this image contains text
, : . :: !!*m:,. : . .
:,..,..., ..,: .,m+ ...iillii :: .,,+,, :
m0d . :: :.*m@!@m+,...: li ::li,.. . : ,::li*,,,:
: ,:iilsssmmm,:: .,lii :ill. :....:::iiliiilil!!*m,
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mm, .,*iiiil::::::ll :,*!:iiil ii:l::::::::,. .
,m@ :iil:ii:l::::::.:.,mi*:liill ill:l::l: ,
, :i@n,li::::::i:*:,li:!.,m*!:. ilim,,*.,*!:,
*,..l,:!::.,m@@.:i ::lii::. ::iillii!**illi
.,m,@ixbnmi,:,:,ll. :lllil*!
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.:n:lli::,:il, ,liii::::. l*m,.*,*,....
..:nm,.::,m.@ ,ll::::::. @
..,ili@,,m@li,@l.,*: ***ll@
@!ll ,
...**:* .S..H A .R E ...A. N D ...E. N .J O..Y... . m,.-*
yay, so we release our first pack of goodies as we refounded the lores
division of SAE. the pack features ns and os ascii by me, os by xzip,
and ansi by dalton and eboy.
were happy to show you what weve been up to the last month, and its
been hard and somewhat frustrating, but yeh, its finally out and weve
all been doing our best to get it out in time, and suceeded.
now please go share and enjoy our pack. :
:: m0diumSAE
SHARE AND ENJOY ansi/ascii division are
leader : M0DiUM
artists : XZiP, DALTON, EBOY
we need more artists! if you think youre good enough to join, apply
by sending e-mail to m0dium@antisocial.com or contact m0dium at efnet.
tell us your profession ansi/ns/os, your current affiliations and
write a little about yourself.
greetings flies out to
@ : sae@shareandenjoy.org
i r c : SAE on efnet
w w w : http://shareandenjoy.org
:,..,..., ..,: .,m+ ...iillii :: .,,+,, :
m0d . :: :.*m@!@m+,...: li ::li,.. . : ,::li*,,,:
: ,:iilsssmmm,:: .,lii :ill. :....:::iiliiilil!!*m,
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mm, .,*iiiil::::::ll :,*!:iiil ii:l::::::::,. .
,m@ :iil:ii:l::::::.:.,mi*:liill ill:l::l: ,
, :i@n,li::::::i:*:,li:!.,m*!:. ilim,,*.,*!:,
*,..l,:!::.,m@@.:i ::lii::. ::iillii!**illi
.,m,@ixbnmi,:,:,ll. :lllil*!
...,l::., *.,m ,mN@@:.llil::::. i,:*:*,,,,.. :
i:l:i::m,: ,::ii:,llilil: liii::::, :ii :lii:::::::: ,
.:n:lli::,:il, ,liii::::. l*m,.*,*,....
..:nm,.::,m.@ ,ll::::::. @
..,ili@,,m@li,@l.,*: ***ll@
@!ll ,
...**:* .S..H A .R E ...A. N D ...E. N .J O..Y... . m,.-*
yay, so we release our first pack of goodies as we refounded the lores
division of SAE. the pack features ns and os ascii by me, os by xzip,
and ansi by dalton and eboy.
were happy to show you what weve been up to the last month, and its
been hard and somewhat frustrating, but yeh, its finally out and weve
all been doing our best to get it out in time, and suceeded.
now please go share and enjoy our pack. :
:: m0diumSAE
SHARE AND ENJOY ansi/ascii division are
leader : M0DiUM
artists : XZiP, DALTON, EBOY
we need more artists! if you think youre good enough to join, apply
by sending e-mail to m0dium@antisocial.com or contact m0dium at efnet.
tell us your profession ansi/ns/os, your current affiliations and
write a little about yourself.
greetings flies out to
@ : sae@shareandenjoy.org
i r c : SAE on efnet
w w w : http://shareandenjoy.org
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