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s a g a i n f o r ma t i o n 0995
Yo, sup all, this is Stone Amnesia,representing the saga premier
pack. Saga was basically put together over about 2 months, and we have come
perty far for the time we have been together. It all started with Rival
Seniormuhself and Shiver Seniorbetrayer talked. I mentioned something to
mikebetrayer about starting a new group. He was down with it, so we started
to get to werk. Next, Ellis Dee had a thing for me, so he wanted to do the
same. About a 1/2 a month after saga was started, we thought that Ellis Dee,
or better known as Rob, was killed in a flaming plane or something. He left
us for about 3 weeks with no werd. Never scare me like that again Rob: We
all do things pretty smoothly together, and have the same objectives, which
is to start a war with union.. j/k brian. We have aquired many good members,
as well as losing a couple, all over the time of not even having a pack, maybe
that was a problem. We were hesitent on giving out the Ansi Coord position,
mainly because we had just been hurt too many times after giving it to Splint,
him ditching us for Unions Operation Wood, and then trying to pawn it off to
Stone Chapel, which left us for Acid. Ah well, we have settled with a great
dood, which needs no introduction, but gets one anywayz, by the name of
Diehard, which isnt just a handle, but a life style. I think i am talking
too fuckin much, so i will get offa this horse, and pass the mic to mike.
Stoned Amnesia
Aight, Betrayer here, as if you guys give a shit.. Anyhow, Ian, better
known as Stone Amnesia, said pretty much how it all began. As of now, Saga is
looking better then I ever expected personally. At first, I figured we would
just be another fun and cool group. But after few weeks into the group, We somehow started getting a few kick ass artists. Frankly, Im hella impressed with
how Saga has developed and what we have done to put out such a awsome pack. Im
sorda glad Stoned Amnesia even approached me after the death of Shiver. I was
kinda bummed out, thinking which group was best for me or if there was any groupI could get in that would help the group and keep me interested. I was thinkingof dropping the whole scene itself, then Stone Amnesia asked me about this groupdeal, and I said, What the Fuck, lets do it .. Well, that might not be my
exact words on it, but you get the idea. Anyhow, for such a new group weve
gotten quite a bit of support. Either that, or alot of people kissing up to
get a distro. g Well, for those you doubted us, Id like to say, Told you,
Dont judge a group till you know jack shit about it. I figure this group to
now be a good group, not to be the best, but just to be a good overall and
respected group in the scene. Keeping the basics of having fun, and having a
good pack, that is what Saga is about in my opinion. Well, after starting Saga
with Stone Amnesia and Ellis Dee, Ive been able to meet two really cool guys
who actually know shit about the scene. Im glad weve managed to poll together
as a group, and make Saga work the way it is. To me, this is the best part of
the scene. Making new friends and getting to know other people while having
fun at it. If you wish to contact me for some unknown and weird reason you can
find me at Evil Intentions. 408251-6220. If you wish to apply to Saga, you
can upload your application from the Matrix. Dont even need to apply. Well,
sorry for the plug, I was tempted. p and thats it from me, I would of given
this to robEllis Dee, but his dammn computer blew...
greetz: Tguard,Stoney,Ellis,Ragy,Sabby,Abom,Deg,Ragz,and all of da saga krew!
Betrayer, awps - Evil Intentions
Yo, sup all, this is Stone Amnesia,representing the saga premier
pack. Saga was basically put together over about 2 months, and we have come
perty far for the time we have been together. It all started with Rival
Seniormuhself and Shiver Seniorbetrayer talked. I mentioned something to
mikebetrayer about starting a new group. He was down with it, so we started
to get to werk. Next, Ellis Dee had a thing for me, so he wanted to do the
same. About a 1/2 a month after saga was started, we thought that Ellis Dee,
or better known as Rob, was killed in a flaming plane or something. He left
us for about 3 weeks with no werd. Never scare me like that again Rob: We
all do things pretty smoothly together, and have the same objectives, which
is to start a war with union.. j/k brian. We have aquired many good members,
as well as losing a couple, all over the time of not even having a pack, maybe
that was a problem. We were hesitent on giving out the Ansi Coord position,
mainly because we had just been hurt too many times after giving it to Splint,
him ditching us for Unions Operation Wood, and then trying to pawn it off to
Stone Chapel, which left us for Acid. Ah well, we have settled with a great
dood, which needs no introduction, but gets one anywayz, by the name of
Diehard, which isnt just a handle, but a life style. I think i am talking
too fuckin much, so i will get offa this horse, and pass the mic to mike.
Stoned Amnesia
Aight, Betrayer here, as if you guys give a shit.. Anyhow, Ian, better
known as Stone Amnesia, said pretty much how it all began. As of now, Saga is
looking better then I ever expected personally. At first, I figured we would
just be another fun and cool group. But after few weeks into the group, We somehow started getting a few kick ass artists. Frankly, Im hella impressed with
how Saga has developed and what we have done to put out such a awsome pack. Im
sorda glad Stoned Amnesia even approached me after the death of Shiver. I was
kinda bummed out, thinking which group was best for me or if there was any groupI could get in that would help the group and keep me interested. I was thinkingof dropping the whole scene itself, then Stone Amnesia asked me about this groupdeal, and I said, What the Fuck, lets do it .. Well, that might not be my
exact words on it, but you get the idea. Anyhow, for such a new group weve
gotten quite a bit of support. Either that, or alot of people kissing up to
get a distro. g Well, for those you doubted us, Id like to say, Told you,
Dont judge a group till you know jack shit about it. I figure this group to
now be a good group, not to be the best, but just to be a good overall and
respected group in the scene. Keeping the basics of having fun, and having a
good pack, that is what Saga is about in my opinion. Well, after starting Saga
with Stone Amnesia and Ellis Dee, Ive been able to meet two really cool guys
who actually know shit about the scene. Im glad weve managed to poll together
as a group, and make Saga work the way it is. To me, this is the best part of
the scene. Making new friends and getting to know other people while having
fun at it. If you wish to contact me for some unknown and weird reason you can
find me at Evil Intentions. 408251-6220. If you wish to apply to Saga, you
can upload your application from the Matrix. Dont even need to apply. Well,
sorry for the plug, I was tempted. p and thats it from me, I would of given
this to robEllis Dee, but his dammn computer blew...
greetz: Tguard,Stoney,Ellis,Ragy,Sabby,Abom,Deg,Ragz,and all of da saga krew!
Betrayer, awps - Evil Intentions
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