this image contains text
, : . :: ,,gjkg,
, s h a r e a n d e n j o y
i. - il,*yy. ansi/ascii artcompilation
: l :m,.-*g.gi n u m b e r s e v e n
*******i, .*: /ig,. -:i
,gjkgmmmmm *- .ii/ : Allright people. You thought SAE
: /l : :i:/i: : ,/ was dead, huh? Well, i thought
.*yy,i: i,.::. ll so for a while. But, were not.
g,..,g.m,.*m,.*l Were back this month with
g* /ig,.*/ig,. another artpack for you. :
: : ::ii/ ,:ii/
,l/ In this months pack you can
/ll/g/l/ : find a pretty wide selection
/llil of artwork by our artists,
:: li :i: aswell as an ascii tutorial.
,i*: . iygi*:: . Be sure to check it out!
.. s h a r e : We also welcome noth1ng and
- . : . - tross to the team!
mmmmyjkg. . ,/g,,
- * . : - l *g, So, whats the situation in
. . *y*: ::g,.*:. SAE at the moment? Eboy is
- a nd , : ,..,g//,. g / showing off his skills, drawing
g,..,g.m,.*il/m,./l decent colorful ansis. cD
g* /ig,./*i/ is improving his style. And
: : ::i/ /i/ :i Flimbo does some requests
, ,ii/ and is improving his coloring,
/ll/g/l/ : while i try to draw and organize
/llil things in the group.
:: li :i:
,i*: : . iygi*:: . Also check www.thuglife.org for
. :: : . asciicompo packs. Several compos
.. : e n j o y : have been held on iRC EFNet in
,/g,, oscompo, so stop by and take a
: g, look, download stuff, etc.
,/g, *:.
l *g,, g // ,yjkgm Remember that SAE is always
::g,.* gg looking for new artists to
,. g //m,. i:g*i.*y* fill the ranks. Wanna be a part
m,.// /.m,. . ,* of the family? Fill out the
*i/:i/ / /i,./ form SAE007.APP, send it to
/ :i/ g, ::ii/ m0dium@hotmail.com, and we will
/,ii/ ,li/,l/ contact you as soon as possible.
/l/./ /ll
ilg/l Regards,
i:li :: mOdium SAE Ansi/Ascii
ygi*:: . ,i*: Team Leader
Were living in 1994
NFO Design/Layout: mOdium
Artist Roster:
Contact Information:
m0d mOdium leader NS/OS
eb Eboy senior BL/NS/OS W W W : www.shareandenjoy.org
cd cD member NS/OS EMAIL : m0dium@hotmail.com
fmb Flimbo member BL/OS i R C : members only
n0t noth1ng member BL/OS
trs tross member BL C SHARE AND ENJOY 1987-2001
, s h a r e a n d e n j o y
i. - il,*yy. ansi/ascii artcompilation
: l :m,.-*g.gi n u m b e r s e v e n
*******i, .*: /ig,. -:i
,gjkgmmmmm *- .ii/ : Allright people. You thought SAE
: /l : :i:/i: : ,/ was dead, huh? Well, i thought
.*yy,i: i,.::. ll so for a while. But, were not.
g,..,g.m,.*m,.*l Were back this month with
g* /ig,.*/ig,. another artpack for you. :
: : ::ii/ ,:ii/
,l/ In this months pack you can
/ll/g/l/ : find a pretty wide selection
/llil of artwork by our artists,
:: li :i: aswell as an ascii tutorial.
,i*: . iygi*:: . Be sure to check it out!
.. s h a r e : We also welcome noth1ng and
- . : . - tross to the team!
mmmmyjkg. . ,/g,,
- * . : - l *g, So, whats the situation in
. . *y*: ::g,.*:. SAE at the moment? Eboy is
- a nd , : ,..,g//,. g / showing off his skills, drawing
g,..,g.m,.*il/m,./l decent colorful ansis. cD
g* /ig,./*i/ is improving his style. And
: : ::i/ /i/ :i Flimbo does some requests
, ,ii/ and is improving his coloring,
/ll/g/l/ : while i try to draw and organize
/llil things in the group.
:: li :i:
,i*: : . iygi*:: . Also check www.thuglife.org for
. :: : . asciicompo packs. Several compos
.. : e n j o y : have been held on iRC EFNet in
,/g,, oscompo, so stop by and take a
: g, look, download stuff, etc.
,/g, *:.
l *g,, g // ,yjkgm Remember that SAE is always
::g,.* gg looking for new artists to
,. g //m,. i:g*i.*y* fill the ranks. Wanna be a part
m,.// /.m,. . ,* of the family? Fill out the
*i/:i/ / /i,./ form SAE007.APP, send it to
/ :i/ g, ::ii/ m0dium@hotmail.com, and we will
/,ii/ ,li/,l/ contact you as soon as possible.
/l/./ /ll
ilg/l Regards,
i:li :: mOdium SAE Ansi/Ascii
ygi*:: . ,i*: Team Leader
Were living in 1994
NFO Design/Layout: mOdium
Artist Roster:
Contact Information:
m0d mOdium leader NS/OS
eb Eboy senior BL/NS/OS W W W : www.shareandenjoy.org
cd cD member NS/OS EMAIL : m0dium@hotmail.com
fmb Flimbo member BL/OS i R C : members only
n0t noth1ng member BL/OS
trs tross member BL C SHARE AND ENJOY 1987-2001
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