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Welcome to Sadist 6 -
Ode to a Myrmidon
Hi from Sephiroth once again. This pack was built
during a couple of years lifespan. But we have
our own rules and deadlines. I wont release lesser
quality stuff just to make a deadline so..
This pack is dedicated to a friend. He was never on the memberslist of sadist, but he was a part of sadist more than many of the members have been..
R.I.P Myrmidon 1984-2006. Enjoy the valkyries our friend, Until we meet again.
This pack is abit different from our earlier releases. Weve once again gone around the rule to be 100 swedish
and accepted people from other nations aswell.
Fresh blood contains of: Enzo the papa smurf. Celebrating his arrival we put a pic for him in the pack enzo.jpg. Brazilian lineage.
Fever. American soldier on A.W.O.L atm. Hope well get to se
More stuff from this demon when he returns from hell.
Avg . Aussie wnderkid who didnt have time to submit much this month but we know what skills hes got and next pack it will be his turn.
BigYellowMan. Swedish superstar who has guest starred
and supported sadist since the beginning. It was time
he was on this list by now anyway. No need for more of
an introduction. We welcome you all into the sadist family : This pack were going to have a Competition aswell! Whoever can guess what it is displayed in competition.jpg the fastest will win 50 cash or 50 credit at any webshop.
Send your answers in query to me on efnet/sadist or mail to sadist@exet.nu... If your subs are too weak. you will be - Punished.
Thanks to everyone who helped put this pack together..
Its been great fun, I look forward to the next one.
This pack is going to be different in other ways to..
We dont release only lowrez anymore. But theres still a roof..
No photoshopish/3dstudio bullshit.
I accept pixl gfx. lowrez. bmp/paint. and pictures taken
with a camera if the picture is in the right spirit.
pics/scans/paitings and ink drawings are also okay.
I decided to do this to make the pack evolve
and become abit more interessting. anyway enjoy the pack!! :D -- - -- - -
//Sephiroth. 2007.
nfo by sephirothvargr
See ya next time.
Welcome to Sadist 6 -
Ode to a Myrmidon
Hi from Sephiroth once again. This pack was built
during a couple of years lifespan. But we have
our own rules and deadlines. I wont release lesser
quality stuff just to make a deadline so..
This pack is dedicated to a friend. He was never on the memberslist of sadist, but he was a part of sadist more than many of the members have been..
R.I.P Myrmidon 1984-2006. Enjoy the valkyries our friend, Until we meet again.
This pack is abit different from our earlier releases. Weve once again gone around the rule to be 100 swedish
and accepted people from other nations aswell.
Fresh blood contains of: Enzo the papa smurf. Celebrating his arrival we put a pic for him in the pack enzo.jpg. Brazilian lineage.
Fever. American soldier on A.W.O.L atm. Hope well get to se
More stuff from this demon when he returns from hell.
Avg . Aussie wnderkid who didnt have time to submit much this month but we know what skills hes got and next pack it will be his turn.
BigYellowMan. Swedish superstar who has guest starred
and supported sadist since the beginning. It was time
he was on this list by now anyway. No need for more of
an introduction. We welcome you all into the sadist family : This pack were going to have a Competition aswell! Whoever can guess what it is displayed in competition.jpg the fastest will win 50 cash or 50 credit at any webshop.
Send your answers in query to me on efnet/sadist or mail to sadist@exet.nu... If your subs are too weak. you will be - Punished.
Thanks to everyone who helped put this pack together..
Its been great fun, I look forward to the next one.
This pack is going to be different in other ways to..
We dont release only lowrez anymore. But theres still a roof..
No photoshopish/3dstudio bullshit.
I accept pixl gfx. lowrez. bmp/paint. and pictures taken
with a camera if the picture is in the right spirit.
pics/scans/paitings and ink drawings are also okay.
I decided to do this to make the pack evolve
and become abit more interessting. anyway enjoy the pack!! :D -- - -- - -
//Sephiroth. 2007.
nfo by sephirothvargr
See ya next time.
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