this image contains text
c y b e r d a t a m o n t h l y . . .
Hello, and welcome to the newest edition of CyberData, you know
, that
almost monthly newsansifile put out by Cybernary in whatever group
he is in.
Well it has been awhile since it was released, but hey its back and
stuff. It
shall be released in the SAGA Studios packs put out by, what do you
know, SAGA
Studios wow.. that took brains to figure out. This month im goin
g to discuss
one of my all time favorite groups, surprise UNION! Another ch
ange this
month is the fact that the newsansifile is not all the ansid out
, well that
is because I just didnt freaking feel like it, its not an ansi, its
a newsansi-
file! Geez people, you expect too much from a loser like me.
Union - Past, Present, and NO Future
Union, well what most of you may not realize, and whihch im sor
t of mad dont know is that I am, for real, the cofounder of
Union. Hell about the only
person in the group who gave credit to me for being the cofounder o
f the group
was the other cofounder, NailZ! Its true, check out all the Union p
acks, every
pack put together by NailZ listed me as the cofounder, but anyone e
lse who put
it together neglected to list me as the cofounder. Can we say powe
r trip?
Union almost didnt start at all, Union started out as a merger
two groups, Image my group, and Void the group NailZ ran. But i
n the very
beginning of the merger talks, things broke down and the merger was
put on a
hold. A week later, we saw that was the best thing to do for both
groups, so
we eventually as you know did let the merger go through.
Right after this, however, I was backbilled about a quarter of
a butt
load of money no lie, had to leave the scene, and sell my life in
order to
pay back the I owed so i exaggerated a bit, but i did end up leavi
ng the scene
after that. So NailZ took over the reigns, and it was eventually
passed on to
Neurotic, then to Mass Delusion, Nivenh, back to Mass Delusion, and
then to its
The grooup was great ever since its creation, I had eventually
to the group in September of 94, about 8 months after I had left th
e scene. I
helped run the group and recruit a lot of members during the 0195
kick ass
drive that led to the groups down fall. In my opinion the groups
down fall,
was as you could tell, the massive build up of December-January 199
5 look at
the pack for this month, pure ass kickage. Sure we gained alot of
the next month the majority of them and alot of others quit the g
roup for
a reason I still dont know. This brought the group to its knees,
and forced
the person running it to quit also.
After this, Union was not the same. Sure it kept going, but it
and never will be the same Union, no matter how many times it is br
ought back.
Let it rest guys, its run is over, its time spent well, it kicked a
ss, it died
and now it is time to let evolution begin and let this be the end f
or good.
Cybernary in Saga?, WTF?!
Yes I have joined Saga, yes I am Saga Senior Staff, yes I am st
ill in
Flatline, Vinny-call me!
Yes I am in area code 804, I suck what can I say. W00h00! wow.
What groups have you been in?
1993-Image, founded it in August of 1993, merged into Void got
1994-Union, Eternity, Gothic, Nation, Relic, Union
1995-Union, Spastic, Union, Flatline, Saga.
What groups havent you been in?
The ones I have not joined, stupid question.
Did Rob force you to ressurect CyberData?
Yea, he slapped me around and called me fruity pants until I ag
reed to
bring it back, but hey, I dont mind... its fun, so why the hell no
t? BTW, I
was planning on bringing CyberData back as a mini-electronic magazi
ne, but hey
shit happens and I am extremely lazy like that.
Yea, this is the end for this month, I dont feel like saying m
uch more
so this is the end, well maybe not. There is one more thing, what
in the hell
is with all these one word bulletin boards nowandays? JeeZ can we
say freaking
fad and a half? I knew that you could... sMOKING!
this is the end, for real. im serious this time, fuck off..
cybernary - saga senior staff, email: cybrnary@genesys-bbs.com
greetings and salutations to..rOb..ali..stevethe stro..chrislD!
..and saga!
up yer ass!to..eerieu turned into a stupid fuck..widowmakeryer s
till a putz
c y b e r d a t a m o n t h l y . . .
Hello, and welcome to the newest edition of CyberData, you know
, that
almost monthly newsansifile put out by Cybernary in whatever group
he is in.
Well it has been awhile since it was released, but hey its back and
stuff. It
shall be released in the SAGA Studios packs put out by, what do you
know, SAGA
Studios wow.. that took brains to figure out. This month im goin
g to discuss
one of my all time favorite groups, surprise UNION! Another ch
ange this
month is the fact that the newsansifile is not all the ansid out
, well that
is because I just didnt freaking feel like it, its not an ansi, its
a newsansi-
file! Geez people, you expect too much from a loser like me.
Union - Past, Present, and NO Future
Union, well what most of you may not realize, and whihch im sor
t of mad dont know is that I am, for real, the cofounder of
Union. Hell about the only
person in the group who gave credit to me for being the cofounder o
f the group
was the other cofounder, NailZ! Its true, check out all the Union p
acks, every
pack put together by NailZ listed me as the cofounder, but anyone e
lse who put
it together neglected to list me as the cofounder. Can we say powe
r trip?
Union almost didnt start at all, Union started out as a merger
two groups, Image my group, and Void the group NailZ ran. But i
n the very
beginning of the merger talks, things broke down and the merger was
put on a
hold. A week later, we saw that was the best thing to do for both
groups, so
we eventually as you know did let the merger go through.
Right after this, however, I was backbilled about a quarter of
a butt
load of money no lie, had to leave the scene, and sell my life in
order to
pay back the I owed so i exaggerated a bit, but i did end up leavi
ng the scene
after that. So NailZ took over the reigns, and it was eventually
passed on to
Neurotic, then to Mass Delusion, Nivenh, back to Mass Delusion, and
then to its
The grooup was great ever since its creation, I had eventually
to the group in September of 94, about 8 months after I had left th
e scene. I
helped run the group and recruit a lot of members during the 0195
kick ass
drive that led to the groups down fall. In my opinion the groups
down fall,
was as you could tell, the massive build up of December-January 199
5 look at
the pack for this month, pure ass kickage. Sure we gained alot of
the next month the majority of them and alot of others quit the g
roup for
a reason I still dont know. This brought the group to its knees,
and forced
the person running it to quit also.
After this, Union was not the same. Sure it kept going, but it
and never will be the same Union, no matter how many times it is br
ought back.
Let it rest guys, its run is over, its time spent well, it kicked a
ss, it died
and now it is time to let evolution begin and let this be the end f
or good.
Cybernary in Saga?, WTF?!
Yes I have joined Saga, yes I am Saga Senior Staff, yes I am st
ill in
Flatline, Vinny-call me!
Yes I am in area code 804, I suck what can I say. W00h00! wow.
What groups have you been in?
1993-Image, founded it in August of 1993, merged into Void got
1994-Union, Eternity, Gothic, Nation, Relic, Union
1995-Union, Spastic, Union, Flatline, Saga.
What groups havent you been in?
The ones I have not joined, stupid question.
Did Rob force you to ressurect CyberData?
Yea, he slapped me around and called me fruity pants until I ag
reed to
bring it back, but hey, I dont mind... its fun, so why the hell no
t? BTW, I
was planning on bringing CyberData back as a mini-electronic magazi
ne, but hey
shit happens and I am extremely lazy like that.
Yea, this is the end for this month, I dont feel like saying m
uch more
so this is the end, well maybe not. There is one more thing, what
in the hell
is with all these one word bulletin boards nowandays? JeeZ can we
say freaking
fad and a half? I knew that you could... sMOKING!
this is the end, for real. im serious this time, fuck off..
cybernary - saga senior staff, email: cybrnary@genesys-bbs.com
greetings and salutations to..rOb..ali..stevethe stro..chrislD!
..and saga!
up yer ass!to..eerieu turned into a stupid fuck..widowmakeryer s
till a putz
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