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tHE nEWZ for october
Howdy ho ladies and Gents, Ellis Dee here. Anways September, Sagas second
full month of existance has been anything but dull. We have gone through tons ofchanges, mostly for the better. Before i get in to who joined and such i should
say that sadly the other two founders of saga have sadly had to step down. Bet
is in his junior year of high school, and we all know juniors have it ruff so hehas stepped down and will stay on as alumniyes we have it already the man workshard :. Also school and football got Stone Amnesia as well, we miss you ian GOk enough of these tragic memories, on to the gushi stuff :
1. Ok to start we had a mass influx of members, like 20 : We wil start
with the death of Union after two glorius packs under the k0w that whacky crazy
kid 28 joined. We all know you like his fonts, 28 says DO ANSIS FOR JELLO :
Also comes apox a logo artists who well plain old rox, Black Lightning who has
drawn his best ansi ever for the pack, Cybernary who i found we worked so well
together we all decided Cybes deserved a senior posistion and he has lived up toit. Formic Acid, one of the great vga artists in the scene also came aboard and
well you tell me what you think of his vga for the pack.i thought it rocked :
The sysop of the Hack Shackwhen is it going up??? Kspiff joined and as you cansee his ansi rocks and we all know he can do rip as well : Magnus who has been
around a long time to the days of heat also came overif you dont know magnus
you dont know the scene heh : He is great should see some great stuff from him.Misfit, the mop hair stylist joins saga! Misfit is public relations and he givesa great haircut. He has helped me the most this month and recieves the saga gimpof the month award. Also check out the tainted meat ansi, it will make youre
heard stop! : Also one of our very dear friends and Union founder Nailz has
decided to join up, and Nailz is one of the better artists in the Ansi scene so
it should reallly be exciting to see what he draws up.
2. Also we had quite a bit of artists who joined out who werent from UnionImagine that?! Such as Faazy from virtue, i had not even heard of this guy
but he really struck me with alot of potential. Fozzle who i bumped into on
a phone call also joined up and his vga is dandy, so watchout. Also from warner
comes Iridescent who does neat logos, and swell pics dont bother him about
WARNER!. Another warner artist Kadaver who has enough talent to kill an 80
year old spinster hopped on the saga wagon.
Lord Scarlet of VOR, yes vor a group in 94 joins us. Nootropic formerly
Enthropy of dark decided saga was the write place for him and check out his
stuff, its original, and different : Nexus was discovered by Unsane my pal
Ryan and senior member : Nexus is up and coming and has alot of talent.
Parasite who we found in motion is incredible. He can hang with the restof them. Pysbrrape Another union guy yes ANOTHER : joins saga. He gets better
every ansi f3ar h1m : We also got Stone The Crow, Tetanus, and Turtle All
powerhouses in their own right. Unfortunetly Stcs stay is short but much
appreciated. youre welcome back any time mike, in fact im expecting you soonGVoiz that neat swell guy from integrity hopped aboard. He can draw check his
work see for yourself.The joint with Unsane rocks youre asshole dont deny it :Krylonz comes over from ice, his matrixx made me fall off the chair! Seize a
talented fontist also joins. Well thats the end of the artists, but there
are more new members! hahaahah
3. Saga added 3 new coders this month in Hooptie, everyones favorite coderyes dreadloc will be back soon! : Refugium, a good pal of Unsane joins the
group, and wil lbe helpin with the saga web page hopefully up soon : Last but
not least that crazy loco guy named Vitalhe really is funny : He is working ongiffy view, which will define the way a viewer should be :
4. Also joining saga this month was Aphelion, Enigmatiche set up sixpack :,
Kaneda, Reptile who is working currently on saga.irc. Sleepwalker who has been
around forever and is going to help out with communique. Good to have you aboardMikedawg : Vyrus Doodle BOY SLAVE NO MORE DONT ASK FOR CARDS OR CONFS. DOING
THIS WILL RESULT IN DEATH: joins the group and we just love the guy.
Epidemic, and Cidica join as saga phone patrol! dont fuck with these guys :
Milkshake, rejoins the scene and joins the saga TT Bouncer Division :
Superfly Former CIA senior staff joins saga as Director of operations to improvethe communication between all of our hundreds of aritists heh :
Welcome all new members to saga, we hope you enjoy youreself as we stomp on
all the other groups : If anyone takes offense to that last statement youre
speedO underwear is way way to TIGHT :
Ok, if you wish to join the saga ranks call Evil Intentions or any of
Neo nacHO coming hopefully middle october : and send us a zip of youre work.
We dont require you fill outa big useless app when we are just gonna look at theart. Also regarding distros, I have had over a million people asking for them.
Sorry if we think you deserve a distro we will come to you, we plan on having
very few sites.If you have any questions, or you are a dislexic foolwe feel
youre pain : find ellisdee or one of the other senior members on irc, and we
will be happy to explain.
Before i end the pack i would like to say alot of thanks to the memberswho helped to make pack 2 a great, and enjoyable experience. You guys know who
you are, but ill mention a few names. Betrayer, Cybernary, Kid Krylonz, Misfit
big thanks to you bud, without ya i would not have made it, stOney A, and
Dont forget guys to check out Cyberdata, its back.
Remember guys, Saga is like the itch that wont go away, and we plan to
be here quite a while, as opposed to what others say. In close i would like to
say Shiver 2? i think not.
Ellis Dee
Cybernary Ellis Dee Unsane
tHE nEWZ for october
Howdy ho ladies and Gents, Ellis Dee here. Anways September, Sagas second
full month of existance has been anything but dull. We have gone through tons ofchanges, mostly for the better. Before i get in to who joined and such i should
say that sadly the other two founders of saga have sadly had to step down. Bet
is in his junior year of high school, and we all know juniors have it ruff so hehas stepped down and will stay on as alumniyes we have it already the man workshard :. Also school and football got Stone Amnesia as well, we miss you ian GOk enough of these tragic memories, on to the gushi stuff :
1. Ok to start we had a mass influx of members, like 20 : We wil start
with the death of Union after two glorius packs under the k0w that whacky crazy
kid 28 joined. We all know you like his fonts, 28 says DO ANSIS FOR JELLO :
Also comes apox a logo artists who well plain old rox, Black Lightning who has
drawn his best ansi ever for the pack, Cybernary who i found we worked so well
together we all decided Cybes deserved a senior posistion and he has lived up toit. Formic Acid, one of the great vga artists in the scene also came aboard and
well you tell me what you think of his vga for the pack.i thought it rocked :
The sysop of the Hack Shackwhen is it going up??? Kspiff joined and as you cansee his ansi rocks and we all know he can do rip as well : Magnus who has been
around a long time to the days of heat also came overif you dont know magnus
you dont know the scene heh : He is great should see some great stuff from him.Misfit, the mop hair stylist joins saga! Misfit is public relations and he givesa great haircut. He has helped me the most this month and recieves the saga gimpof the month award. Also check out the tainted meat ansi, it will make youre
heard stop! : Also one of our very dear friends and Union founder Nailz has
decided to join up, and Nailz is one of the better artists in the Ansi scene so
it should reallly be exciting to see what he draws up.
2. Also we had quite a bit of artists who joined out who werent from UnionImagine that?! Such as Faazy from virtue, i had not even heard of this guy
but he really struck me with alot of potential. Fozzle who i bumped into on
a phone call also joined up and his vga is dandy, so watchout. Also from warner
comes Iridescent who does neat logos, and swell pics dont bother him about
WARNER!. Another warner artist Kadaver who has enough talent to kill an 80
year old spinster hopped on the saga wagon.
Lord Scarlet of VOR, yes vor a group in 94 joins us. Nootropic formerly
Enthropy of dark decided saga was the write place for him and check out his
stuff, its original, and different : Nexus was discovered by Unsane my pal
Ryan and senior member : Nexus is up and coming and has alot of talent.
Parasite who we found in motion is incredible. He can hang with the restof them. Pysbrrape Another union guy yes ANOTHER : joins saga. He gets better
every ansi f3ar h1m : We also got Stone The Crow, Tetanus, and Turtle All
powerhouses in their own right. Unfortunetly Stcs stay is short but much
appreciated. youre welcome back any time mike, in fact im expecting you soonGVoiz that neat swell guy from integrity hopped aboard. He can draw check his
work see for yourself.The joint with Unsane rocks youre asshole dont deny it :Krylonz comes over from ice, his matrixx made me fall off the chair! Seize a
talented fontist also joins. Well thats the end of the artists, but there
are more new members! hahaahah
3. Saga added 3 new coders this month in Hooptie, everyones favorite coderyes dreadloc will be back soon! : Refugium, a good pal of Unsane joins the
group, and wil lbe helpin with the saga web page hopefully up soon : Last but
not least that crazy loco guy named Vitalhe really is funny : He is working ongiffy view, which will define the way a viewer should be :
4. Also joining saga this month was Aphelion, Enigmatiche set up sixpack :,
Kaneda, Reptile who is working currently on saga.irc. Sleepwalker who has been
around forever and is going to help out with communique. Good to have you aboardMikedawg : Vyrus Doodle BOY SLAVE NO MORE DONT ASK FOR CARDS OR CONFS. DOING
THIS WILL RESULT IN DEATH: joins the group and we just love the guy.
Epidemic, and Cidica join as saga phone patrol! dont fuck with these guys :
Milkshake, rejoins the scene and joins the saga TT Bouncer Division :
Superfly Former CIA senior staff joins saga as Director of operations to improvethe communication between all of our hundreds of aritists heh :
Welcome all new members to saga, we hope you enjoy youreself as we stomp on
all the other groups : If anyone takes offense to that last statement youre
speedO underwear is way way to TIGHT :
Ok, if you wish to join the saga ranks call Evil Intentions or any of
Neo nacHO coming hopefully middle october : and send us a zip of youre work.
We dont require you fill outa big useless app when we are just gonna look at theart. Also regarding distros, I have had over a million people asking for them.
Sorry if we think you deserve a distro we will come to you, we plan on having
very few sites.If you have any questions, or you are a dislexic foolwe feel
youre pain : find ellisdee or one of the other senior members on irc, and we
will be happy to explain.
Before i end the pack i would like to say alot of thanks to the memberswho helped to make pack 2 a great, and enjoyable experience. You guys know who
you are, but ill mention a few names. Betrayer, Cybernary, Kid Krylonz, Misfit
big thanks to you bud, without ya i would not have made it, stOney A, and
Dont forget guys to check out Cyberdata, its back.
Remember guys, Saga is like the itch that wont go away, and we plan to
be here quite a while, as opposed to what others say. In close i would like to
say Shiver 2? i think not.
Ellis Dee
Cybernary Ellis Dee Unsane
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