoni Raffaello boarded the saga chew chew this month. He does great
fonts in a style i have never seen, and it drives the girls wild. Rev formerly
known as cash, cashcropZ, , cashflow, mangore, mangoria, mangoria 747 joins
up this month.pause gasping for breath He has a good yet humurous enjoyable
style we have all grown to love. If you hear the cash train chuggen you get offthe tracksrev 95. Also he said that Musser, and Fuxer are copyrighted to
Rev Enterprises. Sharp edge that crazy wild kooki israeli phenom joins saga thismonth. Shroom a talented rip artist gives saga a mighty whirl. Sinister X, who
has one of the wackiest toony styles ever, comes over from acid. He is quite
enthusiastic which is always good. Splatt, another promising logo artist bought
round trip with saga internationalinternacional. Xanax after a long break
has decided to draw for saga. He has gotten way better so fear him. Rza the funkmastah of flyness or something like that flips his bewmbOx to 100.5 saga rocks4th Disciple of dark joins saga. Check out his logos they rock. Bedlam of acid
joins saga for his ansi talents. I didnt even know he did ansi, but it sure was
good. Make sure you check it out. Alright on to the other news.
3. Nootropic wins the saga gimp of the month award for breaking a record
in the length of a logo colly by a single artist. He also did alot of ansi rip
and vga so there was basically no contest sorry james:
4. Stu, please try and not get arrested before the 4th pack : if you do
at least get busted for pimping, not smuggling m80s :
a5. Check out cyberdata, hell get a yearly subscription and get a free sag
site : Its one of the best yet written by that hornball cybernary.
a6. Need a haircut? a crewcut, something that will make you look great in
disco? Give misfit a ring 717-hair-cut. He also belongs to the barber shop
quartet. He has many talents.
e7. lord 28 demands you to make ansis for jello insanity : Just do them h
wont stop buggen us till then :
ANYWAY. The only way to be affiliated with saga is by being a member. Then you
recieve a member board. NOTEHqs are for members only
9. A big thanks to halaster for giving us a little directory on his ftp msite. Check it out ftp to arpeggio.res.cmu.edu and its all self explanatory fro
10. Hi pawlie :
11. The saga application is finished, if you wanna apply run it and get it
to one of the seniors.
12. Thats all for me, im gonna cue over Argon now that total stud of an
artist see you guys next month.
Ellis Dee
13. Hey, Argon here, just woke up from real life hangover and decided to
kick back with the scene for a while longer : Not really into the ansi part of
it yet but well see how that goes : The scenes a lot better it seems and
im happy to be a part of it. I dont know what my status in Dark is or will
be yet partly because I lost contact with them basically. But I still lub the
group and hope they stay alive and well.. Anyway, my lit group is still kickin
ass and if anyone out there is interested, contact me to apply.. As far as Saga
is concerned, I am now Glob--err General Coordinator, the guy who generally
coordinates things. And proud of it. I will help the group out however I can,
whether it be with ansis/fonts Ellis cheers, helping recruit and maintain
member support, handling the collection of work, bringing Ellis and Grateful
Dead coffee, etc., basically helping the group out in general. duh!
Anyway, ill stop boring you with my meaningless chatter! Saga 95 :P
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